

Yesterday, I considered the topic from the perspective of “AI as a project leader,” but this time, I would like to think about it from a different perspective.



Recently, I've been hearing the term "generation AI abandonment," but as someone who uses ChatGPT daily, I find it a little hard to believe.


There may be differences in the type of business (field) and how it is used.


In the programming world, I think that generative AI is “usable,” but it may come with the following conditions.


'The persons have the skills to point out the problems in the code created by generative AI.'



Sometimes, I think it is pretty essential to have the skill to look at the program (code) you have requested, think, “That's strange,” and ask, “Is this wrong?”

ChatGPTやGithub Copilotは素直な奴なので、私の指摘が正しければ、直ちにその場で修正を行うし、私の指摘が間違っていれば、私の間違いを理由とともに説明します。

ChatGPT and Github Copilot are straightforward, so if I'm right, they'll fix it right away, and if I'm wrong, they'll explain why I'm wrong.


If you only have one-way communication, where you ask a question and then get an answer, the generated AI may not be that good, but if you keep asking questions and getting answers, you will have a very reassuring partner.


The person who named the generative AI “Copilot” has good taste.



“generation AI abandonment" may mean “I can't understand what the copilot is saying/I can't discuss with the copilot.”


After all, I suspect that the “generation AI abandonment” is a lazy person's idea of trying to solve everything by throwing everything at the generation AI.




I remember hearing a comment from Tanaka Masashi, a 77-year-old city councilor in Chikushi City, Fukuoka Prefecture, about the harassment he had perpetrated against another city councilor. He said, “I may have fallen short in some ways, but if I humbly learn from this in the future, I will also grow.” I will include this as today's topic.



Although it may not be well understood, one of the things that generative AI is doing is “cramming.”


It is a repetitive learning method. It is a so-called “English vocabulary notebook.”


If you want to compare it to something, you could say that the generative AI is furiously “memorizing English vocabulary” and “working hard to be able to speak English” in the paradigm of understanding.


This “memorization” is not just about making notes but is continued until it becomes a pattern of electrical signals (we will have to go back to the mechanisms of neural networks here so that we will skip that part).

件名: ChatGPTは怖くない ~使い倒してラクをせよ の記事に関してご提言


It is already apparent from the “failure of the expert systems of the last century” that simply accumulating knowledge does not make you intelligent. Still, the current generative AI also learns human judgment criteria (topics that should not be handled), and, to add to that, it also learns “word usage.”



Speaking of which, I read something in a column before that said that in the future, the world would become a place where “kindness,” “gentleness,” and “politeness” will be valued more than “knowledge” and “leadership.”


In other words,

―― 「凄い仕事」より、「気持よく続けられる仕事」に、人材がシフトする

"the shift in human resources is from “great work” to “work that can be continued comfortably”.



The word “work” above could be replaced with words such as “school,” “organization,” or “neighborly relations.”


“Volunteering to be the unpopular leader and completing the project” may already be old-fashioned.



Perhaps the trend is moving towards “a project with a disliked leader will collapse.”


However, this trend is probably no laughing matter for project leaders under pressure to meet strict deadlines while monitoring the progress schedule.



From that perspective, I think it's possible that “we will leave project leaders to AI.”


As far as I can see, the way that generative AI interacts with humans is almost perfect.


A generative AI will never say things like “You should be able to think for yourself” or “Don't you even know that?”


The generated AI has a “good” button and a “bad” button for responses, and it seems that the generated AI learns the content of the reactions and how to respond to them based on these.

この考え方を拡張していくと、最終的に「生成AIによる政府や国際機関の運用」という未来に到達してしまいますが ―― 私は、それが今の状況よりもラクに生きられる世界を作ってくれるのであれば、それで構いません。

If we were to extend this line of thinking, we would eventually reach the future of “government and international organizations being run by generative AI,” - but as long as it creates a world where we can live more comfortably than we do now, I'm OK with that.


Or rather, I want to realize it.


ただ、行き過ぎた「生成AI頼み」は、かならず歪みを生み出すと思うので、多分、「生成AI排除」という動きも出てきます ―― 19世紀のラッダイド運動のように

However, overreliance on generative AI will inevitably lead to distortion, so there will probably be a movement to exclude it, like the Luddite movement in the 19th century.


