I, even now, like this, but when I was younger, I was aiming to be "sociable" and seemed to strive to be a ""sociable".
―― と、以前の日記を見ながら、思いました。方向性はさておき。
with looking at my previous diary, I thought that. Directions aside.
But still, some things had not changed since junior high school.
「孤食」 + 「読書」、すなわち『読食』です。
It is "solitary eating" + "reading," is equal to "lunch with reading".
After school lunches in elementary school ended and lunches for junior high school students began, 'lunch box with reading' was one of the finest times for me.
食事と読書を同時に楽しめる ―― なんと贅沢な時間なんだろう
Enjoy eating and reading at the same time -- what a luxury!
I thought so.
Before the school week was introduced, classes on Saturdays lasted half a day.
I have always been a " latchkey kid" (a child who has no other family at home when he/she returns home and brings his/her own key to the house).
When I got home, I cycled to a nearby market to buy two croquettes and 100 grams of chicken.
And time to make "Miso Stewed Udon" for one person and read a book by Yasushi Inoue, was,
―― 至高のひとときでした。
"a supreme time".
『孤食が恥しい』という考え方は、当時はなかったような気がします ―― いや、あるいは私が気がつなかっただけかもしれません。
I don't think the idea of 'solitary eating is shameful' existed back then -- or maybe I just didn't realize it.
Maybe it had something to do with the fact that I was a 'boy student'.
Even today, I hear that "silent meals" are still being continued in schools as a countermeasure against the new coronas, which makes sense.
I have also heard from my sources that "children are picking up the infection at school and spreading it to their families"
Families with children (elementary and junior high school students) seem to accept this reality with resignation.
Still, a "silent meal" to reduce the "probability of infection" makes sense.
It is also significant not only for the family, but also to take into account the aftereffects of asymptomatic infection (brain fog, etc.) in the child.
And I would suggest, of course, that
"lunch with reading"
In the field of education, one tablet per student has already been introduced.
「孤食」ができて、「読書」もできて、「IT(Information Tech.) x OT(Operation Tech.)」が実践できて、その上「黙食」が実現されるという、素晴しい方法です。
It is a wonderful way to be able to eat alone, to read, to practice "IT (Information Tech.) x OT (Operation Tech.)," and on top of that, to realize "silent meal".
「iPadで、kindleを立ち上げて、太宰治や井上靖を読みながら、一人メシを食う」 ―― それはもう、至福の昼休み、"パラダイスランチ"じゃないですか。
Eating a meal alone while reading Osamu Dazai or Yasushi Inoue on your iPad with kindle app." - that is a blissful lunch break, a "paradise lunch".
―― って思うのは、私だけですか?
Am I the only one who thinks so?