The Ebata family motto
1. 人の意見は、聞いてもいいが、聞かなくてもいい。
1. we may or may not listen to people's views.
2. 水場より高い場所に居所を構える
2. we take up our abode above the water
ただ、他の場所と比較して、「相当に悲惨な苦痛」と「耐え難い苦難」と「非人道的な死」の可能性が、相当に高い場所に立っているんだ ――
3. マラソン大会と運動会は、仮病で休んでもいい
3. We are allowed to miss marathons and sports days on a temporary sick day
In fact, as a parent of a daughter, I had informed the school of her temporary sickness.
When I told my family about it, they said, 'The family motto is too shabby.'