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BS1 NHKスペシャル「沖縄戦 出口なき戦場」の前後編を一気見しました。

I watched the BS NHK special "Battle of Okinawa, without escapeway" of the first and last half throughout.


During the new Corona disease, I think I have had often chances to watch (Recorded) TV programs.


However, set is aside,


Needless to say, "Hell beyond the limits of human being imagination " was portrayed in an unflinching and intense manner.


If you want to know about these historical events, it is better to watch documentaries like this than movies made in Hollywood.


I think we should realize the ridiculousness of war movies that depict "family love" and "marital love" in this kind of hell.



In this documentary program, the story of

―― 米軍に投降しようとする日本人の民間人を銃殺しようとする日本兵

"Japanese soldier tries to shoot a Japanese civilian who is trying to surrender to US forces"




In the same environment and position, I am sure that I would have killed my civilian just like this Japanese soldier.


It makes no sense to criticize the "hell of the unusual" from the safety of our daily lives, where we are guaranteed to live, have enough food and sleep 75 years in the future.



We are the kind of idiots who shy away from taking even the legally guaranteed "annual leave" because of the atmosphere in the workplace or the boss's face. So we will make us


"Japanese soldiers trying to kill Japanese civilians"



I think that the proverb of "On battlefield, the person to make a justice argument will be killed first" is true.


(*) I thought these were Sun Yat-sen's words, but I couldn't find them in the documents. If anyone knows who said it, please let me know.


Once we have created a battlefield, everyday logic no longer applies.


Therefore "Never make any battlefield" is important.



On June 24 (Thursday), my wife, who works as a restaurant worker, told me that the vaccination coupons will be delivered from the city office today, so watch the mailbox every hour.


That morning, I found the vaccination coupon in my mailbox.


Immediately, I accessed the city hall's website and searched for nearby clinics, only to find that the earliest appointment would be a month later.


Also, the large vaccination center had already stopped accepting applications for the second round of vaccinations due to priority.


I wasn't in too much of a hurry because I work from home, but my wife, who works in the food and beverage hospitality industry, was in a great hurry.



After listening to my brief explanation of the situation, my wife tried to access the phone directly.


The man at the call center said, "It's a long way from here, but...," but we both shouted, "We'll go anywhere!"


But it was really far. According to the search results, it was a 70-minute drive one way, all the way across the city.


It was a small clinic located in a housing complex.


The Google Street View photo showed an old lady and a cat.



For our 15:00 appointment, we arrived at the designated clinic by private car around 13:45.


The parking lot for cars (about 7 cars) was full, but after 5 minutes of waiting, the parking lot became available.


I was writing my diary (this) on my laptop in the car. Around 14:30, the number of people waiting outside was decreasing, so we submitted our medical questionnaire and got a clear file with numbers "1" and "2".

一応自宅で検温はしたのですが、3本の体温計が、それぞれ 35.2度 36.3度 35.5度 とバラバラの結果になり、どれも信用できません。

I took my temperature at home, but all three thermometers gave different results, 35.2 degrees, 36.3 degrees, and 35.5 degrees, respectively, and I couldn't trust any of them.


However, when I took my temperature at the clinic, I was surprised to find that it was 36.9 degrees Celsius.


(The results of my wife's temperature checked at the clinic were too difficult to be described here, so we asked them to adopt the results of her temperature check at home.)



We were sitting in a chair in the waiting room of the clinic, and after a brief explanation by the doctor in charge, the doctor and the nurse suddenly came over to us, without asking any questions, and started crunching away at us from one end to the other.

診察室に入ることもない、待合室での接種 ―― 生まれて初めての体験でした。

It was the first time in my life that I was inoculated in a waiting room without even entering the examination room.


The injection time was about 5 seconds per injection, and the response time per patient was less than 30 seconds.


I don't know what kind of needle they use, but I was surprised to find out that it didn't hurt at all.

