

The re-broadcast of “Saka no Ue no Kumo” finally reaches the scene where the fleet confronts the Baltic Fleet.


I had already read “Saka no Ue no Kumo” (I think I was in junior high school then) and watched the first broadcast. However, I still didn't understand the Japanese Navy's battle plan against the Baltic Fleet, which Akiyama Manji proposed.


The words of the commander-in-chief of the Baltic Fleet, “Has Togo gone mad?” are also how I feel now.


This time, I will ensure I understand this strategy and get it into my head until I can explain it to others.


Leaving that aside.



When you watch the rerun of “Saka no Ue no Kumo,” you will be reminded that our country was blessed with historical good fortune in the Russo-Japanese War, where we were able to grab five miraculous lucky breaks in a row.


If I convert it to a probability value, I think it will be like 0.000000... with lots of 0s.


In his later years, Akiyama Saneyuki is said to have continued to wonder until his death about why his country had been so fortunate.


I feel a sense of closeness when I think he was a soldier and an engineer.



On the other hand, the Pacific War, which began with the “four ‘ifs’ and one ‘might’”, was the complete opposite.




The world is a whole of things that “require miracles, ifs, and might.”


And I am beginning to understand that wars must be fought.


For example, because they “did not” fight the war that they had to fight, it became an even worse war, and tens of millions of people, including civilians, were killed. This was World War II.


All I can do is pray that 'during my lifetime, I want the content to be limited to the extent that my safety and life are guaranteed.'



I have been making the argument that “silence is violence.”

―― お前は、この場で、一体、誰に対して、何を分かって貰おうとしているんだ?


I've noticed recently that there are times when I've tried everything and 'I can't think of anything else to do.'


If someone asked me what I would do in a situation like that, I would have no choice but to keep quiet.


I couldn't think of anything, so I tried to be silent for the first time.



What I can't do, I can't do.


If I can't do something because I'm incompetent, uneducated, lacking in technical skills or creativity, then that's my responsibility, and I'm okay with that.


If I can say, “I did what I could do,” then that's good enough.


I think that the fact that I'm only just realizing this now is one of my “weak points.”



Incidentally, when I kept quiet, the others started talking.


It seems that “silence is a reply” as well.



Today's story was inspired by reading “Waves, Listen to Me (Mr. Hiroaki Samura)” in the monthly magazine Afternoon (Kodansha). It is not a story I came up with. I hope you will all read “Waves, Listen to Me.”



“Can you fight for 24 hours?” ‘Marriage is like a Christmas cake,’ ‘Men work, women stay at home,’ ‘You're cheeky for a girl,’ ‘Women are charming,’ ‘You'll never get married,’ ‘It's hard to have a baby after the age of 35’, ‘Stop crying, you're a man,’ ‘If you don't work, you don't eat,’ ‘You're not a full-fledged adult until you have a child’...


Nowadays, it is not uncommon for people to be driven into a corner by a press conference to apologize for these kinds of gaffes, and in some cases, it can even lead to social death.


The same applies to how celebrities and industry people treat women, advertising industry campaigns, and corporate promotional strategies.


Of course, I don't mean to say that these social sanctions are unjust. They are undoubtedly appropriate (or justice).


However, I wonder why these social sanctions have recently become so drastic and severe.


If you say, “The content of social sanctions has gradually become more severe over the past 10 to 20 years, and we have reached the current situation,” I can understand that.


However, the criticism of words and actions that go against modern values is fierce, and there is a fierce retaliation. It feels like a great purge, returning to past actions from the past 10 to 20 years.


Not evolution, but revolution (revolution).


Or, it's not a soft landing, but more like a hard landing.


私は、社会的制裁を受けている人を擁護する気はないのですが、もっと早い段階で、今ある状況を想定して、警告を出すことはできなかったのだろうか ―― と思うのです。

I don't want to defend people who are being socially sanctioned. Still, I wonder if it wasn't possible to issue a warning at an earlier stage, assuming the situation exists now.


