

By the time I finished my college days, there was a term "radio boy (a boy who builds his own radio using electronic components)" and "amateur radio" was considered the "king of hobbies".

実際に、携帯電話が普及する前の1990年代中頃まで、アマチュア無線の免許を持っているものは、モテたのです ―― スキー場で。

In fact, until the mid-1990s, before cell phones became popular, those with amateur radio licenses were popular -- at ski resorts.


After all, only those with the license and a handheld radio could keep in touch with their friends scattered all over the ski slopes.


Although there was a type of radio that could be used without a license called civil radio (CB radio), the strength of the radio signal was so different that it was possible to communicate with a much wider range of people, which was one of the strengths of amateur radio.



When I was in junior high school, the Ebata family was not a wealthy family, so I could not ask my parents to buy me a radio.


I spent my days looking at magazines (CQ magazine) and sighing.


So my parents asked me, 'How much are you going to charge?' I was really surprised.


I think I mentioned the price of a handheld radio (RJX-610), which was the least expensive at the time as a fixed device.


After that, I worked part time on my own to buy a cheap stabilized power supply that was just under the specified amount of current, and when it eventually proved to be useless, I was really frustrated.


From then on, I think I spent my days getting a cheap antenna and coaxial cable, and setting up the antenna at home by myself, and thinking "how to send the signal as far as possible".


To achieve this, I spent my days devising new antennae, making my own power supply, and so on.

指向性アンテナとアンテナの方向を換えるローテーターに手が届かなかったことは、今でも悔しいです ―― 子どものころの私に、寄付してやりたい ―― というより、一緒にアンテナ設置の作業をしたい。

I'm still frustrated that I couldn't get my hands on a directional antenna and a rotator to change the direction of the antenna -- I'd rather donate money to me as a child -- or rather, work with me to install the antenna.


さらに、その電波が届く距離を長くする為に、電信の免許も取得しました ―― いわゆる、モールス信号通信です。

In addition, in order to extend the range of its radio waves, it also obtained a telegraph license -- the so-called Morse code communication.


However, even using Morse code, it was honestly difficult to communicate with out-of-prefecture with the handheld radio I had.


However, when a special ionosphere (sporadic E layer) that occurred locally and suddenly around 100 km above the sky mainly during the daytime from spring to summer occurs, my radio waves could reach distant areas due to ionospheric reflection.

モールス信号で、コールサイン"JR6"を受けとった時は、聞き間違いかと思いましたが、"MI ADR NAHA"(こちらは那覇市です)の信号を受けた時の喜びは ―― 多分、理解して貰えないと思います。

When I received the call sign "JR6" in Morse code, I thought I heard it wrong, but my joy I felt when I received the signal "MI ADR NAHA" (this is Naha City) -- I am sorry but you probably don't understand.


I guess I should say, "The joy I feel, was more than getting a chocolate from a girl I liked for Valentine's Day".



The question that always bothers me is, "What in the world makes you happy about that?"


In the absence of the Internet, the only way to communicate over long distances was "amateur radio", except for "telephone" calls, which were ridiculously expensive.


Having "the skills to transmit information over a great distance" was something to aspire to.


Even if the information was as trivial as exchanging call signs and exchanging addresses and one's name.


当時の私のコールサインを、モールス信号で記載すると.--- . ..--- ... --.- ..となります。

My call sign at the time, in Morse code, was . --- . ... --- ... --. - ... ....


Incidentally, this Morse code was quite useful for more than just radio communication.


The "underlay with handwritten Morse code" had been especially effective during the periodic examinations.



Our family uses e-Tax (https://www.e-tax.nta.go.jp/) to process medical expense refunds on our tax return each year.


My wife is neatly compiling the medical receipts and I am writing them into an excel file.


Excel writing takes quite a bit of time, although I can work on it while watching NetFlix since I don't have to use my brain.


(In addition, the provided Excel file template is so difficult to use that it is impossible to even make corrections due to cell protection of unknown purpose)


My wife and I are going through this tedious process because the refund is quite large.


If you are not doing it, I think you are wasting a lot of money, seriously.



Nevertheless, the difficulty of using e-Tax and other administrative systems has not improved at all.


On the contrary, they even seem to be getting worse.


For example,


'Almost every other year, IC card reader reading apps change.'


Can they do something about this situation?


Aside from those who specialize in that business, the target users of "Tax Returns with e-Tax" are

―― 一年で、一回だけ、e-Taxシステムを起動する、一般人

"The average person who activates the e-Tax system only once a year"


I sometimes wonder if they understand this fact.



Of course, I understand the need to keep up with changes in user PC operating systems and to take all possible measures to ensure the latest security measures.


