

As a new employee, I had a boss who was passionate about the idea that “manga and anime are important content that can be used to talk about Japanese people to the world.”


At the time, Ghibli and other companies had already achieved global success, but I never imagined they would become such a massive mass as they are today.

NHKスペシャル 新ジャポニズム 第1集MANGA わたしを解き放つ物語を見ていて、イスラム社会における厳密な性のタブー(はっきり言えば、同性愛です)を、もしかししたらマンガ/アニメが、『ソフトランディング』させるかもしれない、と考えると、ワクワクしてしまいます。

Watching the NHK Special: New Japonism, Vol. 1: Manga - A Story That Sets Me Free, I get excited when I think that manga/anime might be able to 'soft-land' the strict sexual taboos (or, to be clear, homosexuality) in Islamic society.



Incidentally, I also recognize a specific value in “the integration of politics and religions,” which is the opposite of “separation of politics and religions.”


I think that “diverse values” are a good thing, but this is an endless series of feedback, and honestly, it's hard for seniors like me to keep up.


In comparison, it is easy to have a unified set of values. In particular, religious interpretations are difficult to change, and it is cheaper for the government to run the country (“It is very much appreciated by the government that there are not many people shouting about ‘rights’ and ‘human rights’”).

# ちなみに、私が語っている「統一的な価値観」とは「宗教をベースとした原理主義」とか「マルクス・レーニン主義」くらいの単純なもので、非常に狭い範囲であることを、あらかじめご了承下さい("稚拙な知識"の批判は甘んじて受けます)。

# By the way, please note that the “unified values” I am talking about are something as simple as “religious fundamentalism” or “Marxism-Leninism” and that they are very narrow in scope (I will accept any criticism of my “shoddy knowledge”).


However, managing a country based on a unified set of values will continue to hinder the creation of new values. Above all, a unified set of values will work to obstruct my freedom of thought (in a word, the publication of my blog) (“it is certain”). This is a problem for me.



The most widely read book in the world is the Bible.


The second most-read book is “Das Kapital” (I wrote “Doraemon” for this book before, but I will correct it this time).


Both of these books are the two great books that have shaped the world's values.


Then, I suddenly thought about it.

もし、日本のアニメやマンガが、「イスラム」や「共産主義」の思想と共存しながら、ソフトランディングさせるコンテンツになるのであれば ―― それらは「聖書」と「資本論」を超える凄いモノになるんじゃね?

If Japanese anime and manga can become content that coexists with the ideas of “Islam” and “communism” while making a soft landing, then they could become something even more amazing than the Bible and Capital.



Thinking about things like that makes me excited.



I read articles praising Japanese food and immigration to Japan by foreigners with a sense of doubt, thinking, “I wonder if that's true?”.


To begin with, I distrust that these articles are written in “Japanese.”


This means some Japanese people translate blogs and SNS written in languages other than Japanese into Japanese, right?


Then, of course, it is natural that you are 'consciously selecting' the content to be translated.


They write articles like “Banzai Japan” because they receive many hits from Japanese readers.


Also, as a citizen of the country, I think it's natural to be happy when people praise the country I live in.



What I find weird is “balance”.


'Japanese ramen is not something you can eat,' or something like that.


'What kind of inconvenient country is it where you can't even get by in English?', etc.


'The Japanese in anime are entirely different from real Japanese people'.


If articles like that were included, even if it wasn't 50%, if it were around 10%, it would comfort me.


Statistically, there is no way such comments would not exist, and unless I read them, I cannot trust the “Japan Banzai article” either.



However, as mentioned above, articles that mock Japan will not appear. This is because they cannot make any PVs.

上記の仕組みを理解した上で、私たちが「日本スゴイ」の記事を読んでいるなら問題ないのですが ――

If we understand the above mechanism and read articles about “Japan is amazing,” then there is no problem.


In the past, our country won a great victory over the world's strongest military nation (Russia at the time), continued to inflate itself with “Japan Banzai” and “Japan Sugoi,” provoked war with another world's greatest military nation (the United States at the time, with over 50 times the industrial power), and scorched the Japanese land.




