Today, in the world terrorism by "Crazy Muslim fundamentalists" (Neither Islamic fundamentalists nor Muslims) is making noise around the world,
かつて、それに匹敵するような ―― 場合によっては、それすらも超えるような
Once that was equal to them, In some cases, it seems to exceed
The international terrorist organizations of Japan (Japan) have been feared by people all over the world.
It was a terrorist group "Japan Red Army".
- Dubai Nikko Machine Hijacking case
- Singapore case
- Embassy occupied case in Kuwait in Japan
- Hague case
- Kuala Lumpur case
- Jakarta case
-Mitsui & Co. Manila Branch Chief Kidnapping case
They had been raising cases involving indiscriminate murders in rapid succession all over the world.
Well, if it was just one or two times, as long as they were carrying out terrorism all the year round,
From the people of the world, it could not be helped that
"Are Japanese people like that terrorists?"
It was inevitable.
In this way, there was a time when Japanese people were regarded as subjects of terror from the world (true).
(To be continued)