It is also understandable that there are systemic reasons such as the card reader being a device attached to the PC, making it difficult to centralize all operations on the Web.


However, this would not achieve the original goal of 'reducing labor costs by increasing the number of tax returns filed by e-Tax and reducing the number of analog submissions.


Even I thought, 'It's too much trouble, let's print it out and submit it.



Well, in my case, I try to think of "e-Tax" as a kind of game.

『電子提出完了 = ラスボス撃破』とでも思わないと、やっていられません。

I would not be doing this if I didn't think, 'Electronic submission complete = Rust Boss defeated'.

私の場合、アイテム(PC周辺装置等に関するIT知識)を持っているから、『勇者』として戦えますが、―― "e-Tax"ゲームの中で『勇者』をやれる人は、あまり多くないと思います。

In my case, I can fight as a "hero" because I have some items (IT knowledge about PC peripherals, etc.), but - I don't think there are many people who can play "hero" in the "e-Tax" game.



With regard to the recent Russian military invasion of Ukraine (we use "invasion" here, in keeping with the various media outlets), there is an opinion that

―― 到底、勝目のない戦争。国内の犠牲者が出るだけだから、早くウクライナは降伏すべきである

"A war that cannot possibly be won. Ukraine should surrender as soon as possible, as it will only result in domestic casualties"



Japan has had similar situations.


During the Pacific War, our Supreme War Leadership Council was unable to make this decision (unconditional surrender).


As a result, many non-combatants (civilians) were killed and our country was used to demonstrate the atomic bomb.


When considered in this light, such a "surrender superiority theory" has a certain persuasiveness.



However, on the other hand,


If I consider the scenario of the previous annexation of the Kurmian peninsula (instead of the current invasion of Ukraine) as a use case with our country,


- "The Russians living in Japan in Hokkaido want to annex Hokkaido to Russia.


- The Russian president declares, "Hokkaido will be annexed to Russia.


- Unilateral military invasion of Hokkaido


- They effectively occupy our territory north of Hokkaido.


, and when we were told the following


"It's a war that can never be won. Japan should cede Hokkaido to Russia because it will only result in domestic casualties."


Will we be convinced ?



I'm not a patriot in the absolute sense of the word, but I thought,

―― 命をかけて戦える

"I can fight for my life."



For me, though I don't need "patriotism" to fight, I can fight with "rage against unreason".



The above use case is just something I came up with and probably not very good.


Can someone please explain well with a "use case using our country" like this?


I think there are a lot of people who are thinking about that.



I have been returning home alone every four months to support my mother in changing her gastroduodenal appliance.


And every time I returned home, I would buy one copy each of "Golgo 13" and other manga sold at convenience stores.



Recently, my entire family returned to my parents' home for my mother's 49th day memorial service.



There, my senior daughter was reading a comic book I had purchased.


She was muttering,


"'The rules are always determined by the convenience of the conqueror.'..."


(*)ゴルゴ13 Vol.191 1万キロの狙撃

(*)Golgo 13 Vol.191 10,000 km Sniper



It seems to have tugged at the heartstrings of her, a first-year working adult.



I don't know much about SWIFT(*), and I honestly don't think I understand deep in my heart what it means to exclude major Russian banks from this system now.


(*)A non-profit organization headquartered in Belgium, a global payment network that handles international financial remittances



―― VISAとマスター、ロシアでカード決済停止

"VISA and Master suspend card payments in Russia"


This threat is understandable for me.


With such sanctions, the Ebata family's cash flow would collapse in less than two months.


In the case of the Ebata family, if Amazon's service outage is added to this, I would, at that moment, raise the white flag.



If the removal from SWIFT was a "missile attack", the suspension of VISA and Master feels like "urban warfare".


Anyway, whether it is SWIFT, VISA/Master, or Amazon, I am keenly aware that "The persons who controls the infrastructure, controls the world".


Of course, I believe that "The persons who holds the energy controls the world" will remain constant.


In any case, there is no change in the fact that Japan does not have either of these (infrastructure or energy), and therefore "Japan cannot be the world's dominant player.



Therefore, what our country needs is a "realistic strategy for the weak" and the "openness" to be able to proudly claim that "this is our country's survival strategy.

ただ、ここに付け加えることがあるとすれば ―― 「核」です。

Just one thing to add here -- "nuclear".


We are the only country that can express our opinions on "nuclear weapons," "nuclear possession," "nuclear energy facilities," and all other "nuclear" matters in the following manner


"We will not listen to any story"


"We will not accept the logic of any justification"


"We will not tolerate any force or any excuses"


I believe that our country is the only country in the world where illogical emotional outbursts are allowed.


原爆投下、原子炉メルトダウン、放射性物質拡散 ―― 「核」に関して、こんな悲惨で悲しく苦しい体験を、立て続けに体験させられた国が、世界中のどこにある?

