


I've been spending my weekends locked up in my room, coding and writing, but after two years, I'm about to feel a little suffocated.


The dampers that adjust the height of the chair were starting to lose their effectiveness, so I drilled holes in the metal of the chair's support and screwed in wooden screws to fix the height.


Also, one of the handrails had come loose, so I removed it.


I've been using this chair for over 20 years, so I think it's okay to get rid of it, but I'm still using it after repairing (or modifying) it.


I can get cheap desk chairs from Amazon, so I do not need to keep using them if I don't want to. However, what I find troublesome is the “disposal procedure” and “compatibility issues.”


Although this chair is falling apart, it doesn't make me feel like I have a physical problem (I don't have any back pain, etc.).


In that sense, I have a long history of trust and achievement.


It also takes time to get used to a new chair.


In a word, it's a hassle.



Some people would praise this as an expression of the “spirit of not wanting to waste things,” but I don't believe that continuing to use old things is necessarily a good thing.


All goods have a limited lifespan, and it is clear that buying new goods improves our lives and changes our values. Continuing to use old things after fixing them is a form of mental stagnation.

実際、こういう新しいモノややり方への拘泥(こだわり)が、他の人に迷惑をかけていることも良く分かっています ―― 例えば、町内会とか、PTAとか、お役所の手続きなども、そうです。

I'm aware that my obsession with new ideas and ways of doing things can cause trouble for others, such as in neighborhood associations, the PTA, and government procedures.


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We need to try to keep up with new things and trends.


You can't use your age, lack of skill, or unfamiliarity as an excuse. Seniors have to work hard, too.

まあ、それでも、個人の責任の範囲に留まることであるなら、「面倒」を回避することを優先してもいいだろう、とは思うんですよ ―― まあ、「自分の椅子」くらいなら。

Even so, if it falls within the scope of personal responsibility, I think it's okay to prioritize avoiding “trouble”—at least “my chair.”

という訳で、「未来の子供の為に」という言葉を乱用する奴 ―― 例えば、カルト宗教の教祖、国会の質問をする野党議員、町内会のジジイなど ―― を見ていると、私は、非常に不愉快な気分になるんです。