What I'm trying to say is that.


"There was a time in our country when we were so carried away by the idea of “Banzai Japan” and “Sugoi Japan” that we ended up making a big mistake."




I saw a question on the Internet that said, “How can I, a 95kg fat guy, get a girlfriend?”.


This may not be the only solution, but I recommend “losing 30kg”.


This is also the opinion of a professional.




It is also clear from statistics that people worldwide see value in dieting.



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I recommend dieting because it is feasible.

―― 喰わなければ、痩せる

"If you don't eat, you'll lose weight."


Of course, it is accompanied by considerable pain (hunger is the worst kind of pain), and if you don't control it properly, it can also be harmful to your health.


However, I can't imagine the health risks of returning to a normal weight (x excessive weight loss).



I assumed the questioner meant, “How can I, a 95kg fat man, get a girlfriend?”


(1) I want to make a girlfriend without the pain of losing weight


(2) I want a girlfriend who is not influenced by looks



If his intention is (2) above, it should not be a problem even if she is “a 95kg fat girl”.


If you make an issue of it, I think it's “audacious” of me, too.


The questioner seems aware that the problem is “me, who weighs 95 kg and is overweight."


If so, he should remove that problem and consider the following countermeasure.


This way is the same as debugging a program.


I like people who “recognize a problem correctly but then deliberately turn away from it and shift their focus to another problem.”


Because he is the same as me.



Finally, I will tell you a story that will likely make you feel down.


One of my friends tried to lose weight and succeeded (I checked, and even from my perspective as a man, he looks much better).


However, he realized that 'although he had succeeded in losing weight, nothing had changed at all' and returned to his original weight (the weight he was at before he started dieting).


He showed me brilliantly that “dieting is a good solution, but it is not the only solution.”



I have written about the process of court judgments before.

―― 「遠山の金さん "冤罪"捕物帳」


As I have said before, many claims that “we (people) think logically” merely attempt to justify personal feelings that start from personal emotions.



I tried to think about what kind of logic could be used to stop this if my wife and I were out visiting a nearby shrine for the first shrine visit of the year, and she suddenly said, “My daughters have started working in the sex industry.”


My wife and I sometimes have conversations like this (I'm the one who usually starts the topic).


We were able to come up with harmful elements such as “sexually transmitted diseases,” “rumors,” “public opinion,” “exploitation,” and “forced labor against one's will.” Still, we were unable to come up with a logical argument that “the business of selling sex is wrong.”

落ち着く先は、"感情"  ―― つまり、「嫌だなぁ」だけでした。

The only thing that settled was my “emotions” - in other words, I just thought, “I don't like it.”



So, I ended up asking ChatGPT about this.



The result is that the answer is “I couldn't make a logical argument.”


As mentioned above, there are countries where the “sex industry” is legal.


These countries are not countries where the rule of law is not in place due to civil war or poverty, but rather, they are all countries with a democratic legal system, and it is not the case that the “sex trade” is being criticized by other countries.


本件に関しては、娘たちに『ウルセー!四の五の言うな!そんな仕事はとっとと止めろ!』と怒鳴りつけるのも"あり"かとは思うのですが ――

In this case, I think it would be okay to yell at your daughters, “Stop complaining! Quit that job right away!”.


However, in the Ebata family, with the patriarch (me) promoting the idea of thinking about things logically, there is a high possibility that such power harassment-type orders will not be effective.


This is a classic example of being caught in one's trap.


Fortunately, I am in a situation where I don't have to think seriously about such situations, and I think that is a blessing.



I used to like both the comedy program “Shoten” and the anime “Sazae-san,” but I don't watch them anymore.


This results from a change in my values, and I don't think the content has worsened.

「笑点」に笑えず、「サザエさん」に嫌悪感を感じる ――


I try not to use phrases like “everything is politically correct.”


