私、入社直後、研究所で「テニス部の部長」をやっていたことがあります ―― 正確には「やらされた」です。
I was once the “head of the tennis club” at the institute right after I joined the company -- or more accurately, I was “made” to do so.
Incidentally, when I took office, I had only one year of tennis experience and could only manage a maximum of five poor rallies back and forth on the tennis court on a single weekend day.
I have forgotten the circumstances and background, but in retrospect, they were hoping for my “ability to communicate.”
Recruitment of new club members
As a result, they evaluated me as having 'achieved a good amount of success there.
What I am trying to say is,
Even if he/she is a politician who is “capable of making up to five round trips to a poor tennis rally” (I will refrain from telling you who I am talking about and what I am talking about),
―― 一度、我が国の舵取りをやらせてみるのもありなのかな?
"I am wondering if it is possible to let him/her take the helm of our country for once."
I am thinking that it might be a good idea.
If the party has effectively lost the public's trust, it might be a good idea to take a shot at an upset here.
Well, there is a saying that “position makes the person.
If the position and responsibilities of the Prime Minister can encourage a person to grow and change, this is a “win-win” situation.
あの政党が、この賭けに出られるかどうか ―― これもまた「見物(みもの)」です。
Whether that party will be able to take this gamble or not -- this is also something to “watch”.
At least, to me, it is more exciting than the success of Japanese players who continue to achieve greatness in the big leagues.