
江端家では、テレビの音声を手元に届ける為に、FMトランスミッタ + ラジオを使ったシステムを使っています。

The Ebata family uses an FM transmitter + radio system to bring the TV sound to their hands.



Two of the above "bumper radios" are now in operation in the Ebata household.


However, the following, fixed station FM transmitters (except for in-vehicle use) do not appear to be available for sale.


Well, the Ebata family still has two of them in reserve, so we are fine (we recently retrieved one from my parents' house).



I recently saw a news story about a study that found that the inability to recognize speech sounds can lead to progressive cognitive impairment.


Early wearing of "hearing aids" was recommended, but I think this kind of radio-based system is also effective.


It is nice to be able to hear the audio wherever I carry the radio (for example, I am programming in my study on the 2nd floor while "listening" to the NHK special).



However, such products seem to be sold quite well, so there may be no need to force the creation of such a system.


However, I think it is quite "good" to sell only a "transmitter (FM transmitter)" and any radio can be used with it, but perhaps the integrated type is better suited to the needs of the elderly.



I am also creative with my radio batteries.


I am taking various chiseled energy-saving measures, such as making it work with only two batteries.



My column, published yesterday, was the first one I published in my life.

江端さんのひとりごと'94 「渋谷駅の惨劇」

これを、私、社内の同期のメーリングリストに流して、仲間から絶賛されたことで ―― 調子に乗りました。

I put this out to a mailing list of my peers in the company, and after receiving rave reviews from my peers -- I was in a good mood.


And then, I've been writing ever since.


In other words, 'getting on a roll' or 'feeling good' can be a turning point in one's life.



Of course, this kind of thing (being praised by others) does not last continuously.


Eventually, they will stop being acclaimed and even criticized.

すると、凹みます ―― 誰だってそうです。

Then you get depressed -- everyone does.



This phenomenon is most noticeable in secondary novels.


As far as I know, only 1-2% of all second novels are completed to the end.


There are so many people who give up creating in the middle of the process.


Of course, the secondary creators are 'self-satisfied', 'for their own amusement', and done 'for free'.

これを他人(読者)が批判するのは『酷』 ―― というよりは『不当』で『非礼』ですらあるとすら思います。

I think it is "harsh" -- or even "unfair" and "impolite" -- for others (readers) to criticize this.


Still, I do feel "sorry for the work" if you start a story with grand foreshadowing and never retrieve it or complete it.


チヤホヤされなければ、書き続けることができない ―― 私は、この気持ちを『支持』します。

They can't keep writing if they don't get cheesed off -- I 'support' this sentiment.


But, after all, strangers are strangers. Strangers are freaks.


There are few (or rather, "no") people who will keep you constantly cheer for you.



―― 私(江端)だけは、いつまでも私(江端)自身をチヤホヤし続けること

"I will continue to cheer myself forever"


is very important for me.



(The following is an excerpt from "Japan's highest blockchain was that system that boasts of being the world's longest.)


Ebata: "It doesn't matter. I just want my columns to reach just one reader."


Junior: "What is that? I've never heard that before. That's the first time I've heard such a meaningful word. Who is the one person to whom you want to convey your "feelings"?"


Ebata: "It's me"


Juniors: "What?"


Ebata: "So, "It is me". I like to reread my columns. Every time I reread it, I think, 'I was thinking such great things at that time,' or 'Oh, I like this way of thinking, it fits well, I like this person.



The other day, my daughter apparently did something similar to what I did.

江端さんのひとりごと'94 「渋谷駅の惨劇」

"Mr. Ebata's small talk '94 'The Tragedy of Shibuya Station'"

―― 親子だなぁ・・・

"We are a parent and a child..."


I realize that.



However, in my daughter's case, it seems that "people around her helped her and were kind to her," and in summary, she was able to "come in contact with the kindness of people in the city".


The 'results' are definitely different from my case.


I'm not convinced of that.


