

The most famous case between an author and a secondary author should be the "Candy Candy Case," but I have not seen this topic discussed in conjunction with the recent case.


Perhaps this is called an "industry taboo," thinks Ebata (me), who can't read the air.


In copyright law, 'the original author is the strongest' is absolute, but when profit is involved, 'the rich are the strongest' seems the same in every world.



This is an issue that creators and researchers do not want to touch.


My columns are based on various books and open data, and my illustrations are based on illustrations and photos described by others.


Regarding research activities, not a single millimeter of progress can be made without a paper on previous research.


Conversely, my creations are sometimes cited in other works (and there are plenty of diversions and plagiarism).


I have heard that one of my patent specifications, which I wrote but could not patent, has rejected more than 70 subsequent patent applications (the "effect of exclusion of subsequent applications for prior inventions").


I am trying to say that 'creative activity completely unrelated to prior works' is 'an illusion.



At any rate, what is now required of creators is, of course, first and foremost, the creative activity itself.


But the next most crucial thing might be to study the law (copyright law).


It's a hassle, but protecting your work and life is necessary.



Recently, a new type of harassment called "maru-harassment" has become a hot topic.


"It's O.K.." This harassment is named by youth because some fear the "." of the last of "It's O.K.."

もちろん、これを一蹴することは易いですし、反論もできますが ―― 多分、そいうことではないと思うのです。

Of course, it's easy to kick this out and argue -- but maybe that's not the point.



I recognize that 'harassment is a unilateral decision made by the one who feels it, i.e., the victim, and the perpetrator has no defense against it.


We seniors have been reminded of this with "sexual harassment" and "power-harassment" for the last 20 years or so.


There was undoubtedly a time when "sexual harassment = communication" and "power harassment = education," and there was no problem with such treatment in those days (more accurately, "it was a big problem for the parties involved, but the public didn't take it up" is correct).


But times change, society's values change, and what was acceptable in the past is unacceptable today.


It is important to note that unlike "absolute evil" (murder and violence), "social evil" is constantly changing from day to day.


And it is the seniors (the old guys and old ladies, including me) cannot follow up on these changing social evils.


As a senior citizen, I want to see the government issue an official gazette(*) as "a 'social evil' that goes into effect today."


(*)The Official Gazette is a government public relations magazine and plays an important role as a medium for promulgating laws, government ordinances, treaties, etc.


Aside from that.



Regarding "maru-harassment," my blog is full of "maru-harassment."


My sentences are long, so naturally, there is a lot of punctuation.


And above all, these are not the kind of content that people who are afraid of "." will be able to tolerate.


Discussing social networking communication tools, blogs, or novels in the same category may be unreasonable.



However, I can think of something different from this "maru-harassment."


My pages are visited by roughly 4,000 to 5,000 people daily, which has not changed for the past 2 to 3 years (PV is about 1.5 to 2 times that number).

「2~3年間、変動がないことをどう考えるか 』―― これは、なかなかに難しいのです。

"How should I think about the fact that there will be no change for two to three years?" This is a tricky question.


My writing is unique, and the content is harsh (a collection of solid criticism and sarcasm).


It takes a lot of strength, even for me, to keep reading this every day.


My site is at the level of "Ebata harassment," so to speak, which I may name "Ebahara.


Therefore, I believe those of you who visit my pages daily are the brave ones who have overcome this "ebaharah.


At the very least, I think it is not the kind of blog that young people frightened of "maru-harassment" can enter.


Conversely, the 4,000 to 5,000 of you gathered on this blog can be identified as the "brave" who can stand up to Ebata's "ebahara.

私は、あなたのことを「勇者 ―― ビヨンド エバハラ」、省略して「エバハラ勇者」と命名したいと思います。

I want to name you "Brave -- Beyond Ebahara," or "Ebahara Brave" for short.

でも、少なくとも「エバハラ勇者」は"尊称"にはならないでしょう ―― むしろ、悪い"レッテル"になりそうです。

But at the very least, "Ebahara brave" will not be a "title" -- rather, it will be a bad "label."

これらを忌避して生きてもいいんですか ―― いいんです(楽天カードのCM風)。





I have said many things in my daily life and on my blog.