そんなこんなで、本日 14:48に、第一回接種完了。

So, at 14:48 today, the first round of vaccination was completed.


After 15 minutes of anaphylactic observation, we left the room.


It may sound like 'livestock handling' when I describe it like this, but it is very efficient and well-designed.

正直、感動しました ―― 『場数を踏めば、システムは精錬されていく』をライブで見た、という気持ちです。

To be honest, I was very impressed -- I felt like I had seen a live performance of "The more times they do it, the more refined the system becomes.



Currently, I have not had any adverse reactions and am back to work (writing patent specifications).


I will keep you posted if there is anything else.



I was impressed with how good it was.


The text is a model of technical writing.


If you are a beginner in science, please read this text.

# お前のことだよ > 江端家次女

# It's you, my daughter.

―― 『読みやすい文章』っていうのは、こういうものさ

This is what "readable writing" is all about.



2020 年東京オリンピック・パラリンピック競技大会開催に伴う新型コロナウイルス感染拡大リスクに関する提言

Recommendations on the Risk of Spread of Novel Coronavirus Infection Associated with the Hosting of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games



The floor of my study was scraped by the legs of the chair I was sitting on, and spikes of wood began to wisp out.


As a result, the spikes started to sting the soles of my feet, so I decided to put a small carpet over the area where the chair would move.


It's unsightly, but the carpet is held in place with cloth tape to prevent it from moving.


However, the cloth tape tears periodically, so each time it happens, I keep putting cloth tape over it.


It looks like this.


When I was looking at this carpet and cloth tape, I thought that it 

―― 憲法第9条(2項)みたいだ

Looks like Article 9 (Section 2) of the Constitution.


中島みゆきさんの歌「糸」風に語れば ――

In the style of Miyuki Nakajima's song "Ito"...

■縦のテープは、 PKO協力法成(1992)~♪

The vertical tape shows the PKO Cooperation Law (1992)-♪


The horizontal tape is based on the Peripheral Situation Act (1999)-♪


The diagonal left tape is the Three Principles on the Transfer of Defense Equipment (2014)-♪


The diagonal right tape is the Peace and Security Law (2015)-♪



I don't think you understand what I'm talking about (obviously), so please read the "The Day my girlfriend said" series here.

「さっさと『9条』を改正すればいいのよ」と、あの娘が言った日 (前編)

The Day my girlfriend said, "The Diet Should Just Amend Article 9" (Part 1)

「さっさと『9条』を改正すればいいのよ」と、あの娘が言った日 (中編)

The Day my girlfriend said, "The Diet Should Just Amend Article 9" (Part 2)

「さっさと『9条』を改正すればいいのよ」と、あの娘が言った日 (後編)

The Day my girlfriend said, "The Diet Should Just Amend Article 9" (Part 3)



I cannot say much about the Supreme Court's decision on marital separation.


Because I recognize a name as an "object identifier".


This is because I believe that everyone should be able to change both their "last name" and their "first name" to any identifier they want, of their own free will, at the age of legal majority (18).


I think the closest way to think about this is the "self-discriminating function" of trademarks.



From a system engineer's point of view, the "family register" is a very well-designed system.


From the point of view of the controller (state power), it is very convenient to be able to manage the individual as a component in the box (structure) of the family.


As long as there is a framework of the family, the roles of patriarch, protector, and protected are created, and even if left alone, the individual will be managed within this framework.

# 同時に、虐待や性暴力やDVを発生させるという弊害も作り出していますが。

# At the same time, we are creating harm by generating abuse, sexual violence and domestic violence.


The biggest advantage of this system is tax payment. It is a very convenient system because it allows you to roughly calculate the total amount of tax payments in units of households.


If you think about the fact that students are grouped into "classes" until high school, it is easy to understand.


