
私、「体臭」については、これまで色々論じてきたのですが、仮説ですら解決法を思いついていません ―― それくらい、この問題は難しい。


I have had many “hiccups” in my life, but I experienced the first “cramp this morning.”


During my summer vacation, I was out of the house for less than 10 minutes, coding almost 24 hours a day in an air-conditioned room (temperature set at 29 or 30 degrees Celsius).

そういう運動不足を見込んで、踏み台昇降用のバスチェアを購入して、一日30分の踏み台運動に、懸垂、腹筋を続けていたのですが ―― なんか、これが逆にオーバーロード(過負荷)になっていたような気がします。

In anticipation of this lack of exercise, I bought a stepladder bath chair. I continued to do 30 minutes of stepladder exercises, pull-ups, and sit-ups a day -- but I think this was conversely overloading my body.



Also, air-conditioning might have been a problem. Even if the temperature was set at 30 degrees Celsius, I don't think keeping the body cool was a good idea.



By the way, I read in the news that someone who posted on a social networking site about “male body odor” during the summer vacation was terminated from his contract with the firm.

私、「体臭」については、これまで色々論じてきたのですが、仮説ですら解決法を思いついていません ―― それくらい、この問題は難しい。

I have discussed body odor a lot, but I have not come up with a hypothetical solution- that's how complex this problem is.

夏になれば、仕方がないことですが、―― 男性の体臭が凄い。

―― 全身に、「米酢」をぶちまけたのか ?


■ 在席中に、平気で放屁する人がいて、その臭いが物凄くて嘔吐しそうになる


「こむら返り」は、まあ自分自身の問題としても 、「体臭」「加齢臭」は、自分では制御できません。

While “cramps” may be my problem, I cannot control “body odor” and “age-related odor” by myself.


Of course, I must do my utmost to avoid these problems.

しかし、その努力を評価されることなく、それどころか、非難され続ける ―― そういう、

However, no one appreciates any of my efforts and continues to criticize my “body odor” and “aging.”


The next stage of my life has already begun (in the style of “Hibike Euphonium”).
