

I, even now, like this, but when I was younger, I was aiming to be "sociable" and seemed to strive to be a ""sociable".

―― と、以前の日記を見ながら、思いました。方向性はさておき。

with looking at my previous diary, I thought that. Directions aside.


But still, some things had not changed since junior high school.

「孤食」 + 「読書」、すなわち『読食』です。

It is "solitary eating" + "reading," is equal to "lunch with reading".



After school lunches in elementary school ended and lunches for junior high school students began, 'lunch box with reading' was one of the finest times for me.

食事と読書を同時に楽しめる ―― なんと贅沢な時間なんだろう

Enjoy eating and reading at the same time -- what a luxury!


I thought so.


Before the school week was introduced, classes on Saturdays lasted half a day.


I have always been a " latchkey kid" (a child who has no other family at home when he/she returns home and brings his/her own key to the house).


When I got home, I cycled to a nearby market to buy two croquettes and 100 grams of chicken.


And time to make "Miso Stewed Udon" for one person and read a book by Yasushi Inoue, was,

―― 至高のひとときでした。

"a supreme time".

『孤食が恥しい』という考え方は、当時はなかったような気がします ―― いや、あるいは私が気がつなかっただけかもしれません。

I don't think the idea of 'solitary eating is shameful' existed back then -- or maybe I just didn't realize it.


Maybe it had something to do with the fact that I was a 'boy student'.



Even today, I hear that "silent meals" are still being continued in schools as a countermeasure against the new coronas, which makes sense.


I have also heard from my sources that "children are picking up the infection at school and spreading it to their families"


Families with children (elementary and junior high school students) seem to accept this reality with resignation.


Still, a "silent meal" to reduce the "probability of infection" makes sense.


It is also significant not only for the family, but also to take into account the aftereffects of asymptomatic infection (brain fog, etc.) in the child.



And I would suggest, of course, that


"lunch with reading"




In the field of education, one tablet per student has already been introduced.

「孤食」ができて、「読書」もできて、「IT(Information Tech.) x OT(Operation Tech.)」が実践できて、その上「黙食」が実現されるという、素晴しい方法です。

It is a wonderful way to be able to eat alone, to read, to practice "IT (Information Tech.) x OT (Operation Tech.)," and on top of that, to realize "silent meal".

「iPadで、kindleを立ち上げて、太宰治や井上靖を読みながら、一人メシを食う」 ―― それはもう、至福の昼休み、"パラダイスランチ"じゃないですか。

Eating a meal alone while reading Osamu Dazai or Yasushi Inoue on your iPad with kindle app." - that is a blissful lunch break, a "paradise lunch".

―― って思うのは、私だけですか?

Am I the only one who thinks so?



"Why is Ebata still coding?" I think there are many people who think that.


For the past few years, I have had the program created by an outsourcer.


I've had all the items delivered to me, including the source code, however, I came to realize

―― それらのソースコードを、全く再利用(改修)できない

"I have not been able to reuse (modify) their source code at all"




To be clear, "programs written by others" are, to put it bluntly, "spellbinding.


Not only programming languages that I am not familiar with, but also even programming languages that I am familiar with, are not

- ライブラリが違う

- Libraries are different,

- プログラムの開発環境が違う

- Program development environments are different,

- プログラム言語のバージョン(仕様)が違う

- Versions (specifications) of the programming language are differnt,


In, addition, the crucial thing is that

- コーディングのアプローチ(思想)が違う

- Coding approaches (philosophy) are different.


This point is hopelessly "spellbinding".


Once, my mentor, "Erukan" said,

―― 他人のプログラムを読むことは、他人の頭を覗き込むような行為で、不快で嘔吐すら覚える

"Reading someone else's program is like looking into someone else's head. it's offensive and even vomit-inducing"


I think that this is a great quote.



Pain-free programming is programming done by myself alone from scratch.


However, this is a 'luxury' of such programming, given the speed of digital services these days.