『じゃあ、どうやって個人を管理するか?』と問われれば、もう既に存在しているじゃないですか ―― 『マイナンバーカード』が。

If you're asking, "Well, how do we manage individuals? I can answer that "My Number Card" already exists.


Younger people may not know this, but the "My Number Card," which exists today as a matter of course, is a system that was called the "Total National ID Number System" until about 2000 A.D. Every time the government proposed this system, it was crushed by the people.

私も、当然「叩き潰す側」でしたよ ―― そんなもの、国家に持たせたら、簡単にジョージオーウェルの「1984」の世界がやってくる、と信じていましたから。

Of course, I was on the side of the "crushers" -- I believed that if the state had such system, the world of George Orwell's "1984" could appear easily.


But, you know, in the end, the crimes have been identified by surveillance cameras and located by GPS phones. And nobody doesn't say anything about them.


On the contrary, those images are usually broadcasted on the news, aren't they?


At the end of the day, we have chosen a "safe society with mutual monitoring of crime" over "invasion of personal privacy.


I'm sure we've been given plenty of time to complain.


Let's be more specific.

「グーグルマップ ストリートビュー」に対して、差し止め裁判を起こした町内会、自治会は、全て裁判を取り下げました。

All of the neighborhood and community associations that filed lawsuits against Google Maps Street View have withdrawn their lawsuits.


This fact alone is sufficient.


This is a bit off topic.



We have voluntarily accepted to be "controlled by the state with numbers".


Then, we should be managed by numbers, as the state expects.


If the system is managed by numbers, we don't need for households, or even for surnames and first names (although they will remain in a formal sense).


If it used to take several days to mobilize a large number of government workers to look up a family register, today's computer system would complete the job in seconds.


If the computer manages the individual, it will undoubtedly be less expensive, faster to process, and reduce the dynamic of labor costs.


If the state tries to interfere with the computer, the evidence will remain, and if it tries to erase the evidence, the evidence of the erasing process will remain.


Arbitrary intervention by the state would also be more difficult and troublesome than ever before (though not impossible, if the state power gets serious).



So, back to the subject at hand, I think that

―― 一体、裁判所も、立法(国会)も、『識別子の取扱い』ごときに、なんで、こんなにゴタゴタしていやがるんだ

"Why are the courts and the Diet in such a mess over the "handling of identifiers"?"


■夫婦別姓? ―― それどころか、"マイナンバー"で結婚届けを受理すればいいじゃん?

Separate surnames for married couples? -- On the contrary, why don't we just use "my number" to accept marriage registrations?

■氏名改名の権利? ―― 親権解除後に、自分の名前を自分が決定するのは当然の権利だろう?

The right to change one's name? -- After termination of parental rights, it is my right to decide my own name, isn't it?

■立法府(国会)や裁判所の判断の押しつけあい? ―― そりゃ、あんたたちが、氏名なる「記号」に、何かの幻想を持っているからだよ

Forcing the legislature (Diet) and the courts to make decisions for each other? -- That's just because you have some kind of illusion about the "symbol" that is your name.


That's what I usually think about.


その一方で、『ここまで徹底した"氏名 = 記号"の考え方に賛同してくれる人は、絶無だろうな』ということも分かっています。

On the other hand, I know that there are probably no people who would agree with such a thorough "name = symbol" approach.


In fact, I think there are many people who are reading this diary today and cannot understand my idea.


That's why I keep my mouth shut (just writing).



Since the recent "Zero Reset Accident," I have been caught in a strange kind of intimidation.

―― もし、kobore.netや、wp.kobore.netが、事故でクラッシュしたらどうしよう?

"What if kobore.net or wp.kobore.net is broken by a server crash or server attack?"



After installing WordPress last year, I have been truly amazed at how easy it is to store/publish data.


By simply throwing any information into WordPress at random, I can easily search for it when I encounter the same problem, saving me a horrible amount of my work time.


It's no exaggeration to say that WordPress is 'my second brain'.


