


I am aware that the way I do my job is poor.

そのヘタクソの一つには、―― 自分の仕事を褒めてくらたり、誰かが喜んでくれたり、「助かった」とか言ってくれると、自分で決めたノルマを越えて頑張ってしまうことがあります(で、体と心のいずれか、または両方を壊す、と)

One of the things that makes me poor at this is that - if I get praised for my work, or if someone is happy with me or says that I helped them, I may work harder than my self-imposed quota (and break either or both my body and mind)


Well, in short, I am naive.


So, if you want to use me to my full potential and beyond, the way to do it is simple.


It is simply a matter of 'keep me feeling good.'



However, I think many naive people like me are in the world.


I am equally skilled in moving naive people because I understand my naivety.


Serious praise, solemn joy, and verbal 'thank you for helping me.'


The important part is 'seriously'. If you don't mean it, you shouldn't say it. For some reason, followers who are not 'serious' will be found out.

なんで、それがバレると分かるのか ―― チョロイ私(江端)は、チョロイがゆえに、「本気」と「追従」を簡単に見分ける能力もあるからです。

How do they know when it's exposed? I (Ebata) am naive and can easily distinguish between 'serious' and 'follow-up' because of my naivety.


Well, some people may not have the ability to identify them.

そういう人は、騙されやすいと思います ―― 宗教とか、詐欺とか、マインドコントロールとか。

I think people like that are gullible - to religion, fraud, and mind control.


『相互にもっと褒めあえば、社会はより安定して発展していくのに』 ―― と、長い間、私は思っていたのですが、先日、上司から紹介された本を読んで、かなり驚きました。

'If we praised each other more, society would be more stable and developed' - for a long time, I thought, but I was pretty surprised the other day when I read a book introduced to me by my boss.


Here, without 'praise/no praise,' but in the paradigm of 'high context/low context,' but, well, to sum it up in a nutshell.

―― 私たちは、互いに異星人

"We are aliens to each other."



'Japanese means of mutual understanding do not work in the world. Common sense in one's own country is valid only in one's own country. They do not apply to people in other countries, and the effort is futile.'


This book made me clear about the above.


This book has made me realise that all the times I have been 'angry' in my work with foreigners have been a complete waste of time, and that 'I have wasted a huge amount of time, in anger'.



Just as citizens of different nations cannot understand each other, we as individuals can 'try' to understand each other, but we cannot reach mutual understanding.


We are all individuals, no matter how far we go, and although we can strive to transcend our individuality, we cannot escape being individuals.


And, well, if you can open up that much, you will feel better.

江端さんのひとりごと 「壁」


この本を、これからの社会人生活で、毎日、腹を立てながら行きていくことなるであろう次女に紹介しようかと思ったのですが ―― 止めておくことにしました。

I thought about introducing this book to my second daughter, who will be going through her working life angry every day - but I decided not to.


I thought that only after I had spent a series of "days of rage," failing with others, working with foreigners, and failing, as I did, would I be able to understand what the book was talking about.


So, I don't think I "should have read this book earlier."


I have continued to fail spectacularly in the work of several multinational teams.


The book moves me because it is now that I can look back on my past.
