I particularly like the TRIPs (Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights) among international treaties related to intellectual property, and I remember having written about its preamble before.
While watching the recent abuse of the term “reciprocal tariffs” by the US president, I vaguely remembered that
―― たしか、Tripsに『最恵国待遇』っていうのがあったよなぁ
"there was something called “most-favored-nation treatment” in the Trips."
Trips is an international treaty related to intellectual property, but the 'most favored nation' treatment for trade was, I believe, stipulated in GATT (now the WTO).
GATT 第1条(最恵国待遇)
GATT Article I: General Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment
1. Concerning customs duties and charges of any kind imposed on or in connection with importation or exportation or imposed on the international transfer of payments for imports or exports, and concerning the method of levying such duties and charges, and concerning all rules and formalities in connection with importation and exportation, and concerning all matters referred to in paragraphs 2 and 4 of Article III,
any advantage, favour, privilege or immunity granted by any contracting party to any product originating in or destined for any other country shall be accorded immediately and unconditionally to the like product originating in or destined for the territories of all other contracting parties.
The principle of most-favored-nation treatment applies the trade preferences granted to a particular country equally to all WTO member countries. In other words, it is a very generous rule that says, “the tax rate of the country with the lowest tax rate must also be applied to other WTO member countries.”
For example, if the United States reduces tariffs on steel imports from Japan, it must apply the same tariff rates to other WTO member countries based on the most-favored-nation treatment.
This was created as a reflection on World War II.
(Jump to the column)
The “most favored nation” rule is based on “preventing any country from creating a block economy and stopping the outbreak of war.”
The World Trade Center (WTC) in New York was built to symbolize world peace and economic growth through trade (rebuilt after 9/11).
In that sense, the United States was also heavily involved in the GATT's “most favored nation” rule.
Needless to say, the “reciprocal tariffs” referred to by the US President violate Article 1 of the GATT, and if they are not corrected, WTO member countries can impose sanctions.
However, in actual practice, political and diplomatic factors are involved, and it is not always the case that problems are resolved according to the rules.
The US President has indicated that he is prepared to withdraw from the WTO, and there is a good chance that this could trigger an international dispute.
The US President says this because the WTO is working against the US.
To begin with, this is how things were when GATT was established.
(1) The United States promoted an international economic system (GATT, IMF, World Bank) based on the principle of free trade to facilitate the recovery and growth of the world economy after the war.
(2) At the time, the United States had an overwhelming trade surplus, so the lower the trade barriers, the more advantageous it was.
(3) The “most favored nation” treatment gave US companies the advantage of accessing markets in other countries.
However, this is the situation in the United States today.
(1) The United States now has a permanent trade deficit, and the trade deficit with China, Mexico, the EU, etc., has become a major political issue.
(2) The structure of “free trade = US interests” has collapsed, and the market opening through MFN treatment acting as competitive pressure is increasing.
Simply put, it is “selfish arguments that trample on international treaties,” and the phrase that replaces this is “America First.”
I remember the “Japan bashing” of the 1980s when the US demanded that Japan impose unique export controls despite the existence of GATT rules, and the “Plaza Accord,” when the US led the way in pushing for a stronger yen and weaker dollar to reduce Japan's export competitiveness.
I (unilaterally) believe that Japan would not have entered the bubble economy without the Plaza Accord, and without that, the bubble collapse in Japan in the 1990s would not have happened.
―― 江端、お前、あの円高の時代がなければ、世界を一人で放浪することもできんかっただろうが
"Ebata, you wouldn't have been able to wander the world alone without the strong yen."
I'm a little embarrassed when people say that.
However, even as a layman in economics like myself, I also think, 'If this continues, won't there be terrible inflation in the United States next year?
FRB(米連邦準備制度)の利上げで、当面のインフレは抑え込めるのかもしれません(でも、関税や供給制約による(つまり"モノ"がない)インフレに、利上げって利くものかな? )
The interest rate hike by the Federal Reserve may suppress inflation for the time being (but I wonder if an interest rate hike will have any effect on inflation caused by tariffs and supply constraints (i.e., a lack of goods)? )
If the US President uses tariffs as a “diplomatic card, " then there may not be much to worry about.
Anyway, “America First” is fine, but I (we) hope we won't get involved.