江端一夫・瑤子 納骨供養のご案内(公開版)


In the tree burial service here, a hole about 15 cm in diameter and 60 cm deep was dug and the remains were placed in the hole.


Since my father died first, then my mother, the plan was to place my father's remains first, and then my mother's on top of his.


However, the person in charge had removed the markings on the urn, and just before the bones were delivered, it was impossible to tell which remains were which.


My sister and I had a conversation for about five seconds, saying, 'This is that,' and 'Yes, I agree that", and we decided which is which on the spot.


It is currently unknown in which order the bones were delivered and will remain unknown.


That is why I call this cemetery of my father and mother as follows,

―― シュレーディンガーの父母

-- Schrodinger's parents





As noted above, it is very difficult to implement an idea if you have a different idea than your own boss.


This is because the company organization has a superordinate form of command.


The proper approach is to "persuade the boss," but this rarely succeeds, and even if it does, the cost (time and effort) becomes enormous.


That is why I am implementing "Under the Table(*)".


(*) The most commonly used word is "bribe," but here it means "in secret".


So-called "late-night researchers" or "weekend researchers.


I am a member of an organization, but late at night and on weekends, I am an individual who has nothing to do with the organization (or so I think).


In my daily life, I don't watch movies, baseball, soccer, or dramas on TV, and I spend most weekends and long vacations for "under the table".


If you say, "You're spending all your money on columns and diaries", I can't be helped.



Well, in my case, it may only be possible because of the "scope of research I can personally perform".


This may be difficult to do in cases such as projects that involve huge amounts of money and human resources.


Still, I think you can do a desk study (simulation) and wait with bated breath for the chance to bring it to the surface.



"Under the Table" can be implemented in the time it takes to have a drink while complaining to your colleagues, "My boss is an idiot..."


However, if you seriously try this, your network of contacts in the organization will be in tatters, your boss's value of yours will be to the bottom, and your career will be doomed.


Excessive doing of this at home can also lead to family breakdown and divorce.


If you are hoping to get married, your marriage may be far away.

そう考えると ―― 「状況に応じた『アンダー・ザ・テーブル』の発動」くらいが、ちょうど良いのかもしれません。

When you think about it -- "activating 'under the table' depending on the situation" might be about right.



I just went downstairs to the living room and my wife was watching a drama.

内容は、司法試験を目指している学生の番組 のようでした。

The content seemed to be a program for students preparing for the bar exam.


In that scene, the students were solving a case problem: "The wife of a husband who fell to his death at a job site with inadequate safety management takes the company to court.


The students seemed to be discussing the issue from the perspective of 'how to pursue responsibility against the company and win the case.


Well, it's a drama.



I, for a time, attended a private law seminar at my own expense.


Each time I was asked to solve a case study there, the content was very practical.


The setting is the opposite of the above drama.


For example,

―― 安全管理が不十分な現場で、転落死した夫の妻の訴えを、いかに退けるか

"How to dismiss a lawsuit by the wife of a husband who fell to his death at a site with inadequate safety controls"


It was like, "Discuss this from the perspective of a 'lawyer hired by the company'.


In addition to this, I remember the following case.

―― 大企業が、新興ベンチャーから技術盗用で訴られたが、これを退けて、なお、そのベンチャーの特許権を潰し、さらに商標権も潰し、最終的にそのベンチャーを倒産に追い込め

"A large company is sued by a start-up venture for technology theft, but fights off the venture's patent rights, then its trademark rights, and finally forces the venture into bankruptcy"




In this law seminar, I was taught that the job of a defense lawyer is to "protect and maximize the interests of the client," not to "achieve justice.


(Incidentally, this law seminar is not special, but this is what the study of practical application of law is generally like.)



"Knowledge is power" is not just a philosophy. It is extremely realistic.


I feel comfortable, at least, in paraphrasing "Knowledge is violence.


For example, to me, knowing how the law operates is "violence".


Being able to set up a simulation program is also "violence," and being able to use trigonometric functions as an everyday tool is probably "violence".