Even in the world of networks, there are still “swinging back” trends occurring every few years, such as distributed and centralized systems, cloud and edge, etc.


I also think that the generative AI that fails in project management will be discarded, and the AI with better project management skills will survive (there is also the possibility that the generative AI will learn and develop).


Well, no matter how I think about it, I think the world of generative AI will only become what it is destined to become.


I will continue to observe it.


ただ、冒頭の市議は、「生成AIと取り替えても、一向に構わんだろう」 ―― というか、「是非取り替えてくれ」と思いますが。

However, about the city councilor at the beginning of the story, “Even if a generative AI replaces him, I don't mind at all” - or rather, I think, “Please replace him as soon as possible.”



I have always said that 'hard work cannot beat genius'.



Lately, I've been thinking that


'The number of mediocre outputs is valued more than the admired effort and excellent results.


Even if your efforts and achievements are praised at the time, the time it takes for them to be evaluated is short.


And most people will easily forget your efforts and achievements.


By comparison, outputs (reports, patent specifications, papers) are evaluated by the “number” of them, regardless of their content, and this is recorded.



As I may have mentioned before, when companies enter into a cross-licensing agreement, the content of the agreement is determined by the “height of the pile of the companies' patent specifications” (the company with the higher pile is stronger).


I have not been able to confirm whether this story is true or not, but it sounds plausible.


The content of patent specifications is difficult, so I don't think there is time to carefully examine the content of patent specifications that exceed three digits, and above all, I think that even I would do that.


(Jump to the column)



Therefore, the strategy that I, an ordinary person, should choose is clear.


“Keep producing quantity” - even if it is mediocre content.


One of the strategies for this “amount” is this diary (blog).



I bought a small gaming PC two years ago, thinking I would need to do a lot of long-running simulations.


I've been doing calculations day and night, but the frequency of system crashes has recently increased, with the display going black while I'm away from it.

対象となっているPCは、MINISFORUM EliteMini HM90 ミニpc AMD Ryzen 9 4900H 8c/16t 小型PC 32GB 512GB です。何かクラッシュの原因となる理由はありませんか?


It would be a disaster if the computer crashed in the middle of a calculation and even more so if the system broke down. It would be like saying, “Please, no more!”


For now, I am changing the settings to avoid thermal runaway.

BIOS画面をいじるのは怖いので、Ryzen Controllerを使おうとう思うのですが、良いでしょうか


In addition to this, I ordered a fan from Amazon to cool my PC.


I feel like I can't afford to waste any more time.



Golden Kamui is a rare work that is interesting in all its forms: the original comic, the anime, and the movie.


Needless to say, the original author is to be commended, but I think it is also the result of the efforts of the people involved. Again, I would like to express my gratitude to the many people who created this kind of content.



My wife first encountered “Golden Kamui” through the movie but hadn't seen the anime.


Today, my eldest daughter, who didn't know about this content, is visiting, so I said, “Why don't you try watching at least season 1 on Amazon Prime?” I returned to my room and resumed programming.

コーヒーを作るために、リビングに降りてきたら、二人がアニメに見入っていました ―― 声をかけるのもためらわれるくらいの真剣さで。

When I came downstairs to make coffee, I found them engrossed in an anime - so absorbed that I hesitated to interrupt them.

嫁さんは、「PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス」の第3期までの視聴を「2日間」で完了している実績がありますが、なんか、今回も、このノリで行きそうな雰囲気です。

My wife has a track record of watching the first three seasons of “PSYCHO-PASS” in “two days,” but it looks like she will continue in the same vein this time, too.

私の好きなコンテンツが家族と被る ―― これは、結構、幸せなことだなぁ、と実感しています。



I once proposed a method for examining the thesis “Is having a lot of money a sign of happiness?” using examples such as Amazon Prime and Netflix.

お金を沢山持っていることは幸せである ―― を検証する方法


Now, I'm considering a new thesis: Which makes people happier? Is it anime you look forward to watching every week or anime you watch all at once?



―― これ、多分、結論が出ないテーゼだろうな

"The thesis that will never conclude."


 I know that in my heart.



I am not unusual to be involved in multiple research projects simultaneously.


However, sometimes, I have to take charge of the technical core (programming) for two or more projects, which is tough.