I am prepared for the fact that I will start making inappropriate comments, that no one will point this out to me, that I will become disliked, and that I will be left alone.



This New Year, at the strong recommendation of my wife, I watched four manzai performances that she had chosen from the “M-1 Grand Prix” manzai competition.


I was surprised and impressed.


I was blown away by the manzai, which assumes a basic intellectual level of Japan, and the manzai, which is composed of content many people can relate to.


In the past, many of the jokes in Manzai were about making fun of poor people or people with low intelligence. Still, in recent years, manzai has been carefully developed into “material that allows us to ridicule ourselves.”

―― 漫才の世界では、潤沢な情報収集と、周到な計算と、卓越した演技力が必要となってきている

"In the manzai world, having a wealth of information, careful calculation, and outstanding acting ability is becoming necessary."


I was made to think that manzai is evolving beyond mere entertainment and into the “performing arts” field.


I felt that all the fields were doing their best to survive.



Speaking of New Year, I enjoy watching “Entertainment Personality Ranking Check!.”


This program is based on the gap between celebrities' extraordinary “strong comments” and the “embarrassment” they cause.


I'm laughing out loud while admiring the thoroughness of the celebrities' comments, the MC, and the editing.

もし『芸能人格付けチェック!』も、私の好みが変わって楽しくなくなってしまったら、それは、かなり残念なことだろうなぁ、とか ―― そんなことを、少し、心配していたりします。

If “Entertainment Personality Ranking Check.!” also becomes less enjoyable for me as my tastes change, that would be a real shame. I think I'm a little worried about that.



Last year, cars drove into crowds in a series of incidents in China, Germany, and North America.


Even in Japan, if you recall the Akihabara massacre of 2008, it is clear that this incident is a global one.


In the past, stricter punishments for such cases, such as the application or strengthening of the death penalty, were considered a practical measure. Still, considering the situation in recent years, it is clear that this is not working effectively.


To begin with, severe punishment makes no sense in cases of suicide bombings or other incidents carried out for twisted reasons such as “I want to be executed.” Instead, the death penalty is like the judiciary and society helping the terrorists achieve their goals.



I think the root of this problem is the universal human psychology of “the need for self-approval” (although it should be analyzed on a case-by-case basis, and it is dangerous to generalize).


So, when the desire to be understood and to have one's existence acknowledged is not fulfilled, it destructively manifests itself.


Terrorism is the best way to satisfy one's need for self-approval.


Not only will your face and name become well-known, but they will also investigate your past, and many people will speculate about the background and motives behind the terrorist attack.


It's a “Hare” event.


I think the following is the same: "causing a disturbance at a coming-of-age ceremony is the last ceremony of your life.”

―― 成人式の日が、死刑執行の前日

―― 大人になってからでも、人生は挽回できる




Speaking personally, I don't want to make any relation with these people.


I don't want anything to do with this kind of idiot for even one millisecond.


However, it is also true that it is difficult to deny when people say, “Many people like me are mass-producing this kind of terrorism.”

このようなテロを量産しない手段は、一つしかありません ―― 「人に優しい社会の実現」です。

There is only one way to prevent the mass production of such terrorism: the realization of a society that is kind to people.


The aim is to create a society that values human relationships, prevents social isolation, and increases social capital so everyone can feel subjective happiness.

―― で、私、そんな社会の実現に、1mmも興味ありません。

However, "I have no interest in realizing such a society."


After all, my motto is “I don't care what happens in the world.”


However, if everyone were to implement this belief of mine, as mentioned above, it would result in the mass production of unpredictable terrorism.



So, I decided to make a paradigm shift.


I think of a “society that is kind to people” not as an “aim” but as a mere “means.”


What kind of “means”?




It is a means of self-defense and avoiding a threat to my life.


If a “society that is kind to people” is a means of securing one's own life, I think it would be a trade-off that would pay off, even if it means bending some of one's own beliefs.


After all, my life is a non-negotiable, irreplaceable, irreversible asset.