But I guess they couldn't do it.


Because it is difficult to predict the future. And because no one takes future predictions seriously.


So, I think that no one could have predicted that a world where purges like this would be carried out all at once.



I also write my own opinions every day. I try to make sure that I don't stray too far from public opinion, but I think I do stray.


I will become a purge target when society no longer tolerates this gap.


I know the best way to avoid being purged is to 'not express my ideas to the world.'




After writing a conference paper, circulating it for approval, and barely catching my breath, I spent last night working on database triplication and program duplication. Today, I've been debugging the analysis program all day.

ここまで徹底した多重バックアップは生まれて初めてですが、今度は『家が火事になったら、どうしよう』とか心配し初めています ―― 心配性にも程がありますが。

This is the first time I've ever had such thorough multiple backups, but now I'm worrying about what I'll do if my house catches fire.


By the way, I noticed yesterday when I was working and debugging today that the database server I created directly on the host PC was faster to access than the PostgreSQL (database server) I made with Docker.


When I think about it, it's only natural that the access is faster because the container isn't being chewed, but when my head was in a “messy” state, I couldn't even think about such obvious things.



So, the program problem that has been bothering me for the past three months or so has just been solved.


The cause was “nesting.”... I'm surprised I missed something like this, but more than anything, I'm relieved (I'm celebrating with a non-alcoholic beer right now).


This is because I've always written programs with speed as the priority.


If I coded more neatly, I think I would be less likely to encounter bugs like this, but right now, I'm in a “messy” situation, and I'm not in a position to be able to afford such “luxury.”



Bugs like this are pretty common when coding large-scale multi-agent simulations.


I once made 300,000 passengers disappear in the center of Tokyo in a train simulation. Even now, I remember it with a sick feeling. I searched for bugs like crazy.


Even back then, I disliked hub stations like Shinjuku, Shibuya, and Tokyo. The other incident was the deciding factor.

"―― だが、その時までは世界は君達のものだ。それまでは存分に楽しむがよい"



I think it's a little hard for people who aren't programmers to understand the joy of squashing a bug like this.


It's a little different from the happiness of 'suddenly receiving 1 million yen from a stranger' (of course, I'd be happy to receive 1 million yen).


It's like I put code in a place where there might be a bug, trace it, and chase it down, and then suddenly, the solution to the problem opens up right in front of you in a place that has nothing to do with it.


Finding a problem in a completely different place from where you were looking is a classic debugging technique (I wonder if that happens in other technical fields, too?).



So, I asked ChatGPT again.

===== ChatGPT先生ここから =====

===== ChatGPT Sensei, from here =====


This phenomenon is often described as “serendipity,” where the cause or solution appears unexpectedly during the research rather than necessarily being a characteristic of the bug itself.


For example, when debugging, you may focus on the part of the code that you suspect is causing a bug. As you trace through the code, you find that the actual cause is hidden in a completely different part of the code - this phenomenon occurs because the parts of a complex system interact with each other in unexpected ways.


Such accidental discoveries are not limited to software development and can also be seen in other technical fields, such as medicine and physics. Discoveries that have nothing to do with the original search objective can sometimes lead to breakthroughs and solutions.


The most common term for this process is “serendipity (accidental discovery).”

===== ChatGPT先生ここまで =====

===== ChatGPT Sensei, that's all for now =====



Well, rather than calling it by a cool name like “serendipity,”


'If you don't understand, you can sometimes solve the problem by making a mess of things in your way.'


This phrase fits me better.



I think it's important to be humble.


However, I don't think for one second that humility is a virtuous act for a human being.


This is because you will often “disgrace yourself” if you are not humble.


This is especially true in organizations like the one I work for, which employs tens of thousands of engineers.



From the perspective of someone like me who is “old cunning,” young people who talk about their skills as if they were proud of them are “cute.”


And many seniors think this way (while smiling wryly).


However, they do neither point this out nor humiliate the young people.