I also have to admit that it is 'unproductive'.


If the programming is "luxury" and "unproductive", where can I get resources from?


The only thing I can use is "weekends" and "sleeping time".



In the past, I could usually talk about the programming on the 'weekends' and on less sleep.


These days, it seems to be a 'compliance issue' to publicly state such a thing in the workplace, etc.


And I agree with this opinion.


This kind of talk is, after all, "power harassment," and this kind of bragging is infuriating to listen to.


So, from now on, I think it will become the norm that 'the work I want to do (programs I want to try, etc.) will be prepared "under the table".



By the way, this "under the table" is not limited to programming. This goes for work in general.


I've always said.


"The work you want to do, do it alone, without making it public"


"Keep my eyes open for any opportunity to make it public"


These are important.

自分のアイデアを、未完成のまま、不適当なタイミングで組織に開示すると『必ず潰されます』 ―― ロジカルに。

If you disclose your ideas to the organization in an unfinished state and at an inappropriate time, 'your idea will surely be crushed' -- logistically.


It is no exaggeration to say that this is an "axiom of organization".


For example, I have a service/product that I kept my idea hidden for three years, and after two years of discreetly disclosing it little by little, I finally got it to be recognized within the organization.


Now let's return to the main subject



Why is Ebata still coding?" A lot can be said about this, but in a nutshell


"Because, it is easy"




(Part 1)


Multinational forces, including the United States, launched the Gulf War in 1991.


In 1990, the Hussein regime in Iraq launched an attack against Kuwait, which had large oil reserves. In response, a multinational force, under a United Nations resolution, launched an attack on Iraq.


Public opinion in the U.S., which at the time was averse to war, was quickly galvanized by the "Nayirah testimony" to start the war.


The "Nayirah testimony" was a radical testimony given by a young girl who identified herself as "Nayirah" after the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait.


'Iraqi soldiers removed a newborn from a Kuwaiti hospital in an incubator and left it to die,' he said tearfully (I remember it well because it was on the news many times).


It is now known that this was "perjury" and that the girl, Nayirah, was the daughter of Saud an-Nasser a-Sabah, then Kuwait's ambassador to the United States.

―― (米国民を含めて)世界は、その少女の偽証に見事に騙されて、戦争に突き進んでいったのです。

"The world (including the American people) was successfully deceived by the girl's perjury, and pushed forward to the war"



(Part 2)


In 2003, the United States and the United Kingdom launched a war in Iraq.


President Bush cited the following reasons for the war, in his speeches before and after the war.


(1) Continued to possess weapons of mass destruction, including biological and chemical weapons, denied the existence of such weapons, and failed to cooperate fully with UN weapons inspectors


(2) Free Iraqi civilians from the oppressive regime of President Saddam Hussein.


However, even within the UN Security Council, France, Germany, Russia, and China opposed military intervention.


Due to the veto power of the permanent members of the Council, the UN force was not activated.


The United States, the United Kingdom, and other countries formed a coalition of the willing and launched a pre-emptive strike on March 20, bombing the country.


As a result,

―― 生物・化学兵器等、大量破壊兵器を保有していたという証拠は、一つも見つかりませんでした。

"Not a single piece of evidence was found that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction, including biological or chemical weapons"


Because of this, then British Prime Minister Blair was forced to step down (President Bush did not step down).




―― 米国は、1945年に、非戦闘員である広島市民と長崎市民の頭上に、摂氏3000度(太陽の表面温度の半分)の核爆弾を炸裂させました。

-- In 1945, the United States detonated a nuclear bomb at 3,000 degrees Celsius (half the surface temperature of the sun) over the heads of non-combatant citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


It is a common belief (in Japan) that this was the beginning of the division of the Allied Forces (Cold War) and a demonstration by the nuclear weapon states against the Soviet Union, which was invading Manchuria and the Northern Territories (contrary to the official view of the US government).