The atomic bombings, the reactor meltdowns, the proliferation of radioactive materials - where else in the world have we been subjected to such a series of tragic and distressing nuclear experiences?


There has been none.


Only in our country (Japan).


Hence, I believe

―― 「核」に関してだけは、理性的でも、論理的でもある必要もなく、むしろ、激情や憤怒で対応してもよい

"Only when it comes to "nuclear weapons," there is no need to be rational or logical, but rather to respond with fury and indignation."


―― 放射能で汚染されたウクライナの国土は、ロシア侵攻に対する、数千年間の『ファイアウォール』になる




―― どこから手を付けていいのか、分からない

"I don't know where to start".


I think this is quite common in everyday life.


That's how I feel now.





- Sparked by a question from "Ms. K" who read Ebata's column.


- Giving update on COVID-19 information from "Dr. Shibata of Run Over"

■EE Times Japan編集部のMさんが"GO"を出した

- with "GO" call from Mr. M of EE Times Japan editorial department


I am in the process of editing the eighth installment of the COVID-19 column series, "The K Project".


I just counted the number of pages of information I received from Ms. K and Dr. Shibata, and there are already 50 pages worth of information.


Considering that my explanations, drawings, etc. will be included here, this is a huge column(?) that I have never seen before.


―― どこから手を付けていいのか、分からない

"I don't know where to start".


Seriously, this is a situation that is beyond embarrassing.



I am watching an American drama called LUCIFER.


Nightclubs, booze, craziness, playboys, etc., are not my "tastes" in drama of choice.


However, the characters' identities are the gods, goddesses, angels, and demons of

―― キリスト教神学

"Christian theology"



They appear in the city of Los Angeles and live their daily lives (it's a cop drama) while playing the roles of mythological characters, in a drama that is like a reversed version of otherworldly reincarnation content.

アメナディエル、ウリエル、オーロラ(ドラマではこの名前ではないようですが)とか、これはこれで良いのですが ――

Amenadiel, Uriel, Aurora (which doesn't seem to be this name in the drama), and so on -- this is fine.


Yesterday, I was listening to the drama while coding, and when I got to the part where "Cain's identity was revealed and Abel was reincarnated as a woman," I blurted it out.


So, I wanted to talk about it with someone.



Christian theology is, well, as far as I understand it, positioned as a "'Christian' strategy book".


I have written before that Buddhist doctrines are derivatives of the later life of Ghodamasiddha.


In Buddhism, Bodhisattvas, Shitenno, Vaisravana, and Asura are like Lucifer and Amenadiel in Christian theology.


However, I can't say anything about the unscrupulousness of the "Cain" and "Abel" when they insert them here (Christian theology), it's "the best".



I would like to see a drama in the same vein as "Lucifer", with a character from Japanese mythology reincarnated in modern Japan.


Of course, the story of Izanagi, Izanami, Amaterasu, Susanoo, Ninigi, Iwanagahime, and Konohanasakuyahime is a given, but the story of "taking over the Okuninushi's land" is still a nonnegotiable one.



I don't think there is any way to avoid turning such dumb points content (Japanese mythology) into a secondary drama.

さらに、『今上天皇(現在の天皇陛下)ですら、出雲大社の本殿には入れない』という話まで繋げられれば ――

Furthermore, if they can connect it to the story that 'even the current Emperor is not allowed to enter the main shrine of Izumo-taisha'


Not only is it interesting, but it allows us to understand the trending of shrines, tourist attractions, regional revival, and, by extension, the emperor system from a mythological approach.


I mean, I heard it seems to have been a normal part of the educational process before the war.


(If you are interested, please Google "deification of the emperor", "postwar", or "GHQ").



I had not commented on the invasion of Ukraine by Russian forces at this time, but when I watched the news this morning, I instantly switched phases.

―― 稼動中の原子力発電所に武力攻撃? 正気か?

"Armed attack on an operating nuclear power plant? Are they insane? "


In 1981, Israel bombed a nuclear power plant in Iraq (Operation Babylon) with the aim of destroying the facility "before" it became operational.

江端:「超乱暴に、一言で言うのであれば、『原発の中央制御室に至るセンサが壊れていて、鍵がかかっていなくて、"テロリストさん、いらっしゃい" 状態であった、ということ」


That does not mean that the destruction of another country's power generation facilities is acceptable, but at least the Israeli military knew what it meant by "the right time to attack a nuclear power plant".


The meaning of "critical nuclear power plant in operation" is totally different from the meaning of "nuclear power plant under construction."


A direct attack on the reactor is "out of the question" (in that case, they are "done"), but even if it were just an attack on the control room, you would lose control of the reactor.