When I wondered what I hadn't said to the contrary,


"Nurturing People"


I have never used the phrase


(I searched all past diaries, and it was not there.)


私は、自分の子どもですら『育てる』と思ったことはないです ―― あれは『勝手に育った』です。

I've never thought of even my children as 'Nurturing' -- that was 'Nurtured on their own.


I have scolded them tremendously for wrong things, but I can only remember a few.


All I did was provide, build, and maintain the infrastructure for their lives (although I also fought to the point of destroying the organization if necessary).


In my case, I will not say that I Nurtured my children or anything like that.




Because I didn't want to go through all that hassle.



When I read materials for company managers, I see phrases such as "nurture subordinates.


I am genuinely impressed (no sarcasm intended).


I think of "measures" to move people, but not to "train" them.


It is purely to make things easier for me.



Through my long career as a salaried worker, I have learned that those who use phrases such as "nurturing people" without hesitation are usually "destroying people.


This is one of my few specialties from the perspective of how inventions and patent specifications were created. Still, it was particularly noticeable in the work of invention-creation.


I have seen enough of "stupid bosses who crush the freshly born, feeble little inventions of young researchers with their own experience and knowledge.


The invention is born as a weak and small being, like a 'newborn.'


The boss's role is to nourish this "newborn" and raise it into a strong patent right by enabling it to walk.


I have seen bosses who say this is 'nurturing people' but continue to kill these newborns because they are 'not novel' or 'not progressive.'


Anyway, I thought, 

- 何やってんだ? その「新生児」を、苦労しながら一緒に育てていくのが、上司の役目だろう?

- What are you doing? Isn't it the role of the boss to raise that "newborn baby" with you while struggling to make it work?

- 一体、どの口が『部下を育てる』と言っているんだ?

- What in the world are you talking about "Nurturing subordinates"?




But, well, this is just one example in my tiny scope.


It would be presumptuous of me to discuss human resource development from my narrow perspective and experience.


Anyway, I am deeply convinced that it is pretty natural that I, who consider "Nurturing people" to be "troublesome," have not been in a position to lead an organization.




'It's okay because it's in a closed community.'


These are the words uttered by the person who transmitted the image of licking a condiment container in a restaurant to a closed network.


I will not discuss the lowliness of this action, as many have spoken of it.


ただ、私が若い頃に、この低能さを無条件に批判できるかと問われれば ―― できないような気がします。

However, if you ask me if I could unconditionally criticize this lowly behavior when I was younger -- I don't think I could.


Because I was not a praiseworthy young man.


When I was young, I used to be against the higher-ups (schools, government offices, and the violent apparatus of state power (police, etc.)).


If there had been an Internet environment back then, as there is today, these acts would have been digitally recorded, and I would have been tormented for the rest of my life for them.


In terms of 'stupidity,' I believe that when I was younger, I was 'not much different from a young man licking a condiment container' (although I think there is a difference in the dignity of the act).


I just happened to be lucky enough to be born without the Internet. I genuinely believe that.


Aside from that.



Humans have a desire to 'share enjoyable content with others.


It's the so-called 'Don't tell anyone else. Actually...'.


You might call it "an endless chain of closed communities.


Regarding the Internet, 'closed communities' are an illusion.


Therefore, information that needs to be kept secret (e.g., evidence that establishes the requirements for constituting a crime) needs to be kept secret.


In the end, the bottom line is that "if it is a criminal act, stop it from the beginning," but there are many people, even adults, who cannot distinguish between a "criminal act" and a "prank.



By the way, if someone says to me, "Don't tell anyone else about this," I'll be right there with them, "What's the deadline?" I respond with.


If they say "indefinitely," I respond, "I can't promise."


If they say, "for ten years," I reply, "I can't promise that."

「1年間」と言われたら、「それなら約束してもいい」と応答し ―― そして、1年後に暴露します。

If they say "one year," you respond, "I can promise you that," -- and then expose them a year later.



The exception to this is the "Ebata Firewall" that I have imposed on myself.



This is the foundation of my dignity, and when I violate it, I am prepared to stop being me.