If I had to compare it to something, it would be like me being the only person digging holes, leveling the ground, transporting construction materials, assembling them, and ensuring that if one part doesn't move, the whole thing won't work.


As I have said before, a program is troublesome because a single mistake (bug) can cause the entire thing to fail (not work/not give the correct value).


It is generally the case that a single person creates research-based programs (verification programs). If multiple people work on them, the work will slow down. This is because unless design changes and specification changes are made at the sole discretion of the person in charge, the work will not progress as desired.



I once worked on two projects simultaneously, creating completely different programs.


In one project, the leader praised my work and thanked me every time. Let's call this Project A.


In the other program, when the project leader heard about the content of my work, they immediately pointed out the problem points and ordered me to think of a revised plan by the next meeting. I'll call this project B.


In Project A, I was praised for trying something new and developing many ideas. In comparison, in Project B, when I tried something new, I was told the problem points without being praised, so I decided to stop doing that.


In Project A, if I found a problem, I would make it public because the whole team would work together to think about it. In comparison, if I found a problem in Project B, I would hide it because if I mentioned it, I would be blamed and ordered to solve it myself.



I'm a senior, so I know Project B may be the correct approach. Work is all about achieving your goals within the deadline while solving problems.


However, in my case, when I'm working and people say things like “Thank you”, “You've done a great job”, or “That's amazing”, it gives me strength.


On the other hand, some people say, “When I hear things like that, it makes me feel relaxed, so I'd prefer it if you didn't.” I was shocked when I heard this.



Anyway, the fuel that powers my (Ebata's) engine is “gratitude”, “respect” and “adulation”. Even if that fuel is adulterated or contains impurities, my engine works well.


Conversely, when I have to be the project leader, I try to make sure that I provide a lot of fuel in the form of “gratitude,” “respect,” and “adulation.”

日本の生産性がずっと低下しているのは、この「Let me say "Thank you"」ができていないからだと、私は本気で思っています。



However, as a result, nobody knows whether the project will be a good one or not.


When I think about it like this, I think I can analyze myself as

―― 気持ちよく仕事ができるかどうかが重要で、ゴールやその後がどうなろうが知ったことか

"a person who thinks that it's important whether or not the process feels good, and who doesn't care what happens after the goal is reached."



I have lived my life this way until now, and I have no plans to change it.


Whether or not this is a good thing is not necessary to me.




I was once the victim of a fraudulent website.


I still haven't forgotten that grudge. After that incident, I became cautious.



(Jump to the first column)


Even so, as I hear about the sophistication of recent special frauds,

―― ああ、これはもう対抗できないな

"I can't compete with them anymore."


I feel a sense of resignation.


Of course, the sophistication of the special fraud groups is a problem, but victims are not properly making their losses public.


Everyone hates being called a fool for being deceived (it was hard for me to publish the above column, too).


No one can blame you for remaining silent, weighing up the damage you have suffered against your pride.



To be honest,


■Stop using email and social networking services altogether (only use them with people you know in person)


■Limit online shopping to two major companies (Amazon and Rakuten)


I think these are safe ways to protect yourself.


(Stopping all internet use is like stopping the infrastructure of life, so I can't do it.)


Also, there are a lot of calls of unknown origin these days.


Therefore, I handle things like 


"I do not answer the phone. After looking up a phone number online, I either call them back (or ignore them)."




It's a strange story, but

―― ネット(バーチャル)を利用するための認証装置として、リアル環境(F2Fとか、会合とか)を活用する

"Use of real environments (such as face-to-face meetings and gatherings) as authentication devices for using the internet (virtual)"


I feel like it is changing in that way.


From now on, the real world will become the “information authentication infrastructure for society” and the “central axis of safety design” due to the shift in the relationship between the virtual and the real.


In other words, the security strategy will be to use “contact points with the real world” to the fullest rather than “developing and utilizing a cumbersome authentication infrastructure.”



There are probably many people who don't even understand what I mean.


Now that it's

―― そもそも、以前から、生活は、バーチャル(ネット)が"主"でしょう?

"To begin with, hasn't the virtual (online) been the “main” part of our lives for some time now?"


There may be more people like that.