そして、原子炉内での「スクラム」等が起動できなくなれば ―― 即、原子炉爆発 + メルトダウンです。

And if the "scram" etc. in the reactor can no longer be triggered -- immediate reactor explosion + meltdown.



The nuclear accident (Chernobyl), in which the nuclear reactor was exposed, traded many casualties in order to turn the plant into a giant sarcophagus.


Even an accident (Fukushima) where the reactor was not stripped bare caused so much damage.


This is a bit of a guess, however,

―― 放射能で汚染されたウクライナの国土は、ロシア侵攻に対する、数千年間の『ファイアウォール』になる

"Radioactive Ukrainian lands will be a 'firewall' against Russian invasion for thousands of years"



If a person thinks that way, "the person is not a human being.



I, as much as possible, have tried to avoid commenting on ongoing events (wars, conflicts, accidents).


This is because facts discovered later may require the claim to be overturned.


However, as of this morning, I have determined that the Russian military and its chief executive (the president) are 100% "evil" for whatever reason (geopolitical background, etc.).


It is an "absolute evil" comparable to, or even greater than, Nazi Germany.


This morning, a line was crossed in my mind.


The situation that made me hesitant to speak up has vanished.



References (my column)










When we watched the news of "Judge Accused for Repeatedly Posting Inappropriate Posts on Social Networking Sites," my wife said,


Wife: "What happens when a judge commits a crime?"


Me: "What are you talking about? There will be an 'impeachment trial(*)'


(*) Article 64, Section 1 of the Constitution and the Act of Impeachment of Judges


When I said this, my wife and second said in unison.


"'Impeachment Trial' I remember. We did that in middle school when we were taking exams"


They spoke each other nostalgically.

教育は無力だ ―― と、実感しました。

Education is powerless -- and I realized that.



Incidentally, an impeachment trial not only allows a judge to be removed from office (fired). The sanctions are severe.


In addition to losing their status as judges, they are disqualified from becoming prosecutors or attorneys, and are restricted from becoming notaries.


They cannot be mediators, judicial commissioners, or counsellors, are not entitled to retirement benefits, and their pensions are limited.


And since the impeachment court is a single and final instance, the judgment becomes final upon pronouncement and there is no way to appeal.


It seems that a request for a retrial can be made, but there have been no previous cases.

ただし、5年経過後に法律家としての資格を回復することはできるようです ―― 「困窮生活の救済」「人格改善」いう理由が見られました。

However, it seems that after five years, it is possible to regain the qualification to practice law -- "relief of needy life" and "improvement of character" were some of the reasons seen.


弾劾裁判については、ロッキード事件の「ニセ電話事件」くらいは覚えていましたが ―― ちょっと調べてみたところ、

The only thing I remembered about the impeachment trial was the "phony phone call" in the Lockheed case -- but I did a little research.




"Child Prostitution"


"Video recording in skirt"


Some judges were impeached on the most vulgar grounds, like the above.


It seems that even if the judge is against you, you can still file a lawsuit in a general criminal or civil case.


However, it appears that the conviction of the trial court does not disqualify the judge.


The guarantee of a judge's status is very strong, and only through an impeachment trial can a judge be removed from office.



This impeachment trial of a "judge accused of repeatedly posting inappropriate posts on social networking sites" is the 10th case in the postwar period, and impeachment trials themselves seem to be extremely rare.


Well, if it wasn't a rare case, we would be in trouble.



My next corona vaccination (3rd dose) is this Friday.


Now I'm thinking, 'Oh! No!".


I, Tomoichi Ebata, am a "working person" during my working hours on weekdays, but I am a "private person" outside of those hours.


And, on Saturdays and Sundays, as a "private person", I generally invest almost all my time in researching materials, creating charts, writing columns, and simulations.


第3回目の副反応は凄いぞ ―― という話を色々なところから聞いています。

I've heard from various sources that the third adverse reaction is going to be terrible.


If I have to spend this Saturday and Sunday dealing with adverse reactions, my writing for the March column will be in serious critical condition.


Looking back...


The first time, I was not aware of any adverse reactions.


The second time, I had difficulty walking at times during the next day and the day after that.


ワクチン接種後の江端家の状況(2021/09/08現在) #江端家副反応レポート完了

In general, I think that my wife and I had a mild adverse reaction.


ですから、3回目もきっと軽症に違いない、と信じています ―― が、

So I'm sure that the third will be minor -- however,


Dr. Shibata, my co-author, and Ms. M, my editor, have been having a hard time with adverse reactions.


I'm (a little) worried that if it turns out that I (Ebata) was the only one who escaped with a minor injury in the third round, there will be an 'awkward atmosphere' in our team.