“When I am dizzy with exhaustion, does a short sleep (10 to 30 minutes) make me feel better? Is this 'recovering from exhaustion'?”
I wondered about this and looked into it.
This phenomenon is not “recovery from fatigue,” but something that can be called “the illusion of recovery from fatigue.
The key points are “resetting sleep inertia” and “refreshing the central nervous system.
■When extremely fatigued, brain function declines, and “sleep inertia,” a state of foggy consciousness, occurs, but a short sleep (10 to 30 minutes) resets this state and temporarily restores brain alertness.
■ After a short period of sleep (10-30 minutes), the balance of the autonomic nervous system changes, and the sympathetic nervous system becomes dominant, resulting in a “crisp” feeling
However, the above is just the brain switching to “wake-up mode,” which seems different from physical recovery from fatigue.
■Adenosine, a brain-fatiguing substance, is broken down, reducing the burden on the brain.
The above is also one of the reasons.
However, such “short sleep (10-30 minutes)” does not seem sufficient for fundamental fatigue recovery.
According to the report, deep non-REM sleep is necessary for muscle repair. To balance the autonomic nervous system, the parasympathetic nervous system must be dominant with longer sleep, and hormone balance is normalized with deep sleep.
Therefore, “a short sleep (10 to 30 minutes) makes it easier to lie down” is only a “temporary brain refreshment” and not a proper recovery from fatigue.
The conclusion seems to be that recovery from short periods of sleep is only a “boost,” and that adequate sleep is essential for fundamental recovery.
I thought as I wrote this, this is the same content as the effects of “methamphetamine” and “narcotics.”
That aside.
I have mentioned several times that I have a natural “early morning awakening insomnia” and that I am on a stabilizer (Selsyn) in the morning.
それ以前は、早朝から日本酒やウィスキーの一気飲みをして、強制的に寝ていましたが ―― あんなに『楽しくない飲酒』もなかった、と思います。
Before that, I used to chug sake or whiskey early in the morning and force myself to sleep. I had never felt such “unenjoyable drinking.”
As a result of forced sleep from drinking, I am unable even to take a nap.
こんな日常を続けていたら『近い未来に死ぬ』と考えて、完全断酒 + 安定剤の定期的摂取(通院)に踏み切りました。
Thinking that I would 'die shortly' if I continued living like this, I decided to completely abstain from alcohol + regularly take stabilizers (hospital visits).
Now, if I feel the need, I can take a nap or even take a nap on the train to refresh myself, and I have a rosy life on my hands.
In that sense, I have acquired a means of refreshment called “napping” in exchange for “half the value of my life,” which is “sobriety.
I have already given up on “enough sleep” or “sleep for health” for the rest of my life.
Even so, I am pretty happy just to be able to “temporarily refresh my brain” by taking a “nap.
This may be unneeded advice, but I recommend “abstinence from alcohol” for those with alcohol-dependent insomnia.
I understand that this is not an easy thing to do and that I am talking nonsense.
However, this is just one way of thinking.
The cost will pay for itself if you consider that you can get the “stimulant” or “drug” called “napping” completely legally and safely.