

Recently, my second daughter has been attending remote information sessions for job hunting.


She sometimes opens the computer in the living room, so when it butts up with meal times, I bring my meals into my room to eat.


And, well, in the meantime, I'm hearing a bit of a presentation,

―― いいなぁ、そんなに夢のある会社なら、私もそこに再就職したいなぁ

"I envy you. If it's such a dream company, I wish to work at the company again."


I sometimes think that.



With apologies to job hunters and corporate recruiters, but looking back over my life so far, I'm sorry to say this, but in my life,


I've found that most of the time, the "dream companies" are just dreams.


A company information session is what we call a "blind date.

『夢があるだけ』の男や女の無責任な発表会場の延長 ―― と考えるのが妥当でしょう。

It is reasonable to consider it an extension of the irresponsible presentation halls of men and women who "only have dreams" -- a place for irresponsible presentations.


If you want to keep your job for a long time, it is crucial not to dream excessively.

―― 私たちは、自分の人生を自分でコントロールできない




I am a person with a twisted personality who cannot honestly enjoy the success of others.




When I learned of the successful launch of the H3 rocket


I was so happy that I almost cried when I learned of the "successful launch of the H3 rocket.


Engineers are in the business of continually failing.


でも、本当に、たまに、こういう成功があるから、エンジニアはやめられない ―― と思うこともあります。

But, sometimes, successes like this make me think -- I can't stop being an engineer.



Of course, I was also happy to hear the news of the landing of the SLIM lunar probe on the moon.


But what astonished me more was the "SLIM reboot."


"Sunlight hit the solar panels, and they started working for the first time in about nine days."


I read from this article that the engineers had to shut down communication with the system for nine days, saving power and holding still until it was time to reboot.


I (Ebata) am an impatient person, and if the system set up in the company's laboratory stops working, I try to access it by any means possible, and even if it is the middle of the night, I go to work to restart the system.


『9日間の忍耐』ができるエンジニア ―― これが、SLIMプロジェクトのエンジニアの皆さんと、私の決定的な差です。

Engineers with "nine days of patience" are the critical difference between the engineers on the SLIM project and me.


This is 'the greatest compliment'.



I like to restore things and keep using them.


Cheapskate, frugality, SDGs, etc., are outside my scope.


I am simply a pervert who likes to DIY, likes to restore but is a pain in the ass, and takes pleasure in extending the lifetime of things.


Yesterday, I also did a DIY haircut (self-cut).


And as a result, I have three bald spots on my head, which I consider positive.

「江端は過度の仕事のストレスで脱毛症になったんだ → 江端の仕事を減らさないと、また江端が『抑うつ』になるぞ」と、誰かに思って貰えれば、とか(※)。

If someone thinks, "Ebata got alopecia due to excessive work stress → if we don't reduce Ebata's workload, he will become 'depressed' again" (*), or something.


(*'Depression' is a harrowing disease; I shouldn't write this in jest (although I do).)



That aside.



Yesterday, I was on Amazon researching sewing machines.


I was thinking of buying a cheap sewing machine, as there seem to be some available these days for around 5,000 yen.


I use "wood bond" to attach everything to extend the lifetime of my jeans.


However, the other day, my jeans broke to an extent that this was difficult.

普通に「捨てる」が一択となるような、破れ方だったのですが ―― それでは、何か「負けたような気」がしまして。

It was a rupture, where "throw-away" would generally be the only choice -- but then, I felt like I was "lost" by something.

で、ミシンについてYouTubeで勉強していたのですが、上糸とか下糸とかの設置、糸の張り巡らせ方、ミシンの操作など、―― 見ていたら目が眩みそうになりました。

So I was learning about sewing machines on YouTube, setting up upper and lower threads, tensioning the threads, operating the sewing machine, etc. I was almost dazzled by what I was seeing.


I have found, at least, that sewing machines are not something I can start with the "start button."


This broke my heart.


I wish that sewing machines had been taught in this "wiring study" as well.

江端さんのひとりごと 「配線学」


パソコンにUSBで接続したら、CAD画面がでてきて、そこに設計図を投入すると、勝手に動き出す ―― そういうミシンは、まだ世の中に存在していないようです。

When connected to a PC via USB, a CAD screen appears, and when a blueprint is input, the sewing machine starts working independently. However, such sewing machines do not seem to exist yet.