Even "The Zero Reset Accident" is such a shock to me.


If kobore.net and wp.kobore.net are destroyed, I don't think I'll be able to get back on my feet.



Of course, I also do regular full backups of my content.


However, the size of my website, which I started in 1993, is enormous (although the base is text).


There are many stories of "backed up archives could not be restored," and I've experienced it myself many times.



Talking with a rude junior colleague the other day,

―― 江端さんがこれまでの人生で書いてきた、100本の特許明細書が、特許庁のDBから消滅したら、どうします?

"Ebata-san. What would you do if the 100 patent specifications you have written in your life disappeared from the Patent Office's DB?"


I mumbled to myself,


"Seriously, I think I might kill myself"


こちらでも書いていますが、自分で自分を認める為には「定量化された数値」が必要なのです ―― 少なくとも私には。

As I wrote here, I need a "quantified number" to recognize myself -- at least for me.


という訳で、「kobore.netや、wp.kobore.netが、事故でクラッシュした」時でも運用が続けられるように、先日、Raspberry Pi 4のセット一式を購入しました。

So, I bought a complete Raspberry Pi 4 set the other day so that I will be able to continue to operate it even when "kobore.net or wp.kobore.net crashes by accident".


I am now going to start constructing and operating a local server that is a complete clone of kobore.net and wp.kobore.net.


Well, it will take some time, but it is the only way I can think of to free myself from the threat of server crashes and server attacks.



ここに記載しているように、EE Times Japanで記載して頂いているリンク先が、全て変わることになりました。

As noted here, all links to EE Times Japan has changed.


(I know that they will be redirected for a few years, so it doesn't seem to matter right now)

当然ですが、私の日記やらその他のコンテンツは、EE Times Japanの記事へのリンクが、(誇張ではなく)山ほどあります。

Of course, my diary and other contents have a lot of (not exaggerated) links to EE Times Japan articles.


In particular, there are a huge number of links in the kobore.net diary, and I have to deal with this.


And now I'm...

―― 自分のWebサイトのハッキング

"Hacking my own web site"




I'm in the process of hacking into WordPress, but it's not working.


"Where is the main body of content? !" I am shouting, with staring at the console screen and tapping at the keyboard.

====== 追記 ========


このプラグインをインストールしたら、一瞬で変換ができました ―― 便利です。


私は日記やコラムを執筆する時に、自分の台詞の中に、自分の心の声含める時に、 "――" を、よく使います。

I often use "--" when I am writing a diary or a column, when I want to include the voice of my heart in my dialogue.


An example is

『SNSで発信しているメッセージの内容 ―― 上品か下品か、知性的か痴性的か、話題や言葉の品格や品性 ―― が、どうであれ、』

"Regardless of the content of the messages they send on social networking sites -- whether they are classy or vulgar, intelligent or lascivious, dignified or decent in topic or language --



I could say that it is like using relative pronouns in English, but from the perspective of technical writing, it is not a recommended way of writing.



In the works of Ishin Nishio, famous for the Bakemonogatari series, there is a distinctive way of writing.


This is a method of omitting closing parentheses in the main character's lines, as opposed to opening parentheses.


"For you, the destruction of this world is just another route.


"Saving the world is just my selfish request, so you don't need to listen to it at all.


"But, Araragi-kun, you should save the girl in front of you.


(I think this is how it was used.)



I'm sure 99% of the programmers in the world will probably agree with me, and I think this style of omitting parentheses to be quite stressful.


It is "Nest error".


Many computer languages use parentheses such as "{","}" to define their processing units.


If the parentheses are not paired, the computer will say that it cannot process them, resulting in a compilation error.

  for (int i = 0; i < PQntuples(res); i++) {
	for (int j = 0; j < nFields; j++) {
	  printf("%-15s", PQgetvalue(res, i, j));


In the above list, the number of "{" does not correspond to the number of "}", resulting in an error.


