I was talking to my daughter (my eldest daughter) the other day, and I told her that I was scared of being asked by my boss, “Can't you do it? (But I couldn't find my page after searching for over 10 minutes, so I will write it down, even though it's a hassle).
■The eldest daughter's argument
"When my boss says, “Can't you do it?”, I feel like I'm being scolded, blamed, and scared."
■My Argument
“Can't you do it?” is just a work-related confirmation. If you don't check whether it's because the period is too short or because of the person's abilities, you won't be able to manage the progress of the work. In most cases, there is no intention to reprimand the person or their abilities."
Me: “However, it's only been recently (in the last 10 years or so) that we've come to understand this. When I was younger, I thought I would have been terrified if my boss had asked me, 'Can't you do it?
Eldest daughter: “I've never thought about it like that (doing a confirmation check), and I don't have the mental space to think about it like that.”
Her point is valid.
But don't worry. Even I, who am about to retire, still find my superiors and managers scary, regardless of age.
Now, including the company executives, all my superiors are younger than me.
It's scary when people say, “Mr. Ebata, can you do this? I'm terrified.
At this age,
『江端さん。長いこと、この仕事やってきたんでしょう? アンタ一体、その歳になるまで何やってきたんですか?』
I hear a voice saying, “Mr. Ebata, you've been doing this job for a long time, haven't you? What on earth have you been doing until you reached that age?”
Of course, I know that this is paranoia. I also understand that my younger boss is being careful with me but is still checking on the progress of the work.
I think (I want to believe) they also understand that I don't cut corners at work.
Even so, I'm still scared of scary things.
Right now, I'm most afraid of silence.
Here's what the process looks like.
私が説明する → 30秒間くらい応答がない → その後、上長から疑問点を指摘される
I explain → there is no response for about 30 seconds → then my superior points out the questions
This process makes me feel like I'm 'receiving the biggest scolding.'
しかし、これは『私の主張を、時間をかけて、しっかり理解しようとしている』というプロセスかもしれませんが(たぶんそうだろうと信じている) ――
However, this may be a process where the superior is 'trying to understand my point of view, taking the time to do so' (I believe that is probably the case).
Even so, I'm still scared of scary things.
I would like to summarize today's diary using the following phrase.
―― 安心して下さい。定年間際の私でも『年齢に関係なく、上長/上司は怖い』です。
Don't worry. Even I, who am about to retire, still find my superiors scary, regardless of age.