―― それは、かつての自分の姿を思い起こさせるから

"That's because it reminds me of who I used to be."


I don't know if it's true or not (it is true for me).


As a crafty senior, I plan to “lift” such young people up, guide them in the right direction, and then incorporate their work into my own (of course, for my work).



I have observed that the problem seems more common among seniors than young people.


For example, a new researcher or a researcher in their second or third year cannot write a decent patent specification.


I only really understood the difference between “novelty” and “inventive step” after being drilled in a patent law seminar to the extent that I could recite the JPO's implementation guidelines by heart.


Even I, who have applied for over 100 patent specifications (including divisional applications), have always struggled.



Anyone who says “that won't do” is a no-good person.


Anyone can say that, and in my experience, seniors who cannot generate ideas tend to use that line.

『それを、こう変えてみようか』と言い、『うん、随分よくなっているよ』と言い、『まとめの方は、私が直してしまっていいかな?』と言い続けるのが、シニアの仕事 ―― と私は思っています。

I think a senior staff member's job is to keep saying things like, “How about changing that to this?”, “Yes, it's much better now,” and “Can I fix the summary for you?”


However, I often see seniors promoting their incompetence under the guise of “guiding the young.”


I may advise someone 'for my benefit,' but I don't remember advising someone 'for their benefit.'


If the person asks me for advice, I may give it, but I am neither idle nor kind enough to go and give advice even if I am not asked to.



The other day, when I was talking on the phone with my eldest daughter, she said,


'Don't you need to teach your second daughter (who will start working this April) about the harshness of society?



'Why should I go out of my way to play the role of the hated one to teach her about the “harshness of society” when society itself is supposed to teach her about it?


I answered the above to the eldest daughter.


Many adults make such stupid complaints to children, so children become afraid of going out into society more than they need to.


Adults should be communicating the benefits of being an adult to children.


Anyway, I think that adults who talk to children about the “harshness of society” in a big-headed way are “genuine idiots.”

―― 大人は自由だ。大人は楽しい。大人はパラダイスだ


Web画面に『ここにボタンを一つ追加して』というセリフを言う平気で言う人間 ―― これだけで、その人間のプログラムやシステムに関する見識の無さが露呈しています。

A person who says, “Add a button here,” on a web page without batting an eyelid, reveals the person's lack of insight into programming and systems.


I don't blame people like this, but I think many people are unaware that


This additional button is


■ in addition to adding user interface (UI) elements,


■ making major changes to program code,


■ and having that affect database items,


■ in the worst case, it can extend to transactions and exclusive processing,

膨大な設計変更に及ぶ ―― ということを知らない人は多いと思います。

leading to a huge amount of design changes.



Perhaps the people who say “Add a button here” so quickly are the same people who say “Oh, and add tempura and raw egg” when eating at a standing-only soba noodle bar.


However, in IT systems, it is not that unusual for a request like “add a button here” to be a primary task on the scale of “re-designing the entire store” for that soba shop


Therefore, 'specification changes after development has started' are not permitted in principle.


しかし、そういうことを平気でやる発注者って、結構多いです ―― 金も出さずに、納期も変えずに。

However, quite a few clients do this without a second thought - without paying or changing the delivery date.


However, it is essential to remember that the system developer in charge is probably thinking

―― このシステム音痴の無能野郎!

"“You incompetent system-illiterate bastard!”"


in their heart.

受注側は、お金を貰う弱みがあり、最終的に、それに応じることにはなります(または、裁判になります)が  ―― しかし、そこには『開発者が、発注者に対して"憎悪"が発生している』ということは覚えておいた方がいいです。

The weakness is that the recipient will be paid, and ultimately there is no choice but to obey (or take it to court), but what must not be forgotten is that the recipient is “hated” by the developer.


There is no significance to programming education as part of compulsory education; it is not so much that people should be able to program, but I think the number of “system-illiterate incompetents” should be reduced.



I was also working on program modifications last night.


My estimate was for 10 minutes, but it took 6 hours to complete the repairs. I confirmed that it was working as planned this morning.