For now, I will wait for the arrival of the "PC-compatible USB sewing machine" while painting sections of my jeans with wood glue.



I am willing to try any technology that interests me once it is worth the cost and time.


The results may be disclosed to the public if we determine that the information is not "confidential" or detrimental to the company.

これは、遵法精神でもなければ、いわんや愛社精神でもありません ―― 約束(契約)です。

This is not a law-abiding spirit or love for the company; it is a promise (contract).

忘れないでください ―― 私は「会社の犬」です。


I have many more stories, some of which I have decided to 'take to my grave.


Aside from that.



I enjoy experimenting with techniques I am interested in, but being forced to do techniques I am not interested in is painful.


I have a technique that intuitively tells me, 'This technique is no good.


For example, they are known as buzzwords.


I try to avoid those technologies, but sometimes, I have to work on them because of work orders.


Occasionally, as expected, it was a no-no, but this can be surprisingly interesting if I am reluctant to work on it.


Nevertheless, if it is a no-no or not, certain results must be achieved if it is a work order.

ダメダメだと思っている技術の仕事を命じられて、予想通りにダメダメな結果を出して、それを理由に上長や幹部から叱責されることがあります ―― これは理不尽で辛いことです。

I may be assigned to work on a technology that I think is no good, produce predictably bad results, and then be reprimanded by my superiors and executives for it -- this is unreasonable and painful.


What I'm trying to say is,

―― 私たちは、自分の人生を自分でコントロールできない

"We are not in control of our own lives."


It is a common story.


Right now, my second daughter is job hunting, to great acclaim.


As I watched, I felt sad, thinking, 'She, too, is going to start a life she cannot control.


Aside from that.


30%:50%:70%の法則 ―― 大学、高校、中学の卒業生が、3年以内に離職する比率です。

The 30%:50%:70% rule is the ratio of college, high school, and secondary school graduates who leave the workforce within three years.


This has not changed in the last 20 years.


Whether one sees this law as "tragic" or "deserved" depends on one's point of view.


However, from the perspective of the current government's stated goal of "workforce mobility," the opposite can be seen.

90%:90%:90%の法則 ―― 新入社員の9割が3年以内に離職する世界の実現。これができれば、日本の労働人口の流動は確実になります。

The 90%:90%:90% rule is a world in which 90% of new hires leave their jobs within three years. If this can be achieved, the fluidity of the Japanese workforce will be assured.


I don't know if it will increase productivity (well, it will decrease...dramatically).



The mobility of the workforce is,


(1) Not all newly created jobs will be enjoyable for everyone.


(2) To cope with the newly created work, it is necessary to study all over again from the beginning.


We need to face the reality that


Either way, it is probably true that the mobility of the workforce is hampered by what many people consider a "hassle.

好きなことであれば、勉強しなおすことも苦痛ではないでしょうが ―― 基本的に、多くの人にとって、勉強は、苦痛です。

If it's something you love, it won't be painful to study again -- but, for many people, studying is painful.


It is natural for anyone to want to "make the rest of my life easy, using only what I have learned through hard work.



At my company, all public expense transactions are to be made with a credit card issued by the company.


It is not impossible to do this with receipts, but it is both exceptional and cumbersome.


Every time I see the news these days, I think 


It would be sufficient to issue a credit card exclusively for members of parliament (and their staff).


もちろん、国会議員の仕事の中には、公にはできない仕事もあるでしょう ―― 例えば、政敵や海外の要人を暗殺する為に、ゴルゴ13を雇う、とか。

Of course, there are some jobs that members of Congress can't do publicly -- for example, hiring Golgo 13 to assassinate political opponents or foreign dignitaries.


Therefore, this credit card will be established, including a new expense item.


"Matters Related to Secret Services"



We, the people, should also show consideration that "politics cannot be done neatly" and approve this "Matters Related to Secret Services" expense item.


I would like to know at least a sense of the scale (number of digits of the amount) of the 'confidential business matters,' even if it is inevitable that the details of the 'Matters Related to Secret Services' cannot be disclosed.



Well, the main problem with this proposal is,


Will Golgo 13 accept credit card payments?"



However, I think that from now on, terrorists will not be able to do without cashless support.