I try every day to be able to dismiss people who say, 'Don't tell anyone else, actually...' as 'vulgar people.



I don't believe in new technology when it comes in.


I have seen so many things that have disappeared from the market after being eaten up by the enormous amount of time spent on serious work on that new technology that it is rotten.


In the first place, most of the technologies that are called "awesome" are prefaced with the phrase, "It's a bit timid now, but it will soon become popular.


And this series of articles is the culmination of my resentment.




Whether or not I make myself believe in "awesome" is easy.


If I use it and think it is "awesome," then it is "awesome."


And if it is something that 'I want to use even if I have to pay for it myself,' then its 'awesome' is confirmed.


You don't need to listen to others' opinions. Because of this, I know.



As a rule, I don't believe in the "XXXXXX era" that is being communicated to me by the elites in my company.

『お前らに、これまで、何度騙されてきたことか』 ―― という膨大な記憶があるからです。

I have a vast memory of "How many times have you people fooled me?


However, if "XXXX" is a "Generative AI," it can be accepted without resistance.


This is "awesome" to me. It's true.


However, this "awesome" is specific to my business and academic work, so I don't know if the generative AI is "awesome" for most people.

―― 人が言う「スゴい」は胡散臭くて鬱陶(うっとう)しいが、自分が信じる「スゴい」は、ストレスがなく、むしろ気分が良い

-- "Awesome" that people say is stinky and depressing, but "awesome" that I believe in is stress-free and makes me feel good.


That is it.



So, here's the punchline,

―― 『私は、意外に、簡単にカルト宗教にハマるタイプかもしれない』と思い当たり、ゾッとしている

-- I am horrified to realize that "I may be the type of person who falls into cultism surprisingly easily.



When I say things like, "The 'Principle' is amazing," you all need to leave me immediately.


It would be best to start evacuating with the vigor of a tsunami warning class.


In particular, I will tell my family, 'You have three seconds to leave me.





I know that "land rises," but I had no idea I would see it in my territory during my lifetime.

■ 生活用水としての地下水の汲み上げによって、現在、各国の首都で深刻な地盤沈下が進行中

  • Groundwater pumping for domestic use is currently causing severe land subsidence in the capitals of many countries.

■ 地球温暖化による海面上昇によって、現在、沿岸部の都市の多くのエリアが水没中

  • Many areas of coastal cities are now under water due to rising sea levels caused by global warming.


I knew this from NHK specials and other sources.


However, after the Noto Peninsula earthquake, I learned about the 4-meter uplift of the coastline and learned about it on video.

こういう現象は、地球誕生後の億年の単位のどこかで発生する事象 ―― 要するに、遠い過去か、遠い未来の「他人事」と思っていました。

I had thought that these phenomena would occur somewhere in the billion years after the birth of the earth -- in other words, they were "someone else's problem" in the distant past or future.


I realized that I was living in a billion years of history.



Today, the theory of continental drift is evident if you look at a world map. Still, at the time, the proponent of this theory (Alfred Wegener) was widely ridiculed by the public (and quite recently (1912)).


But, well, 'the ground can't possibly move!' I can understand why you would think that.



I heard that Hawaii was near Japan in elementary school, and I did the math.


(1) Land moves roughly 1 cm per year.


(2) The distance between Japan and Hawaii is currently 6600 km.

上記(1)(2)をそのまま当てはめると、ハワイが現在の位置に至るのに必要な時間は、660,000,000年 = 6.6億年

Applying (1) and (2) above as they are, the time required for Hawaii to reach its present position is 660,000,000 years = 660 million years


The earth was born 4.5 billion years ago, mitochondrion arose 2.1 billion years ago, multicellular organisms a billion years ago, and 600 million years ago was an ice age.


The birth of humankind is roughly 10 to 1 million years ago (0.001 to 0.01 billion years ago), so it is well longer than that,

―― 地面が動く速度は、意外に速いものだなぁ

"The ground moves surprisingly fast."


Even as a child, I thought it.


Anyway, I can't help but be amazed that the ground has risen several meters in my lifetime.





This weekend, I continued to use ChatGPT to do some coding and writing.


"Oh my God...."


I muttered repeatedly.