I cannot tolerate, in an absolute sense, Russia's invasion of Ukraine, especially its massacres of its own citizens.


Also, as a citizen of a country that is not a party to the war, I believe that the reports in Japan at this time are probably generally true.


But the reason I don't shout it out loud (writing columns, contributing, etc.) and stick to personal support is

―― 世界各国の政府発表(プロパガンダ)に騙され続けてきた

"I have been continuously deceived by government announcements (propaganda) from all over the world"


I have bitter memories of the past like the above.



I don't believe that "governments lie all the time," but when it comes to war (national defense), every government lies with high frequency.


And I, too, have been cheated, quite easily.


By the way, I cannot talk about "personal support" at this time.



"A manager who has led a project team with ambitious objectives" and "a programmer who can compute the data in front of him/her in any way they wants."


Which has more market value and which has a larger market size?


I have been thinking about this for a long time.



Makiko Uchidate's novel, "The Finished Man," is one of the greatest "horror novels" of my generation.

―― 日本最高学府の学歴や、一流会社のハイキャリアが、定年後の再就職の最大の障害になる

"Academic background from Japan's highest academic institution and a high career at a prestigious company become the biggest obstacles to re-entering the workforce after retirement"


The story appears in the book.


Even the protagonist of this novel says, 'I'll do any job,' but the president of the small business firm hesitates to hire him at every turn.


I understand their feeling very well.


Even they would not like to be told how to run their companies.


However, I believe that seniors who want to be rehired will do what they are told, with no intention of meddling in the management of the company.


However, the people on the field make the conjecture.

これは『逆差別』―― ではなくて、『エリート差別』?

Is this "reverse discrimination" or "elite discrimination"?


私が中小企業の社長であれば、どんなシニアが欲しいか? と考えると、

If I were the president of a small business, what kind of senior would I want?


- humble, energetic, and even a little bouncy in some ways, like a rookie.


- Change direction quickly if someone pay attention to them, and if achieve something that leads to money without being too obvious, don't blow it out of the water, just go about it nonchalantly, and don't even try to get you to pay attention.


- Study it quietly, and if don't understand, honestly bow down to the young man and ask him to help.


- Robust, both mental and physical.


I would want such "seniors".


In the future, both newcomers and seniors will be measured by their "readiness to work," and we seniors are expected to be role models, like


Newcomers who are required to be broadminded enough to associate with people of all sorts for the sake of working out a compromise.


I think.



"A manager who has led a project team with ambitious objectives" and "a programmer who can compute the data in front of him/her in any way they wants."


Which has more market value and which has a larger market size?


I do not know about market value.


However, I think the largest market is for "seniors who can quickly complete tasks that are assigned to them.



The other day, when I tried to use my credit card to send money to a store in Europe after completing the order process, I was troubled by the fact that it kept getting rejected with errors.


The location of the store was not disclosed, but it might have been "that country that is under financial sanctions from all over the world".


It said, "You can also pay in Bitcoin," so I attempted the method.


I still had some money left over from a previous purchase of about $5,000 for testing.


However, the system told me, 'The balance is not enough.


I thought this was strange, so I looked into it and was surprised to find that "the cost of remittance was higher than the price of the purchased item.


I thought 'Bitcoin has low remittance costs' was the biggest selling point.


This may not have been because of the bitcoin, but because of the fees charged by the store. Anyway, I gave up on the bitcoin transfer and canceled this transaction.



(1) If retail stores are force to stop using credit cards, they are going to dry up easily.


(2) Bitcoin could be used as a loophole in payment procedures.


This was a real experience of what is currently being reported in the news.



I just sent "a thank you" to the person who helped me with an Amazon gift.


The procedure took 30 seconds.


"It's really, really easy."


I realize that.



A bug in a program is really a small thing.


I am not surprised that the bug responsible for causing a major blackout in 1/3 of California was famously "just three lines of programming".