In that sense, <North>'s "Theft of Crypto Assets through Cyber Attack" is an excellent case study.





North Korea has repeatedly conducted missile launch tests.


The experiment has been criticized internationally (more precisely, by the Western camp of UN member states).

しかし、ミサイル開発技術者の視点からすれば ―― 『実験は、多ければ多いほどよい』というと思うのは当然です。

But from a missile development engineer's point of view -- "the more tests, the better.


Technological development is the accumulation of failures because they become so valuable that money cannot replace them.



And it occurred to me that every time I see such images of the vast amount of weapons now being used in Ukraine and Russia, I wonder.

―― いったい、これらの兵器は、どこで実験やっているんだ?

"Where on earth are these weapons being tested?"


There is no way to manufacture weapons without experimentation.


Of course, indoor testing and computerized silation are possible, but a weapon's reliability cannot be measured without field (outdoor) testing.


Of course, there will be accidents of malfunctioning weapons that are not in the news, but such weapons will lose their market value.


Weapons, as products, must be able to operate according to specifications.



By the way, the current administration is quickly accomplishing what previous administrations wanted to do but just couldn't.


The "Three Principles on Defense Equipment Transfer" is one of them.


I'm unfamiliar with defense law, but this is similar to the "indirect infringement" analogy in patent law terms (which may be even more confusing).


So, if the development of a continental ballistic missile for export is publicly approved in our country, I wonder, 'Where is our country going to field test that missile?


In our country, which has a world-class peace constitution, I believe and would like to believe that some people would be uncomfortable with such a story.


But perhaps we should all be gutted by now.




Yesterday, I referred to "Jojo Rabbit (2020)" as a "fun movie," but I stand corrected.


あれは、真剣に見なければならない映画 ―― 『凄い映画』でした。

That movie had to be taken seriously -- a "great movie."


My wife watched it after hearing me speak, and I was shocked at what she said about it.


Furthermore, after reading the online comments section about the movie, I was shocked to learn about five or so foreshadowing lines.


I'm being swept away by an unexplainable feeling of 'I'm about to cry because I know what the scene means as I read the comments.


In any case,

―― 私の考察/洞察力は、浅すぎる

"My considerations/insights are too shallow."


I am in a state of intense self-loathing.



"Jojo Rabbit" is catching up to "Scent of a Woman."

Let me see... It's "Scent of a woman" (セント・オブ・ウーマン(邦名「夢の香り」)




I have a viewing practice of 'slumbering through a movie while coding,' which is something that should be infuriated by people who love movies.


I will leave it at that and write about two movies today.


(1)"Love from the Camp"


This was the hottest Japanese film of 2022.

妙な既視感があり、視聴後にちょっと調べてみたところ やっぱりありました。1993年にテレビで放送されていました。

I had a strange sense of déjà vu, and after watching it, I did a little research. There it was: it was broadcast on TV in 1993.


I'd like to see this one, and I've been exploring YouTube and the like, but I haven't found it yet.

私、この時のテレビドラマの方での衝撃がもの凄かったのです ―― 『遺言を記憶で運ぶ』というメソッド(方法)に、驚愕し、そして、深く感動いたしました。

I was shocked by the TV drama at that time -- I was astonished and deeply moved by the method of "carrying the will in memory."


Because of this personal background, I could not concentrate much on the movie (I was bothered by unnecessary things, like the camps being a bit too beautiful).


Regarding Lagerie, I recommend "Manchukuo Engi" by Yoichi Funado (I checked it out from the library, but it was a heavy (weight) book. It seems to be in a library now).


I recently talked about the live-action version of "Golden Kamui." I would also highly recommend "Ezochi Betsuden."



(2)Jojo Rabbit(2020)


As I have said before, I believe I have seen all the existing and publicly televised images of Auschwitz, as well as documentaries and films, without dropping them.


And, well,

―― 江端さんって、ナチズムの信奉者なのですか?

このような誤解もされているのですが ―― 繰り返しますが、私のスタンスは『ファッキン、ナチ』です。

There is also this misunderstanding -- again, my stance is "Fuck, Nazi."


This film was a fun film that balanced the comical and the serious against Nazism from the point of view of a child(?) before he joined the Hitler Youth.


