


I am an 'engineer unloved by money,' so my current concern is a life that can guarantee QoL up to death.


Well, I think it's a poor ambition of mine.


But even if I could get 100 or 200 million yen, I don't have anything else I want to do.


Of course, a stable retirement is attractive, but I am still convinced that I will never be able to enjoy a 'comfortable retirement.'


That much is evident from the first page of this column.


I can only imagine that some software company will probably employ me after I retire, or if I can no longer do that, I can only imagine an old age of just writing columns and essays.


At the moment, I don't really feel "death," and I can't really be scared of it, but I'm more scared to death of the day when I won't be able to type on a keyboard anymore, which is sure to come.


Aside from that.



However, if this "100 or 200 million yen" becomes "10 or 20 billion yen", it is a different story.


With this amount of money, my ambition will start.

(1) 映画「さよならジュピター」のリメイク

(1) Remake of the film Byebye Jupiter.

(2) 自宅の空き部屋への「量子コンピュータ」の設置

(2) Installation of a 'quantum computer' in a spare room in my home


These are the two options.


Concerning (1) above, I can see the money talking all over the production site and the film failing at the box office.


But that's OK.


I will spend 10 billion to make the Byebye Jupiter I want to see.


てなことを考えていたら ―― 庶民が、庶民の持ちうる金額で実現できる野望としては、『都議会選挙に立候補して、供託金300万円を没収される』というのは、費用対効果の観点からは悪くないのだろう、と思います。

I was thinking - as an ambition that ordinary people can realize with the amount of money they have, 'run for election to the Metropolitan Assembly and have the deposit of 3 million yen confiscated' is probably not a bad idea from a cost-effective point of view.


When I asked ChatGPT, 'In the Tokyo gubernatorial election, please make a Fermi estimate of how much the public expenditure (excluding private expenditure) on the election would increase if there were one more candidate,' they roughly estimated it to be 7 million yen.


It was cheaper than I thought, but 7 million yen—3 million yen = 4 million yen worth of our blood tax. So, if 40 of them used this election only for self-promotional purposes, the total amount of money they took from us, the citizens of Tokyo, is 160 million yen.


We can see that this amount is the sunk cost of a democratic electoral system.


Alternatively, we can try the lawsuit (unjust enrichment (Article 703 of the Civil Code)) against those who ran for office for self-promotion to return the 4 million yen to the metropolitan government.

ただ、それをやると、立候補者に対する圧力になり、立候補を萎縮する人が出てきたら、エラいことです。ですから、実際には、こんな訴訟を起こすことはできません ―― それゆえ、選挙制度を悪用した今回の事件に、私は腹を立てているのです。

But if we do that, if you put pressure on candidates and if people are discouraged from running for office, that's a terrible thing. So, in practice, we can't bring a case like this - that's why I'm so angry at this abuse of the electoral system.



If anyone wants to donate 10 billion yen to me, please get in touch with me.


I will run out, just for me.
