Web画面に『ここにボタンを一つ追加して』というセリフを言う平気で言う人間 ―― これだけで、その人間のプログラムやシステムに関する見識の無さが露呈しています。
A person who says, “Add a button here,” on a web page without batting an eyelid, reveals the person's lack of insight into programming and systems.
I don't blame people like this, but I think many people are unaware that
This additional button is
■ in addition to adding user interface (UI) elements,
■ making major changes to program code,
■ and having that affect database items,
■ in the worst case, it can extend to transactions and exclusive processing,
膨大な設計変更に及ぶ ―― ということを知らない人は多いと思います。
leading to a huge amount of design changes.
Perhaps the people who say “Add a button here” so quickly are the same people who say “Oh, and add tempura and raw egg” when eating at a standing-only soba noodle bar.
However, in IT systems, it is not that unusual for a request like “add a button here” to be a primary task on the scale of “re-designing the entire store” for that soba shop
Therefore, 'specification changes after development has started' are not permitted in principle.
しかし、そういうことを平気でやる発注者って、結構多いです ―― 金も出さずに、納期も変えずに。
However, quite a few clients do this without a second thought - without paying or changing the delivery date.
However, it is essential to remember that the system developer in charge is probably thinking
―― このシステム音痴の無能野郎!
"“You incompetent system-illiterate bastard!”"
in their heart.
受注側は、お金を貰う弱みがあり、最終的に、それに応じることにはなります(または、裁判になります)が ―― しかし、そこには『開発者が、発注者に対して"憎悪"が発生している』ということは覚えておいた方がいいです。
The weakness is that the recipient will be paid, and ultimately there is no choice but to obey (or take it to court), but what must not be forgotten is that the recipient is “hated” by the developer.
There is no significance to programming education as part of compulsory education; it is not so much that people should be able to program, but I think the number of “system-illiterate incompetents” should be reduced.
I was also working on program modifications last night.
My estimate was for 10 minutes, but it took 6 hours to complete the repairs. I confirmed that it was working as planned this morning.
Even with my program, it's like this.
If you think of IT systems as being like toppings on fast food, then that's not just ignorance; it's a social evil.