I was tired of the Nazi content, and this film was a relief to me.


Both are available on Amazon Prime.



As of today, I am still in mass production of the program.



The most famous case between an author and a secondary author should be the "Candy Candy Case," but I have not seen this topic discussed in conjunction with the recent case.


Perhaps this is called an "industry taboo," thinks Ebata (me), who can't read the air.


In copyright law, 'the original author is the strongest' is absolute, but when profit is involved, 'the rich are the strongest' seems the same in every world.



This is an issue that creators and researchers do not want to touch.


My columns are based on various books and open data, and my illustrations are based on illustrations and photos described by others.


Regarding research activities, not a single millimeter of progress can be made without a paper on previous research.


Conversely, my creations are sometimes cited in other works (and there are plenty of diversions and plagiarism).


I have heard that one of my patent specifications, which I wrote but could not patent, has rejected more than 70 subsequent patent applications (the "effect of exclusion of subsequent applications for prior inventions").


I am trying to say that 'creative activity completely unrelated to prior works' is 'an illusion.



At any rate, what is now required of creators is, of course, first and foremost, the creative activity itself.


But the next most crucial thing might be to study the law (copyright law).


It's a hassle, but protecting your work and life is necessary.



Recently, a new type of harassment called "maru-harassment" has become a hot topic.


"It's O.K.." This harassment is named by youth because some fear the "." of the last of "It's O.K.."

もちろん、これを一蹴することは易いですし、反論もできますが ―― 多分、そいうことではないと思うのです。

Of course, it's easy to kick this out and argue -- but maybe that's not the point.



I recognize that 'harassment is a unilateral decision made by the one who feels it, i.e., the victim, and the perpetrator has no defense against it.


We seniors have been reminded of this with "sexual harassment" and "power-harassment" for the last 20 years or so.


There was undoubtedly a time when "sexual harassment = communication" and "power harassment = education," and there was no problem with such treatment in those days (more accurately, "it was a big problem for the parties involved, but the public didn't take it up" is correct).


But times change, society's values change, and what was acceptable in the past is unacceptable today.


It is important to note that unlike "absolute evil" (murder and violence), "social evil" is constantly changing from day to day.


And it is the seniors (the old guys and old ladies, including me) cannot follow up on these changing social evils.


As a senior citizen, I want to see the government issue an official gazette(*) as "a 'social evil' that goes into effect today."


(*)The Official Gazette is a government public relations magazine and plays an important role as a medium for promulgating laws, government ordinances, treaties, etc.


Aside from that.



Regarding "maru-harassment," my blog is full of "maru-harassment."


My sentences are long, so naturally, there is a lot of punctuation.


And above all, these are not the kind of content that people who are afraid of "." will be able to tolerate.


Discussing social networking communication tools, blogs, or novels in the same category may be unreasonable.



However, I can think of something different from this "maru-harassment."


My pages are visited by roughly 4,000 to 5,000 people daily, which has not changed for the past 2 to 3 years (PV is about 1.5 to 2 times that number).

「2~3年間、変動がないことをどう考えるか 』―― これは、なかなかに難しいのです。

"How should I think about the fact that there will be no change for two to three years?" This is a tricky question.


My writing is unique, and the content is harsh (a collection of solid criticism and sarcasm).


It takes a lot of strength, even for me, to keep reading this every day.


My site is at the level of "Ebata harassment," so to speak, which I may name "Ebahara.


Therefore, I believe those of you who visit my pages daily are the brave ones who have overcome this "ebaharah.


At the very least, I think it is not the kind of blog that young people frightened of "maru-harassment" can enter.


Conversely, the 4,000 to 5,000 of you gathered on this blog can be identified as the "brave" who can stand up to Ebata's "ebahara.

私は、あなたのことを「勇者 ―― ビヨンド エバハラ」、省略して「エバハラ勇者」と命名したいと思います。

I want to name you "Brave -- Beyond Ebahara," or "Ebahara Brave" for short.

でも、少なくとも「エバハラ勇者」は"尊称"にはならないでしょう ―― むしろ、悪い"レッテル"になりそうです。

But at the very least, "Ebahara brave" will not be a "title" -- rather, it will be a bad "label."

これらを忌避して生きてもいいんですか ―― いいんです(楽天カードのCM風)。