Recently, I have found that 'the trick to using ChatGPT is the same as when I ask someone to do a job.


The "key to asking someone to do a job" is to imagine in your mind, assuming that the person is you, 'If I don't understand this content, I cannot start the job,' and then verbalize it.

大切なのは、テクニカルライティング ―― というか、人に伝える日本語の正しい使い方です。

What is important is technical writing -- or rather, the proper use of Japanese to communicate to others.



I have spoken passionately many times about the importance of "English" and "Mathematics."


However, as I think about it now, while confronting this generative AI, I realize that the "Japanese language" is becoming the study that should be prioritized.


It goes without saying in human communication, but from now on, the "ability to verbalize" to talk with computers will be very important. I assure you.


However, it does not matter how you respond to the question, which is like a Japanese language exam, "Choose the one from A to D that comes closest to the feelings of the author who wrote this sentence.


(However, studying this question response is quite important in the love and marriage process, but that's another story.)


What is important is the ability to verbalize the subject and object clearly and to convey the content of the message completely in the national language so that the computer does not get confused.


As I was writing, I thought that this kind of verbalization may be something that is rather more useful in 'English.'



Child: "What do I study for?"


Me: "It's all about using the generative AI to make life easier."


Now, I believe that.




I was tired of writing my paper, so I went to the living room for tea and found my wife watching a live-action version of "March Lion" on Amazon.com.


Shogi is now considered to be amid an unprecedented Shogi boom.


I can only vaguely remember the rules of Shogi, but I think I have read a lot of manga comics dealing with Shogi.



And when I read those comics, I come to believe,

―― 本気で将棋をやる人(プロ)は、誰もが、苦しみにのたうち回りながら将棋をやっているのだろうか

"Does any professional Shogi player play the game while suffering from the continuous harsh reality?"


もちろん、マンガにはドラマ性が必要だとは思うのですが、それにしても、将棋のマンガに登場する人物 ―― 全員、幸せそうに見えない。

Of course, I think comics need drama, but even so, the characters in chess comics -- don't all look happy.


Their agonizing and painful obsession with winning fascinates me.


But if I were to ask myself whether I, too, would like to live a life of unbearable and painful obsession with winning, I would answer, "Absolutely not.



I was reading the "withdrawal agreement" of the organization called "Shourei-kai" (Japan Shogi Federation), and I felt fear about the contents of the 'forced withdrawal of age limit.'


However, I understand this age limit is correct for maintaining a solid organization.


If there is no age limit, there will probably always be elders, factions, and such, shaping and weakening the organization and even leading to illegal activities, like the ruling party in some countries.



Speaking of age restrictions, the "Fields Medal," considered the Nobel Prize in mathematics, also has strict limits: once every four years, under 40 years old, and between two and four recipients.


In the case of mathematics, I think that no age limit is needed, given that most of the great proofs in mathematics are done by young mathematicians.


(Andrew Wiles, who successfully proved "Fermat's Last Theorem," received a "special award" in 1998 at the age of 45, but this is an exception.)



It is best to have someone else do the "bloody life," not me.


It is enough for me to be 'shown' and 'entertained' by the bloody life of another.



I believe that Ado's hit song "Ussei-wa" is about the frustration of "unspoken subordinates" against their bosses, i.e., a song of avoidance and criticism from junior to senior.


But there is a reverse pattern.


It is a "Ussei-wa" from seniors to juniors.



Seniors have been alive longer, so they have more experience no matter what, regardless of their qualities.


I faced more troubles than Junior and had to solve them before proceeding with my work.


Of course, this high level of experience has nothing to do with their effort or talent but the length of time.


So, while it is natural for seniors to "take advantage" of their experience, it is unreasonable for them to "brag" about this to juniors.


Seniors who do such things are simply "idiots," but there are many such idiots.



Hence, from the junior's point of view, it may seem as if the senior 'exists only to get in the way of his work.


While a certain number of seniors are idiots, as described above, the majority are not.

『私がはまった地雷に、何も、お前もはまることもあるまい』という善意だったりするのですが ――

They have good intentions by saying, "You don't have to get stuck in the same landmines I got stuck in.


However, even if the intentions were good, it is natural for Junior to feel "Ussei-wa."