Even with my program, it's like this.


If you think of IT systems as being like toppings on fast food, then that's not just ignorance; it's a social evil.

―― 考えすぎじゃね?


VSCode(Visual Studio Code)は、Microsoftが開発した無料のオープンソースのコードエディタです。軽量でありながら高機能で、多くのプログラミング言語に対応しています。

VSCode (Visual Studio Code) is a free, open-source code editor developed by Microsoft. It is lightweight yet highly functional and supports many programming languages.


The other day, my Go program stopped working when I added an extension to VSCode.


This PC is the machine that is in charge of almost all of the programs related to my work, so it's not an exaggeration to say that “half of me has been killed.”

# 「人生の半分を損している」というレベルとは違います。

# This is not the same as “losing half of your life.”


However, from experience, I know that if you try various things in a panic in a situation like this, you can destroy the PC system itself beyond repair, not to mention the program development environment (or rather, I think the number of systems I've destroyed is in the triple digits).



So, I was working to restore the Go language environment that had stopped working with the help of ChatGPT.


When I reinstalled Go and ran it, I was told to download a binary with a different revision number, which I did.


As a result, the program environment now appeared to have recovered, so that was good, but

―― バージョンの枝番まで細かく命令されて、それに従っている私って・・・

"I'm being ordered to follow the version branch number in detail..."


I felt that way.



Well, I'm probably a hostage with over 300 (maybe over 1000) self-made programs, so I have no choice but to work as the environment commands.


However, I can't shake the feeling that I am “subordinate to VSCode.”


Well, but now I am already “enslaved to generative AI.”


So, I also feel like, 'What is the point now?


とは言え、VSCodeを使っていて、マルクスの『資本論』における「労働の疎外(Entfremdete Arbeit)(*)」を実感することになるとは思いませんでした。

However, I never thought that using VSCode would make me realize the “alienation of labor” in Marx's “Das Kapital” (*).


(*) A reversal in which the tools (means of production) humans should control and use end up controlling them in a capitalist society.



私は、人工知能(Artifical Intelligent:AI)なるものは存在せず、これからも出現しない ―― と、ずっと言って続けてきた当事者です。

I have always said, “There is no such thing as artificial intelligence (AI), and there never will be.”


However, I am now a “generative AI addict” who can confidently say that I can't live without generative AI.


I've always thought that “intelligence” and “intellect” were more complex, profound, and mysterious.


However, recently, I have begun to revise my view of human intelligence/intellect downward, thinking, “Perhaps human intelligence is as simple as the mechanism of generative AI.


If human intelligence and intellect are as low-level as generative AI, I am prepared to change my thinking and say, “Artificial intelligence already exists.”


Let's be frank.


This is not a “change” but a “Turnaround”.

"江端" "転向"でwww.kobore.netをサーチしてみた



From the perspective that jobs will disappear for humans due to the creation of AI, we Japanese, who are currently experiencing a dramatic population decline, can be considered lucky.


It would be lucky if the quality of service could be maintained even if the number of people decreased.


However, the number of job types is decreasing because working conditions are becoming stricter, which is unlucky.


That said, the approach of “finding work that generative AI cannot do” is probably incorrect.


We should learn from the past.



It was once said that 'once computers (including personal computers) appeared, we would have nothing to do,' but we now have more to do than we can handle. And to be honest, computers haven't made us happy.


It has been said that “once nuclear weapons appeared, humanity would stop going to war,” but within the framework of nuclear deterrence, controlled warfare continues.


It is said that “since the Harbor-Bosch method was created, humanity will no longer starve,” and logically, this should be the case, but it is not.

この発明によって、人類は「食料不足を補う為に、領土を奪い合う戦争」というパラダイムを終了させた ―― はずでした。

『好きな時間に好きな音楽や映画を見られるようになったら、エンタメ産業は全滅する』と言われました ―― サブスク流行っていますが、エンタメ産業は全滅していません。

It was said that “if people can watch the music and movies they want, whenever they want, the entertainment industry will be wiped out” - - although subscriptions are popular, the entertainment industry has not been wiped out.

