
―― 数理モデル + シミュレーション でのノーベル"物理学"賞が来たーーーー!!


The awarding of the Nobel Prize in Physics to Dr. Yoshiro Manabe came as a bit of a shock to me.

―― 数理モデル + シミュレーション でのノーベル"物理学"賞が来たーーーー!!

"The Nobel Prize in Physics for mathematical modeling and simulation is here!"


『ふっ、ようやく、私の時代が来たか・・・』 と、しみじみと感にいっています。

"Finally, my time has come..."。I'm really impressed.


Well, I might be wrong about two things.

1つ目は、"数理モデル + シミュレーション"のよる"ノーベル賞"は、過去にあったかもしれません。私の無知を笑って頂いた上で、ご教示頂けましたら幸いです。

The first is that there may have been a "Nobel Prize" in the past for "mathematical modeling + simulation". I hope you will laugh at my ignorance and let me know.


The second point is, "The mathematical model that Ebata has been working on is this story about 'overtime work' and 'dieting'? You may be taken aback.


Aside from that.



My own understanding of the significance of Dr. Yoshiro Manabe's Nobel Prize in Physics is as follows.


A complete analysis of global warming is logically possible if you have a computer that can perform infinite calculations at very high speed.


It's called Laplace's Demon.


Global warming does not need to be considered at the level of quantum mechanics, so it is not impossible to achieve Laplace's Demon by force.


However, if we were to do this seriously, it would take a supercomputer 100 years to complete the analysis of atmospheric changes in 1 second (this 100 years could be 1 million years or 10 billion years).


Therefore, in order to perform realistic calculations on a computer, "modeling" is inevitably necessary.


For example, if the modeling can be this simple, it can be calculated in Excel.


However, this modeling is 'deadly difficult'.


First of all, the modeling must not be inconsistent logically (or mathematically) , and it must not deviate from real world phenomena.


And the object is the Earth, the largest object in the world.


So, the significance of this "modeling" is huge for humanity.


Without Dr. Manabe's model, the IPCC would not have moved even a millimeter.


これまで、ノーベル物理学賞といえば、大型ハドロン衝突型加速器のような粒子加速器とか、青色発光ダイオードとか、スーパーカミオカンデによる宇宙ニュートリノの検出、のような ――

Up until now, the Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded for particle accelerators such as the Large Hadron Collider, blue light-emitting diodes, the detection of cosmic neutrinos by the Super-Kamiokande, and so on.


My image was "they need a big piece of hardware".

ですから、「モデル化 + シミュレーション」での受賞というのが、我が事のように嬉しいのです。

Therefore, I am very happy to receive the award for "Modeling + Simulation" as if it were my own.



I am, however, an engineer who "tried and failed to model the IPCC on my home PC.


The above story is about "Ebata who thinks he knows what he's talking about. I will ask that you please take these into consideration.
