When I joined the company, I firmly believed I would continue researching population intelligence (fuzzy reasoning).
My first job was developing a microwave oven using fuzzy reasoning, but many jobs have come since then.
「サンマとサバ」をファジィ推論で見分けよ! 史上最大のミッションに挑む→http://t.co/FT5XkaF5
「英語に愛されないエンジニア」のための新行動論 【番外編】
“ファジィ”と付ければ家電が売れた時代。電子レンジの開発に携わる筆者に突き付けられた課題がこれだった。— EE Times Japan編集部 (@eetimes_jp) November 26, 2012
As I worked on various tasks, my commitment to fuzzy reasoning became smaller and smaller and more distant.
The boom in fuzzy reasoning has also settled down in some cases.
I realized that what I have to work on and the trends in the world are constantly moving, and my commitment changes accordingly.
Last night, my daughter (my second daughter), who is job hunting, asked me whether she should prioritize 'money' or 'interest' when it comes to job hunting,
I said that.
自分の信念や思いは、時間や環境で簡単に変わっていきます ―― まあ、少なくとも私は、そういう人間だったようです。
One's beliefs and thoughts can easily change with time and environment. Well, at least I seem to have been that kind of person.