I, right now, am manually correcting a 1,296,984 line file.
I have been doing this all week, and I am going crazy.
I am depressed to find out that my map information, which I spent all three days working on, was completely unusable.
However, engineers who have always avoided human relationships and made a living only from this kind of "muddy work" do not know any other way to live.
Recently, I have been consulting with "chatGPT" almost 100% of the time.
I am getting help from chatGPT with a poor question.
- Golangで文字列を整数にするコード書いて
- Write code in Golang to turn strings into integers.
- Golangのコマンド引数のコードの書き方を教えて
- Tell me how to write code for command arguments in Golang.
- Golangでも文字列から"("と")"を取り除くコードを作って
- In Golang, create code to remove "(" and ")" from a string.
Such as,
『ふざけるな! その程度のこと、自分で調べろ!!』
'Don't be silly! You'll have to find out that much on your own!'
And now I am not afraid to talk to the generative AI about how I have been yelled at by my seniors and yelled at by my juniors.
ChatGPTは怖くない ~使い倒してラクをせよhttps://t.co/tCHAfKsu6r
? EE Times Japan編集部 (@eetimes_jp) May 15, 2023