Because I spent three days straight checking the traces of three programs over a hundred times to find the timing discrepancies in reading the data, and

―― JavaScriptの1行をコメントアウトしただけで、プログラムはあっさりと動き出しました。

"I commented out one line of JavaScript and the program started working easily."



So, what is left is a very dirty, ugly program list with a mountain of added (and totally unrelated) variables and a huge number of printout messages written on it.


Now I have the not-so-fun task of cleaning it up and uploading it to the server so that future for me.



Programming education by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) ignores this current state of program development.


And they seem to think that they can teach something that is "programmatic thinking".


However, I understand that the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology says, 'That's the only way to do it'.


I assure you that if the MEXT force children to experience the realities of the front lines of program development, they will all run away.


So, I think,

―― まあ、そういうこと(「プログラム的思考」)が本当に実現できれば、子どもと文部科学省の両方に、心の底から『おめでとう』と言える

"Well, if such a thing can really happen, I can say 'congratulations' from the bottom of my heart to both the child and the Ministry of Education"



Let's wait and see what happens in 10 years.



Today, new my column is released, so I take a day off.



Let's turn the world by "Number"(69) Extra:

11 Clinical Issues to Consider about those who "still fear of Corona Vaccine"



I talked with my wife about the main theme of this issue: fear of vaccination.


Ebata: "You didn't find the vaccination scary?"


Wife: "I don't have any pre-existing conditions, and I had heard about the side effects, so I kind of thought, 'I'll be fine.'"


Ebata: "How do you think if you had had a strong allergic reaction or anaphylaxis in the past and you had had to go to the emergency room?"


Wife: "Then I would definitely feel 'scared. ' I think it's natural to feel like, 'I don't want me to do anything.'"



My mother was hospitalized immediately after the first vaccination, and subsequent vaccinations were stopped by the doctor, and she was in and out of the hospital and transferred to other hospitals repeatedly.


Then, in January of this year, she died of cardiac arrest.


Perhaps the cause of my mother's death was the 'vaccination'.

だが、それでも、私たちは、自分の命と、他人の命の為に、決断しなければならない ―― 今は、そういう時なのです。


If I were to die suddenly from myocarditis, it might be due to 'corona vaccination'.


Or it could be the "flu vaccination" that I receive every year, or the "tranquilizers" that I take once a week.


Or it could be the "sleeping pills" that I take once a month or so, or it could be "Hokkyoku Ramen".


By the way, I am not trying to be a joke.


As Dr. Shivata discusses in this column.


(1) Some people have died of myocarditis because of vaccination


(2) Some people have died of myocarditis due to COVID-19 .


(3) Some people have died of myocarditis unrelated to the above (1) and (2)


(Please read the column "CQ Last Number" for more information on that ratio.)


If you vaccinate, you will not be able to identify any of the reasons for (1), (2), or (3) above, but if you do not vaccinate, you will not have to consider at least (1).


I think that is one of the most satisfying ways to die.


"I'm going to die because I was seduced into getting vaccinated by a column by a guy named Ebata"


I am sure that the life that ends with the thought, will be a life of regret.



I am the reverse pattern.


"I waited for the day of the mRNA vaccination like a child waiting for a field trip"

という人間は ―― 国内に10人もいないだろうと思いますが ―― それでも、いるんです、ここに1人。

I doubt there are 10 such people in the country, but still, here is one.


I was excited just by the idea of vaccines by in silico (computer-aided design, etc.).


I thought 'bug out was perfect' with the good fortune that our country is a latecomer to the corona vaccine and is also the next in line of medical professionals in the country.


A phrase that has been used in our field for nearly 20 years is "the fusion of analog and digital," but I never thought it would be realized in this way.


Therefore, for me, it is satisfying to end my life thinking, "Was the fusion of analog and digital technology premature?"


よく分かっています ―― 私が、規格外のパラダイムを持っている、ということは。

I am well aware -- that I have an abnormal paradigm.



My wife was about to watch the recorded live-action version of "The Promised Neverland" that aired on terrestrial TV, however I stopped her just in time.

