
『(名目的には)イデオロギーの違い(資本主義 vs. 共産主義)は解消しているのに、なぜ、今もロシアとEUはなぜ対立しているのか』を、私は言語化できていませんでしたので、今回、纒めてみました。

『(名目的には)イデオロギーの違い(資本主義 vs. 共産主義)は解消しているのに、なぜ、今もロシアとEUはなぜ対立しているのか』を、私は言語化できていませんでしたので、今回、纒めてみました。

I have not been able to verbalize why Russia and the EU are still at odds, even though ideological differences (capitalism vs. communism) have been resolved, so I have tried to put it into words.

原因1: ウクライナ v.s ロシア

Cause 1: Ukraine vs Russia

■ 2014年にウクライナがEUとの経済協定を結ぼうとした(いわゆる"ロシア離れ")に加えて、親ロシア派のヤヌコーヴィチ政権が崩壊

In addition to Ukraine's attempts to sign an economic agreement with the EU in 2014 (the so-called “separation from Russia”), the pro-Russian Yanukovych government collapsed

■ その報復として、ロシアはクリミアを併合し、東部ウクライナでは親ロシア派武装勢力(これはロシア軍の偽装という説が西側では定説)が紛争発生

In retaliation, Russia annexed Crimea, and pro-Russian armed forces (which the West believes are disguised as Russian troops) started a conflict in eastern Ukraine.

■ その報復として、EUは制裁を課し、ウクライナのEU・NATOとの関係強化を支援。

In retaliation, the EU imposed sanctions and helped Ukraine strengthen its ties with the EU and NATO.


This has made the confrontation between Russia and the EU definitive.

原因2: NATO・EUの東方拡大

Cause 2: Eastern expansion of NATO and EU

■ 冷戦終結後、旧ソ連圏の国々(ポーランド、バルト三国など)がEUやNATOに加盟("ロシア離れ")

After the end of the Cold War, former Soviet bloc countries (Poland, Baltic states, etc.) joined the EU and NATO (“moved away from Russia”)

■ これに対して、ロシアは、ウクライナやジョージアがNATOに加盟する可能性に強く反発

In contrast, Russia strongly opposes the possibility of Ukraine and Georgia joining NATO

■ これに対して、「ウクライナやジョージアが、何を選ぼうが、その国の勝手だろう」というEUの主張にロシアが激怒

In response, Russia was outraged by the EU's assertion that “whatever Ukraine and Georgia choose to do is up to them.

原因3: 価値観の相違

Cause 3: Differences in values

■ EUは自由民主主義・人権・法の支配を重視し、ロシアのプーチン政権の権威主義的な統治を批判

EU emphasizes liberal democracy, human rights, and the rule of law and criticizes the authoritarian rule of Russia's Putin regime.

■ ロシア側はこれを「欧米による内政干渉」として反発

The Russian side opposed this as “interference in internal affairs by the West.



The question is why Russia is so reluctant to see its neighbors “leave Russia.


I am thinking roughly of the following three points.


(1) Russia has a long history of invasions from Europe in the past and has suffered a lot of damage that is not a joke in the history of mankind. (The Napoleonic Wars, the German Empire, and the invasion of Nazi Germany resulted in the deaths of 27 million people.) In this sense, the avalanche of Soviet-era satellite states that have been interference zones for European aggression into the EU cannot be overlooked (in fact, Belarus and Kazakhstan are also showing signs of leaving Russia).


(2) As (1) above progresses, Russia's voice will naturally decline. In addition, Ukraine has strong cultural and historical ties with the East Slavic peoples, and many consider it “part of Russia” (in Russia and Ukraine).


(3) President Putin's dictatorial power will decline. In addition, the Putin administration in Russia is supported by the Russian people's love of a “strong Russia,” and it will be challenging to manage the nation if neighboring countries lick it. The Russian government and the Russian people have the same “America First” mindset as the U.S. government and people.


In sum, the three reasons for Russia's reluctance to “leave Russia” are (a) Russia's security, (b) maintaining influence over neighboring countries, and (c) political stability within Russia.



It is a little hard to believe for a citizen of a far eastern island nation like us,

―― ロシアは、本気でヨーロッパ諸国からの侵略を恐れている

"Russia seems to be seriously afraid of invasion from European countries."


ロシアも、チンギスハーンの時代のモンゴルや、太平洋戦争までのかつての日本帝国のような巨大な領土(占領地域)を手放せば楽にになりますよ ――


Russia is a “delicious” target for invasion. I think that there is no way that the EU can say that it will not invade Russia with difficulty.


Besides, security guarantees are the best for any country. The U.S. was once on the verge of World War III when nuclear missiles were brought into Cuba (Cuban Missile Crisis).



But I digress...


Lately, there seems to be less “Japan bashing” from Japan's neighboring countries and East Asian countries than in the past (now that I am a senior citizen, I can understand it).

これは、目に見えて、日本の国力(主に経済力)が低下し、日本が以前ほどの脅威ではなくなった ―― というか、ぶっちゃけ日本が『舐められるようになったから』だ、と私は見ています。

In my view, Japan's national power (mainly economic) has visibly declined, and Japan is no longer as much of a threat as it used to be. I see it as a result of Japan being “underestimated.


I think, 'If Japan is weaker and other countries don't bash us anymore, that's not so bad.


If we have become weak, there are ways to fight it.


―― 学閥、人脈、コネ一切なしの、シニアのサラリーマンエンジニアの「ぼっち戦略」