As a first step toward considering a “society that is kind to people” not as an “aim” but as a mere “means,” we will start with a “society that pretends to be kind to people.”

簡単なとことでは、挨拶や声かけの推奨、形式的な「助け合い」イベントの実施、簡易な慈善活動の奨励です。もちろん、これらは、今でも実施されているかと思いますが ―― これからは"本気"でやる。

I can encourage greetings and friendly conversation, hold formal “mutual aid” events, and promote simple charitable activities. Of course, I think these things are still being done now, but from now on, I will do them “for real.”


Even if a religious organization comes to my door, I won't just turn them away coldly. I'll face them properly and have a discussion.


If they are going to preach about the wonders of God, then I will preach about the wonders of Communism, and we will mutually praise each other's beliefs, “for real.”


I also think that by using generative AI, the interface could be strengthened toward kindness.

―― 自分のエンジニアの人生の中で、もっとも優しく、かつ、的確に、技術指導をしてくれたのは、"ChatGPT"である



'Realizing a “friendly society” as a “strategy” (not “aim”)'


This policy is worth considering as a direction for society to aim for shortly.



先日、昨年末に放送された、「NHKスペシャル 量子もつれ アインシュタイン 最後の謎」について、その番組と無関係な日記をしました。

The other day, I wrote a diary entry about the “NHK Special: Quantum Entanglement - Einstein's Last Mystery” broadcast at the end of last year, but the diary had nothing to do with the program.



When I was in charge of the serialization of “Quantum Computers” before, I looked up all the people who appeared in the program except for one (David Bohm).


David Bohm proposed a new interpretation of quantum mechanics but was shunned by academia.

その後、デビット・ボームさんは、超能力やカルトに傾倒していったようです。量子力学とは、そういう性質があるようです ―― まさか、研究者自身がハマるとは思いませんでしたが。

After that, David Bohm seems devoted to psychic powers and cults. Quantum mechanics seems to have that kind of property - I never thought that the researcher himself would become involved.


(Click to go to the column)


In short, there is a risk for researchers to continue to advocate research that is not mainstream in academic circles (incidentally, it seems that David Bohm's theory has not been revised to date (I checked)).


However, this “spirit” was passed on to the next generation.


"Regardless of a theory's complexity or challenge, it requires validation through experimentation.'


I was shocked when I understood John Stewart Bell's “Bell's Inequality.”


And the person who experimented was John Crowther.


He is one of the scientists I admire.


After all, this person is “a big fan of Einstein” and “wants to completely deny quantum mechanics because it is too difficult to understand” and is not a character who could appear in the history of quantum mechanics.


However, he is a rare person who, against his wishes, proved the validity of quantum mechanics through his experiments.


He completed the experimental equipment “all by hand” from scratch.


The story of how, with zero budget for experiments, he built up research equipment from scratch by picking up the remnants of experimental equipment from university laboratories never fascinates me.


Furthermore, the story of how the experiment was eventually canceled after being pointed out by another researcher as being flawed in the experimental equipment is a striking example of “the weakness of the researcher's position.”


で、まあ、私が言いたいのは、私も、今、従来にはなかった新しい手法をつかって、かなり無茶な方向で研究を暴走させている最中なのですが、デビット・ボームさんや、ジョン・クラウザーさんが喰らった「冷や飯」の話を聞くと―― なんか、力づけられるのです。

So, I'm also in the middle of letting my research run wild in a rather absurd direction, using new methods that have never been used before. Hearing about the “cold rice” that David Bohm and John Crowther had to eat gives me strength.

まあ、私の場合、ずっと「冷や飯」という公算が高いのですが ―― もうキャリアとか考える必要もないシニアとなっていることは、逆に「強み」と言えるかもしれません。

Well, in my case, I'll likely be “cold rice” for the rest of my life, but I'm already a senior citizen who doesn't have to think about my career anymore, which might be considered an advantage.


I think that it is better to be a crazy older man alone, coding simulations, than to be a senior who gets caught up in a cult religion and causes trouble for his family in his later years.