As a junior, I was tempted to say, 'Don't I have the right to fail?"

―― 例えば、私が20歳代にやってきた時『バカ、アホ』と言われたことを、今やると『流石は、江端さんですね。素晴しい』って言われるぞ


Therefore, I do not want to interfere with anyone's "right to fail," so I can stand smiling in front of a junior who may fail.


I got a little off-topic. Let me get back on track.


シニアからジュニアに対する「うっせいわ」とは何か? ―― それは、『コスト試算がされていない無茶な提案』です。

What is "Ussei-wa" from seniors to juniors? -- It is a reckless proposal that has not been cost-estimated.


When you are as senior as I am, you can quickly visualize the cost, time frame, and number of resources that would be required just by listening to the proposal.


In addition, the likelihood of its failure can be intuitively predicted (although it is tedious to quantify and logically convert it).

で、まあ、新しい試みというのは、大抵の場合、失敗します ―― しかし、それは、仕方がありません。「新しい試み」なのですから。

And, well, new attempts usually fail -- but that can't be helped. It's a "new attempt.



This 'intuitive prediction' of the senior seems to the junior to be 'present only to interfere with the junior's work.

ただ、この件に関しては、ジュニアに対してロジカルに説明しない(or できない)シニアが悪い。その説明で「手を抜いている」なら、さらに悪質と言えます。

However, in this case, the senior does not (or cannot) explain logically to the junior. It is even worse if they are "cutting corners" with that explanation.


But "logical explanations are troublesome".


Hence, the senior may choose to "leave the junior alone."

こうして、シニアもジュニアも、共に争わず、ニッコリ笑いながら、双方、不幸になっていく ―― と。

In this way, both seniors and juniors do not fight. Both smile and laugh, and both are unhappy


Well, I believe that is one of the "solutions."


ちなみに、これまで私は、才気溢れる若い才能たちが、果敢に挑戦し、そして、無様に転げ落ちていく様を、沢山見てきました ―― ニッコリと笑いながら。

Incidentally, I have seen many brilliant young talents boldly take up the challenge and then fall in a heap -- with my smiling.


These "brilliant young talents" were often cocky, irreverent, and obnoxious, so I was able to "smile" from the bottom of my heart without any difficulty.



Thus, one of my life mottos is


"I don't get in the way of brilliant young talent, but I don't help it either. But neither do I help them.




I have recently built systems using the Raspberry Pi (Raspi) at work and university.

途中まで作ったシステムを、その後の自分の作業で壊してしまう ―― 私は、こんな場面に山ほど立ちあってきました。

I have seen many such situations where my subsequent work destroyed a system halfway through construction.


The Raspi can keep a clone of the system I have made halfway through on an SD card so that I can store the SD card image file on my PC. I can then duplicate the SD card as needed.


With this clone in place, I can continue to develop with peace of mind.



However, there is another problem with this.


(1) When SD cards are ordered from workplaces or universities, it takes one to two weeks, and paperwork is required, so the work cannot be started immediately.


(2) The capacity of the SD card that Raspi handles is increasing daily (128GB now), so I can't use the SD cards that I have personally.


That's why I always go to Amazon's website to check the price of SD cards; Amazon usually delivers them the next day.

"1500円 + 翌日"と、"2週間 + 書類作成 + 何回もの稟議"を秤にかけて、Amazonの購入ボタンに手が出てしまう私を、一体、誰が責められましょうか。

Who could blame me for reaching for the Amazon purchase button when I weighed "1,500 yen + next day" against "2 weeks + paperwork + multiple requests for approval"?



A further recent problem is the capacity of SD cards.


When I first used Raspi, the SD card was 512MB.

1GB, 4GB, 16GB, 32GBと大きくなり、今や128GBです(江端家ビデオ監視システムのラズパイで32GB)。

It has grown to 1GB, 4GB, 16GB, 32GB, and now 128GB (32GB for Raspi, the Ebata family's video surveillance system).



Backup time has grown from a dozen minutes to four hours, and then the image files for the clone are straining my PC HDD.



I feel a little depressed, 'I wonder if I must keep investing in these IT gadgets from now on.