―― あぶなかった。危機一髪のところでした。

"It was a close call"


So, now, compulsively, I show my wife the animated version of "The Promised Neverland (Season 1)" on NetFlix.


In fact, the reason for the series of PC repairs from yesterday to this morning is that I was trying to get my wife to watch the animated version of "The Promised Neverland" when the PC malfunctioned.



Hence, I had reason to "rush" the repair.


My wife said she would watch the live-action version and then the anime, but I did not allow her the order because of stop spoiling it.


I think I rewatched the last episode and the one before of season 1 at least 10 times (by the way, I have not watched season 2 yet).



Incidentally, my second daughter seems to be a "Neverland of Promises" comic book guesser.


The Ebata family is a media-diverse family.


いわゆる、世界から注目される著名な人は、厳しい自己批判と反省を続けている ―― らしいです。

So-called prominent people who attract worldwide attention continue to engage in severe self-criticism and reflection -- apparently.


Indeed, I believe that at the end of such days, they can rise something that moves the world and inspires the world.

しかし、そのような人々には、世界は見えていない ―― 彼らにとって、世界は観客ではありません。

But to such people, the world is invisible -- to them, the world is not a spectator.


For them, the audience is themselves.



That audience (they) will not offer words of praise for their performance.


Instead, they continually search for flaws in their own performance and demand higher and higher from themselves.


The performance will be even greater, higher, and more polished, and no one will be able to catch up to them.


We are just a mob of people who are not given a second thought by them, just adding their fingers and watching.


尊敬に値する行為だと思いますが ―― 私は、そんな生き方はゴメンです。

I think it's a respectful act, however I'm not going to live that way.

そもそも、そんな生き方して、楽しいか? と思います。

In the first place, do I enjoy living that way? I think.


When I finish a column, when a program works the way I want it to, when an invention falls into a detailed drawing in my head.

―― 自分の頭の中の発表会場で、たくさんの自分が一斉に満場総立ちになり、万雷の拍手と歓声の嵐が巻き起こります

In the presentation hall in my own head, all of me are standing at the hall with a storm of thunderous applause and cheers


It is the self standing ovation.


I like my "cheap" self to continue to be easily satisfied again and again with the heights within my reach, rather than to aim for something unparalleled in the world, based on rigorous self-improvement.


If there's one thing that I have in common with the world's most notable personalities, I have only one point: 'I don't care what the world thinks.



Today, I finished changing the studless tires to normal tires on my own.


Today, too, I am in 'standing ovation'.



If it is a beta world line, it "converges" to a future in which World War III occurs, and if it is an alpha world war, it "converges" to a dystopia.


The future of World War III is prevented when Rintaro Okabe reaches the Steins;Gate world line, where there is no such "convergence" at all.


Aside from that.



Now, in the real world, we are on the verge of a serious World War III.


So far, humanity has fought two world wars.


And if we start another war for the third time because of the "egos of the great powers," we human beings will inevitably be slandered as 'idiots'.


World War III should be told in the context of a "struggle through time and space" that transcends even space wars.


I have no reason to forgive "those people" who are currently creating the same scenery on earth as the opening of Steins;Gate Zero.



By the way, there is no such thing as "research is not ruined just because a paper is burned".

研究員であれば、自分の論文(or 特許明細書)が、10回燃やされても、11回書き直すことができます。

If you are a researcher, you can rewrite your paper (OR patent specification) 11 times even if it is burned 10 times.


Dr. Nakabachi could not understand or even plagiarize the contents of his daughter's (Kurisu Makise's) paper.



Anyway, don't "select" Steins;Gate from NetFlix after midnight.

# 「シュタインズ・ゲート"の"選択」ではありません

# It is not Steins;Gate's selection.

結構なディストピア ―― 平日のオールナイト上映会 ―― が待っています。

Quite a dystopia -- all-night weekday screenings -- awaits.