『リモートで仕事ができるようになったら、街はゴーストタウンになる』―― いや、そういう社会は大歓迎なのですが、そうなっていません。せっかく、世界的なパンデミックという稀有な機会を得た後でさえ、です。

'If we can work remotely, the town will become a ghost town' - no, we would welcome such a society, but it hasn't happened. Even after we had the rare opportunity of a global pandemic.



In this way, it is not the case that “if generative AI becomes mainstream, we will be unable to work.”


We will become even busier, and in a way that will make us unhappy.


Whether it's a computer or a smartphone, we've probably gained more bad things than good.

# 例えば、子供たちを自殺に追いやり続けるSNSとか、芸能人のギャラを搾取するサブスクとか、四六時中、気が休まらないチャットとか。

# For example, social networking services that continue to drive children to suicide, subscriptions that exploit the fees of celebrities, and chats that don't let you rest at all.



Anyway, you don't need to worry about finding work. Different jobs will arise. We don't have to think about it every time,


However, I cannot say whether or not that work will make us happy.


My outlook is quite negative.



Looking at the events of the Korean martial law and the policies of the current US president, I am once again realizing that “the presidential system is a form of dictatorship.”

ナチスドイツが、合法的な手段(国政選挙)によって権力を奪取して、合法的な法律を制定し、合法的に特定民族の迫害(殺害を含む)を行ってきたこと ―― これらの全ては、(人道や倫理の問題を棚上げにすれば)民主主義の手続が"正しく"実施された結果です。

The fact that Nazi Germany seized power through legal means (national elections), enacted legal laws, and legally persecuted (including killing) a specific ethnic group - all of these are the result of “proper” implementation of democratic procedures (if we set aside issues of humanity and ethics).


# This is mentioned in volume 12 of “Hami-Dashi-Kko.”

―― 江端家のトイレライブラリの書架にある「はみだしっ子」が、娘たちに貸出された形跡がない


Countries that advocate democracy (well, all countries in the world say they do) are supported mainly by constitutionalism/legislative democracy.


However, the law's primary purpose is to provide national interests and a sense of fairness for the people, not justice or humanity (although it may appear that way).


So, no matter what kind of presidential order the US president issues, as long as the US citizens have legally chosen them through the established electoral system, at least the US citizens cannot complain.


Other countries can complain, but that's all they can do. They can't stop the president of another country from issuing an order.


The only way to do this is to declare war and go to war through procedures based on international law, but I don't think there is a country that would have the courage to pick a fight with the world's strongest Gian (United States of America).

いや、あるはあるんですが ―― 自国の安全保障を無視する国や組織ならやります。

I would do some things, but I would only do them if the country or organization in question ignored its own national security.


(Jump to the column)



Looking at the current president, it seems (and it is the case) that he aims to restore the “Pax Americana” of the 1940s.


This is a grand social experiment. Furthermore, our country cannot remain an outsider and will be made a test subject.


If American restorationism is successful, there is a high possibility that Japan will follow suit.


Same-sex marriage will be the first thing to be blown away. The same will probably be true for LGBT and different family names for married couples.


There is a possibility that the world line where power harassment, sexual harassment, and smoking are tolerated to a certain extent may reappear.



It would be easier for those running the country if there were only a handful of values (conservative, liberal, and somewhere in between) rather than a diverse range of values.


New values require considerable trial and error before they become established in society, so people probably feel that old values are “easier.”

私、世界というのは、新しい価値観を求めて、トライアンドエラーを繰替えす面倒くさいシステムだと思っていましたけど ――

I used to think that the world was a complicated system that required a lot of trial and error to pursue new values, but...


The “dictatorship of retrospection” was a complete blind spot for me.


Furthermore, it's completely unexpected that this would start in a country that advocates a “land of freedom.”