実録! ネット詐欺



I used to write a series of columns on the “new coronavirus infection and vaccines,” based on a report sent to me by Dr. Shibata, and add my interpretation.


(Jump to the first column)


I still remember that.

―― 政府の大規模ワクチン摂取が始まったら、それまで大混乱だった病院内が一気に静まった

"Once the government's mass vaccination program began, the previously chaotic hospital suddenly quieted down."


(If I'm wrong, please let me know, Dr. Shibata).


At the time, I understood it as an image of 'the huge amount of items that couldn't be processed that were flowing on the conveyor belt suddenly not coming.'


It was a different perspective from the “numbers” of new infections reported on the NHK news, and I remember thinking, “This is a scene that can only be seen by someone on the front line.



The vaccine's effects, side effects, and after-effects are still being verified. This is a good thing, as verification from a medical or scientific perspective should continue in the future.

マスクは、新型コロナ感染に、なんの効果もなかった ―― という発表が、数年~十数年後にされる可能性は「ゼロ」とは言えないのです。


the important thing here is that

―― そのベルトコンベアの物品を止めたのは、ワクチンを打った国民

"The people who stopped the items on the conveyor belt were the people who had been vaccinated."



Looking at this from a different perspective, I think that the large-scale vaccination program carried out by the government was

―― 『政府の施策に、国民の多くが、自発的に応じた』という、我が国戦後史におけるレアケース

"A rare case in the post-war history of our country, in which 'many of the citizens voluntarily responded to the government's measures'"




At any rate, I think our country's national character is to 'suspect government measures in principle.'


Is that just prejudice?

でも、『太平洋戦争時に、政府と軍部とマスコミに欺かれ続けた』 ―― という記憶は、日本人のDNAになっていると、私は思っています。

However, I believe that the memory of “being deceived by the government, the military, and the media during the Pacific War” is part of the Japanese people's DNA.


New testimony has been reported regarding the illegal activities and tax evasion (including cash back) surrounding the political funding party held by ruling party Diet members yesterday.


I thought those in charge of national affairs were firmly maintaining this DNA of the Japanese people.



The re-broadcast of “Saka no Ue no Kumo” finally reaches the scene where the fleet confronts the Baltic Fleet.


I had already read “Saka no Ue no Kumo” (I think I was in junior high school then) and watched the first broadcast. However, I still didn't understand the Japanese Navy's battle plan against the Baltic Fleet, which Akiyama Manji proposed.


The words of the commander-in-chief of the Baltic Fleet, “Has Togo gone mad?” are also how I feel now.


This time, I will ensure I understand this strategy and get it into my head until I can explain it to others.


Leaving that aside.



When you watch the rerun of “Saka no Ue no Kumo,” you will be reminded that our country was blessed with historical good fortune in the Russo-Japanese War, where we were able to grab five miraculous lucky breaks in a row.


If I convert it to a probability value, I think it will be like 0.000000... with lots of 0s.


In his later years, Akiyama Saneyuki is said to have continued to wonder until his death about why his country had been so fortunate.


I feel a sense of closeness when I think he was a soldier and an engineer.



On the other hand, the Pacific War, which began with the “four ‘ifs’ and one ‘might’”, was the complete opposite.




The world is a whole of things that “require miracles, ifs, and might.”


And I am beginning to understand that wars must be fought.


For example, because they “did not” fight the war that they had to fight, it became an even worse war, and tens of millions of people, including civilians, were killed. This was World War II.


All I can do is pray that 'during my lifetime, I want the content to be limited to the extent that my safety and life are guaranteed.'



I have been making the argument that “silence is violence.”

―― お前は、この場で、一体、誰に対して、何を分かって貰おうとしているんだ?


I've noticed recently that there are times when I've tried everything and 'I can't think of anything else to do.'


If someone asked me what I would do in a situation like that, I would have no choice but to keep quiet.


I couldn't think of anything, so I tried to be silent for the first time.



What I can't do, I can't do.


If I can't do something because I'm incompetent, uneducated, lacking in technical skills or creativity, then that's my responsibility, and I'm okay with that.


If I can say, “I did what I could do,” then that's good enough.


I think that the fact that I'm only just realizing this now is one of my “weak points.”



Incidentally, when I kept quiet, the others started talking.


It seems that “silence is a reply” as well.