I remember hearing a comment from Tanaka Masashi, a 77-year-old city councilor in Chikushi City, Fukuoka Prefecture, about the harassment he had perpetrated against another city councilor. He said, “I may have fallen short in some ways, but if I humbly learn from this in the future, I will also grow.” I will include this as today's topic.
Although it may not be well understood, one of the things that generative AI is doing is “cramming.”
It is a repetitive learning method. It is a so-called “English vocabulary notebook.”
If you want to compare it to something, you could say that the generative AI is furiously “memorizing English vocabulary” and “working hard to be able to speak English” in the paradigm of understanding.
This “memorization” is not just about making notes but is continued until it becomes a pattern of electrical signals (we will have to go back to the mechanisms of neural networks here so that we will skip that part).
件名: ChatGPTは怖くない ~使い倒してラクをせよ の記事に関してご提言
It is already apparent from the “failure of the expert systems of the last century” that simply accumulating knowledge does not make you intelligent. Still, the current generative AI also learns human judgment criteria (topics that should not be handled), and, to add to that, it also learns “word usage.”
Speaking of which, I read something in a column before that said that in the future, the world would become a place where “kindness,” “gentleness,” and “politeness” will be valued more than “knowledge” and “leadership.”
In other words,
―― 「凄い仕事」より、「気持よく続けられる仕事」に、人材がシフトする
"the shift in human resources is from “great work” to “work that can be continued comfortably”.
The word “work” above could be replaced with words such as “school,” “organization,” or “neighborly relations.”
“Volunteering to be the unpopular leader and completing the project” may already be old-fashioned.
Perhaps the trend is moving towards “a project with a disliked leader will collapse.”
However, this trend is probably no laughing matter for project leaders under pressure to meet strict deadlines while monitoring the progress schedule.
From that perspective, I think it's possible that “we will leave project leaders to AI.”
As far as I can see, the way that generative AI interacts with humans is almost perfect.
A generative AI will never say things like “You should be able to think for yourself” or “Don't you even know that?”
The generated AI has a “good” button and a “bad” button for responses, and it seems that the generated AI learns the content of the reactions and how to respond to them based on these.
この考え方を拡張していくと、最終的に「生成AIによる政府や国際機関の運用」という未来に到達してしまいますが ―― 私は、それが今の状況よりもラクに生きられる世界を作ってくれるのであれば、それで構いません。
If we were to extend this line of thinking, we would eventually reach the future of “government and international organizations being run by generative AI,” - but as long as it creates a world where we can live more comfortably than we do now, I'm OK with that.
Or rather, I want to realize it.
ただ、行き過ぎた「生成AI頼み」は、かならず歪みを生み出すと思うので、多分、「生成AI排除」という動きも出てきます ―― 19世紀のラッダイド運動のように。
However, overreliance on generative AI will inevitably lead to distortion, so there will probably be a movement to exclude it, like the Luddite movement in the 19th century.
Even in the world of networks, there are still “swinging back” trends occurring every few years, such as distributed and centralized systems, cloud and edge, etc.
I also think that the generative AI that fails in project management will be discarded, and the AI with better project management skills will survive (there is also the possibility that the generative AI will learn and develop).
Well, no matter how I think about it, I think the world of generative AI will only become what it is destined to become.
I will continue to observe it.
ただ、冒頭の市議は、「生成AIと取り替えても、一向に構わんだろう」 ―― というか、「是非取り替えてくれ」と思いますが。
However, about the city councilor at the beginning of the story, “Even if a generative AI replaces him, I don't mind at all” - or rather, I think, “Please replace him as soon as possible.”