まあ、これも私の予見力のなさの結果だとは思いますが ―― まあ、多くの人も同じようなものだろうな、と思っています。

This is also the result of my lack of foresight, but I think many people are the same.



So, how do I see this situation? I'm just an observer.


I am only concerned about three things: (1) my health, (2) my pension, and (3) a painless death. I hope I won't have to worry about war or disaster before the (3) coming.


However, those who suffer from this retrospection will have to fight. I think it will be a tough fight.



I will continue to cheer you on from the shadows.



When I was appointed an officer of the neighborhood association, the person in charge of web management suddenly left, and I took on the role.


I scrapped the existing web system and rebuilt it from scratch using WordPress.


After that, I left the management system for the community center's reservation system using only Google Spreadsheets. I left behind only a three-page operational procedure manual and retired.


I was willing to help with web management if asked, but since no one asked, I left it as it was.


It seems it still operates with the exact specifications even after I left office at the end of my term.


A neighborhood association's web system is sufficient if it has a 'reservation system' and a 'neighborhood association newsletter display system,' it should not have any more functions than that.


If you add a poorly designed function, it will fail to inherit operations when the board of directors is replaced, and you will look foolish.


どの会社も、新システムの構築を簡単に提案しますが ―― 私は、新システム導入に対してはネガティブです。

Every company will easily propose building a new system, but I am pessimistic about introducing a new system.


Sometimes, I think it would be easier to continue replacing parts of the old system bit by bit.


The top priorities for the system, in my opinion, are “working” and “not stopping,” and if I could add one more, it would be “not changing the user interface as much as possible.”



I was thinking about this while watching the news about the recent NHK and IBM Japan incident (*).


(*) NHK had commissioned IBM Japan to develop a new core business system to manage subscription contracts, but in August 2024, it canceled the contract due to the expected significant delivery delay. In response, NHK filed a lawsuit in the Tokyo District Court seeking the return of the approximately 3 billion yen it had already paid and compensation for damages, for approximately 5.47 billion yen.


My impression is that I can understand both sides of the argument.


To begin with, this kind of incident is not someone else's problem for me.



There are many disadvantages to companies continuing to use old systems.


■The accumulation of code spaghetti and compatibility issues makes operation and maintenance difficult and expensive. There will also be a shortage of engineers. Performance will also deteriorate.


■Security risks continue to persist


In addition, there are also fatal disadvantages for companies, such as


■ It will not become a competitive business base.


It does not meet the needs of the times, such as mobile support and single sign-on (SSO).



To begin with, the systems of neighborhood associations and core corporate systems are different. Neighborhood associations do not need competition, rivalry, or new services.


Companies may not say, “We'll just continue replacing old systems without a care in the world.”



A system is “unmoving by default, and if it moves, it's ‘lucky,’” and any system of one lucky thing piled on top of another.


The fact that the things that support our world are made of “lucky” is not well understood.

例えば、高村薫さんの著書『神の火』の中では、原子炉の制御システムが経験値を踏襲しているものがほとんどで、そのパラメタに論理的な根拠がない(ものが多い)、という事実が記載されています ―― これをフィクションとして読み流せる人は、たぶんエンジニアではありません(エンジニアなら、この恐しさに震えなければなりません)。

For example, in the book “Kami no Hi” by Takamura Kaoru, it is stated that most of the control systems for nuclear reactors are based on empirical values and that many of these parameters have no logical basis - people who can read this as fiction are probably not engineers (engineers should be trembling with fear).


The same is true of social infrastructure systems. DDOS attacks, which are popular at the moment, are just attacks on the entrance to the system.


Once an attacker has gained access to a system, it is as good as dead.


If the person who created the system or the operator of the system becomes the attacker, there is no way to prevent the destruction of the system.


When you consider it, our social system is based on a somewhat optimistic view of human nature.



By the way, I was the one who added the “Withdrawal Form” menu to the top page of the neighborhood association website.


It seems that the web design has not been changed yet.


It may just be that no one can make the change.