なお、「英語」「陽キャ」「運動能力」も、「暴力」だと思います ―― こちらは、被害者として痛感しています。

In addition, I think that "English", "Sociality", and "athletic ability" are also "violence" -- I am painfully aware of this one as a victim.




After going through the above process, I completed my homework report and submitted it that day.


The deadline is in mid-February, but I had to take an incentive leave at that time, so I finished it ahead of schedule.


So today, when I went to the university to take a course, I was asked many questions by international students about this "method of measuring traffic volume using a smartphone".


That's why I added the English lines to this page on the fly today (I just put it into a translation engine).

I installed "Time Counter (a counter that can record time stamps)". 時刻カウンター (タイムスタンプの記録ができるカウンター)をインストールしてみた



The problem is that the interface of this application is in Japanese.


I'm sure there are other apps with similar functions in English if they look for, but after thinking about it, I had a lot of trouble finding this one.


So I though of making my own.


Well, this time I was lucky and was able to find a suitable application.


I don't know if they can find an English app, or if they will use this Japanese app.

しかし、国際言語としては、これまでも、これからも、全く役に立たないであろう日本語を、それでもがんばって取得しようと踏ん張っているこの国際留学生たちを ―― できる限り、応援したいと思います。

However, I would like to support these international students who are trying their best to acquire Japanese, which has been and will continue to be completely useless as an international language, as much as possible.



―― 当たり前だバカ。この異常な養子縁組の上、金銭の授受までやっていたら、お前らは『本物の悪魔』だ

When I read a newspaper article titled "The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare will not file criminal charges against the former Unification Church for facilitating adoptions," I was so outraged that I almost lost control of myself, but


"First of all, calm down, me.



- Assessing the situation and


- Checking the background.


- Reading the rationale (legal text).


- constructing a logic that makes sense (regardless of whether the case is won or lost, litigation has the effect of revealing the factual background, etc.).


Then I can begin the attack in earnest.


行政府には感情攻撃では効果はありません ―― 経験上、特に厚生労働省というお役所は。

Emotional attacks do not work on the executive branch -- in my experience, especially the bureaucracy that is the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.



―― 新型コロナウイルス感染の主原因は「会食」





I am Ebata, the resident "maintenance person" of the Ebata family.

―― このコンセントを抜いて、10秒後に入れると「直る」



In the Showa period, there was a concept that if you "beat it, it will fix itself," whether it was a TV or a stereo.


Nowadays, "unplug it and it will be fixed.


Nowadays, it is rarer to find a home appliance that does not have a built-in computer (microcomputer).


And microcontroller appliances that are left on can accumulate bugs and stop working.


However, in both the past and now, when you do it at "bad timing" or "bad luck", the appliance may not fix it, or it may break completely.


最近『「坂本竜馬」の記述を、歴史の教科書から削除する』 ―― 真実か単なる噂かは不明ですが ―― という話を聞きました。


As I mentioned above, I have long wondered about "Sakamoto Ryoma's view of heroism" from an engineering approach. I thought that

―― ストーリー(解釈)に無理がありすぎる

"The story (interpretation) is too unreasonable"



昨日、たまたまNetFlixで「小河ドラマ 龍馬がくる」を"つまみ見"して、非常に驚愕し、感動しました。

Yesterday, I happened to "snag" a copy of "Kogawara Drama Ryoma ga Kuru" on NetFlix and was very surprised and impressed.


Mr.Tetsuya Takeda, who appears in this drama, is an ardent Sakamoto Ryoma fan and has appeared in numerous Ryoma productions.


I was impressed by the fact that he appeared in the program "Making a drama about Sakamoto Ryoma together with 'a mediocre Sakamoto Ryoma who has done nothing' who has time leapt from the past.


I cannot know what kind of "view of Sakamoto Ryoma", Mr. Tetsuya Takeda has.


However, no matter what kind of "Sakamoto Ryoma" he has, I felt his pride of a professional in the way he created it as a work of art.