For work and pleasure, I have several large numbers.
The general account is over 100 trillion yen; the particular account is four times that amount; total domestic electricity consumption is 100 billion KW/year; road accident fatalities are 5000/year; domestic suicides are 20 000/year, and much more.
Dividing this by 365 days is tedious, so if you divide it roughly in your head by 400 days, I will immediately see in my mind that 12 people are involved in road accidents every day, and 50 people commit suicide every day.
Recently, however, I have been surprised to come across figures I did not even know existed.
■孤独死 6万8千人/年
- 68,000 lonely deaths/year
I used to say that the time will come when we will measure local communities in units of ‘lone death “detection” rates’ rather than ‘lone death “incidence” rates.’
I wrote the column before; however, I was surprised by its much earlier-than-expected arrival.
【新着記事】Over the AI ―― AIの向こう側に(12):力任せの人工知能 ~ パソコンの中に作る、私だけの「ワンダーランド」 https://t.co/52EjcB1vfs pic.twitter.com/ZZulFnfv3O
— EE Times Japan編集部 (@eetimes_jp) June 30, 2017
- Electricity demand ‘reversal’ estimates
Ten years ago, I hypothesized that ‘Japan's electricity consumption strongly correlated with Japan's population 16 years ago’.
“電力大余剰時代”は来るのか(前編) ~人口予測を基に考える~
⇒http://t.co/DuTys0Gyp2 http://t.co/kQBXhnWByL— EE Times Japan編集部 (@eetimes_jp) August 29, 2014
I was going to verify this properly with figures, but I know this trend was ‘qualitatively right.’
However, a few days ago, the Government announced the possibility of a reversal of this forecast.
The reason is ‘increased power consumption in data centers’ due to the ‘use of generated AI such as ChatGPT.’
Here is a quote from the news.
(出展: https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20240515/k10014449481000.html)
私は、生成AIによる電力量について、詳細な計算をしていませんが ―― 『直感的に、十分にこれはありえる数値』と思っています。
I haven't done detailed calculations on the amount of power generated by the generative AI - ‘intuitively, I think this is a figure well within the realm of possibility.’
I destroyed one of my PCs last week after about 10 hours of repeated simulations.
I presume that the cause is thermal runaway and HDD overload.
When we simulated with around 20,000 agents, there was a strange noise from the PC that we had never heard before.
‘I can tell from the sound and temperature that the PC suffers considerably.’
The computational complexity of generative AI is not comparable to this simulation calculation.
It is difficult to explain,
(1) ChatGPT requires tens of thousands of times more calculations than Excel to give you one answer.
(2) ChatGPT requires hundreds of millions to trillions of times more computational power than Excel to learn a single event.
I don't think we are far off the mark in understanding that this is the case.
Well, this assumption is based on my experience building very small-scale learning algorithms.
In any case,
―― 生成AIの登場が、これまでの私の仮説を、次から次へとひっくり返しに来ているなぁ
"The emergence of generative AI is turning my previous hypotheses upside down, one after the other."
I realize the above.
However, my retirement predictions remain as ‘dark’ and ‘gloomy’ as ever.