


Looking at the events of the Korean martial law and the policies of the current US president, I am once again realizing that “the presidential system is a form of dictatorship.”

ナチスドイツが、合法的な手段(国政選挙)によって権力を奪取して、合法的な法律を制定し、合法的に特定民族の迫害(殺害を含む)を行ってきたこと ―― これらの全ては、(人道や倫理の問題を棚上げにすれば)民主主義の手続が"正しく"実施された結果です。

The fact that Nazi Germany seized power through legal means (national elections), enacted legal laws, and legally persecuted (including killing) a specific ethnic group - all of these are the result of “proper” implementation of democratic procedures (if we set aside issues of humanity and ethics).


# This is mentioned in volume 12 of “Hami-Dashi-Kko.”

―― 江端家のトイレライブラリの書架にある「はみだしっ子」が、娘たちに貸出された形跡がない


Countries that advocate democracy (well, all countries in the world say they do) are supported mainly by constitutionalism/legislative democracy.


However, the law's primary purpose is to provide national interests and a sense of fairness for the people, not justice or humanity (although it may appear that way).


So, no matter what kind of presidential order the US president issues, as long as the US citizens have legally chosen them through the established electoral system, at least the US citizens cannot complain.


Other countries can complain, but that's all they can do. They can't stop the president of another country from issuing an order.


The only way to do this is to declare war and go to war through procedures based on international law, but I don't think there is a country that would have the courage to pick a fight with the world's strongest Gian (United States of America).

いや、あるはあるんですが ―― 自国の安全保障を無視する国や組織ならやります。

I would do some things, but I would only do them if the country or organization in question ignored its own national security.


(Jump to the column)



Looking at the current president, it seems (and it is the case) that he aims to restore the “Pax Americana” of the 1940s.


This is a grand social experiment. Furthermore, our country cannot remain an outsider and will be made a test subject.


If American restorationism is successful, there is a high possibility that Japan will follow suit.


Same-sex marriage will be the first thing to be blown away. The same will probably be true for LGBT and different family names for married couples.


There is a possibility that the world line where power harassment, sexual harassment, and smoking are tolerated to a certain extent may reappear.



It would be easier for those running the country if there were only a handful of values (conservative, liberal, and somewhere in between) rather than a diverse range of values.


New values require considerable trial and error before they become established in society, so people probably feel that old values are “easier.”

私、世界というのは、新しい価値観を求めて、トライアンドエラーを繰替えす面倒くさいシステムだと思っていましたけど ――

I used to think that the world was a complicated system that required a lot of trial and error to pursue new values, but...


The “dictatorship of retrospection” was a complete blind spot for me.


Furthermore, it's completely unexpected that this would start in a country that advocates a “land of freedom.”

まあ、これも私の予見力のなさの結果だとは思いますが ―― まあ、多くの人も同じようなものだろうな、と思っています。

This is also the result of my lack of foresight, but I think many people are the same.



So, how do I see this situation? I'm just an observer.


I am only concerned about three things: (1) my health, (2) my pension, and (3) a painless death. I hope I won't have to worry about war or disaster before the (3) coming.


However, those who suffer from this retrospection will have to fight. I think it will be a tough fight.



I will continue to cheer you on from the shadows.