So, I may have a hell of a time finding it, or I may make a mistake in nesting, and your program may behave like a mess.


Statements with unclosed nests are hard to watch for me.



Of course, the writing style of Nishio Ishin-sensei is a complete content, including the way he expresses himself, so this is "good".

―― ですが



As a programmer,


"For you, the destruction of this world is just another route.


"Saving the world is just my selfish request, so you don't need to listen to it at all.

「でも阿良々木君、目の前の女の子は救った方が良い」」」 ← この3つの括弧を書き込みたくて、仕方がないのです。

"But, Araragi-kun, you should save the girl in front of you"""

I can't help but want to write these three parentheses.



I am a supporter of the Tokyo Olympics/Paralympics, which are only 32 days away.


The reason for supporting the event in the midst of this corona disaster is, as I have already mentioned, to establish the "Tokyo Model" that will be used all over the world for the next 100 years.


In my view, the "Tokyo model" is to hold the event without an audience.


This is because the "Tokyo model" will operate in a way that is decidedly different from traditional modern Olympics/Paralympics events.

それ故、その「差分データ」が大きな「財産」になります。そしてそれは ―― 人類に残せる財産となるはずです。

Therefore, the "differential data" will become a great "asset". And it will be an asset that can be left to mankind.



Our country (Japan) has continued to provide the world with very valuable and important negative data.


In recent years,

- 史上最悪のレベル7における原発事故の事故/事故後対策(住民避難、廃炉、住民帰還(しかも、廃炉と同時進行の))

- Accident and post-accident measures (evacuation, decommissioning, and return of residents (and simultaneous decommissioning)) for the worst Level 7 nuclear power plant accident in history.

- バブル経済破綻後の、10年以上にも及ぶ国内不況と、それに対する各種の財政対策

- After the collapse of the bubble economy, the domestic recession lasted for more than 10 years and various fiscal measures were taken to cope with it.

- 世界で最先端である少子高齢化の進行と、(効果の有無はどうあれ)それに対する対策

- The world's most advanced aging society with a declining birthrate and measures to deal with it (whether effective or not).


A little further back,

- 高度経済成長期における経済最優先対策によって引き起された公害事件と、その被害、裁判記録、損害の算定

- Pollution incidents triggered by economic priority measures during the period of rapid economic growth, their damage, court records, and calculation of damages.


Going back even further.

- 民間人の殺害を目的とした原爆被害の実体

- The reality of atomic bomb damage aimed at killing civilians.

- 戦後の復興

- Postwar Reconstruction



Japan is a "negative data advanced country" that has provided the world with a vast amount of valuable data.


And governments in many countries could have implemented various policies based on the Japanese use case (in fact, "Japan's Bubble" has become a bible for monetary policy around the world).

無論、こんなこと、避けれるものであれば、避けたかった ―― 多くの人が苦しみ、現在も苦しみ続けて、そして死んでいった(殺されていった)。

Of course, we would have avoided this if we could have -- many people have suffered, continue to suffer, and have died (or been killed).


But if it has happened, the findings should be put to good use.


東京五輪の開催によって、コロナの第5波がくるのは、確実 ―― というか、誰が考えたって『確定した未来』です。

With the Tokyo Olympics/Paralympics, the fifth wave of Corona is sure to come -- or rather, it's a "definite future.


Then the negative aspects that will be generated by hosting the Tokyo Olympics/Paralympics should be recorded with the highest possible accuracy.

このような一か八かをかけた国際的イベントを実施するのであれば、そのイベントを、可能な限り非日常的態様 ―― 無観客開催で ―― 実施することで、有意な『差分』が観測できるはずです。

If we are going to hold an international event like this, we should hold it in as unusual a manner as possible -- without an audience -- so that we can observe a significant "difference".



This can be shown to large-scale events around the world in response to pandemics that are likely to occur several times over the next 100 years, whose name is


"Tokyo Model"
