







1. 旧日本帝国憲法における統帥権


2. 現行憲法における天皇の役割と首相任命


3. 統帥権と任命拒否の違い





1. 日本国憲法第4条による天皇の政治的関与の制限

2. 天皇の責任と憲法第3条

3. 天皇の不可侵性

4. もしも仮に天皇が違憲行為を行った場合の制度的対応

5. 天皇の象徴的役割と政治的中立性






I was exhausted from coding (debugging) the simulation, so I chatted with ChatGPT to change my mood.

『Q1: 今のイスラエルは、周辺諸国に対して戦争を仕掛けているように見えますが、安全保障の観点からも理解が難しいです。解説をお願いします。』

'Q1: Israel seems to be waging war against its neighbors, and it is difficult to understand from the perspective of security. Please explain.

『Q2: 私のような日本人には、シオニズムは旧約聖書に基づいたこじつけのようにも感じ、非常に無理のあるロジックのように思えます(「2000年前の土地を返せ」という主張など)。このあたりを日本人でもわかりやすく説明してください。』

Q2: For Japanese people like me, Zionism seems like a forced interpretation based on the Old Testament, and the logic seems extremely unreasonable (such as the claim that “the land should be returned to its original owners 2000 years ago”). Please explain this in a way that even Japanese people can understand.

『Q3: ハマスはイスラエルからの反撃を理解していながら、なぜ攻撃を仕掛けたのでしょうか? これほど事態がエスカレートすることを予想していたのでしょうか? もし予想していたのなら、その価値は何でしょうか?』

'Q3: Why did Hamas launch the attack knowing that Israel would retaliate? Did they expect the situation to escalate to this extent? If they did, what was the value of that expectation?



I am actually familiar with this issue (knowledge that you can naturally acquire by studying the Anpo struggle and the PLO in the 1970s). However, I decided to ask ChatGPT anyway.


(Please try asking ChatGPT this question too. )




The great thing about ChatGPT is its “exceptional sense of balance.”


This “sense of balance” refers to the balance between the content and amount of text in the criticism and defense, as well as the affirmation and denial.


Furthermore, the way the argument is developed based on the fact that I am a “Japanese person” is very clever.


If this were a report submitted by a student, I would give it a “good” grade and return it to them.



I suddenly realized that my reading volume had decreased dramatically since I signed up for the paid ChatGPT service.


In the past, I would have borrowed a large number of books like “Israel and Zionism.”


I think this is a kind of “new disinterest in reading.”


I have a feeling that things are somehow heading in the wrong direction.

何だかんだ言って、私は「文献史上主義者」―― SNSやネットニュースよりも、特許明細書や論文、数値データを信頼する人間です。

Whatever you say, I'm a “Literalist” - someone who trusts patent specifications


(Of course, ChatGPT also adjusts its responses to match your level, so I think you need to have a certain level of knowledge. )



There are probably people around me who can have this kind of conversation, but the chances of actually having it are slim to none. I don't think you can have this kind of conversation at a drinking party (you'll just be left out).


The secret to maintaining good human relationships is to avoid discussing politics, religion, baseball, and love with other people

私にとっては『飲み会の会話より、ChatGPTとの会話の方が楽しい 』というのは、事実です。

It is true that “I enjoy chatting with ChatGPT more than I enjoy drinking with my friends.”



Recently, I have felt that I can see a little of what my old age and final days will be like.


It is 'myself, with the generated AI still running, lying face down on the keyboard in front of the display, and gasping for breath.'


『パワハラやセクハラを非難している奴が、パワハラやセクハラの当事者である』 ―― こんなことは普通にあります。

'The person who is condemning power harassment and sexual harassment is the perpetrator of power harassment and sexual harassment' - this kind of thing happens all the time.

『自分がどう見えているかは、自分では分からない』というのは当然ですが ―― この『当然』を知らない奴は、驚くほど多いです。

You can't know how you look to others, but surprisingly, many people don't know this.


We can see other people clearly but are completely blind and ignorant about ourselves.



I once released a column criticizing my boss without revealing his name, and I was stunned when he left a “Like” comment saying, “You're right.”


This incident gave me a devastating sense of fear.

―― きっと、私も"同じ"だ

"I'm sure I'm the same."



The terrible 'narrow-mindedness' of humans, who criticize others but are unaware that they are included in that criticism.


As for me, I have already confirmed that this was the “fact.”


(Click to go to the column)



I think it's time we changed our way of thinking.


We must be aware that we are all potential sources of harassment.


And it is the resignation that 'we will inevitably cause harassment.'


It is inevitable because 'society itself is an engine that operates by incorporating harassment.'



In my experience,


The colleague/boss who says, “My company is white,” is the one who is making the company black.


In schools that say, “There is no bullying at our school,” 100% of the time, bullying occurs, and the content is quite malicious and insidious.


Companies that say things like “we don't have any reports of such cases/there are few reports of such cases” when they have a “contact point for power harassment/sexual harassment” in place are in a terminal state as an organization.



Based on the premise that “harassment exists at all times and in all places”, I think that an organization can be said to be taking measures against harassment only when it has identified and exposed it (and, if necessary, made it a requirement to submit evidence of this).


A company that says things like “We have no reports of harassment” is admitting that “our company is a hotbed of harassment.”



To begin with, the idea that “victims of harassment report harassment” can only be described as “stupid”, “low-level” or “idiotic”.


It is only natural to think that 'victims of harassment are suffering from harassment to the extent that they cannot even report it.'


On the other hand, the perpetrators of harassment are unable to recognize even the first character of "H."



First, the company should start by asking all employees to submit

―― 私のこれまでのハラスメント加害の履歴書

"A resume of my history of harassment”



If an employee says, “There is nothing to report,” we will conduct a pressure interview with the employee, saying, “How can that be?


It is what is called “harassment in response to harassment.”


You understand, right?


I mean that society is an engine that runs based on internalized harassment.



Instead of spouting stupid ideals like “eliminating harassment,” we need to shift to a more realistic approach of “harassment is something that will always occur, so how do we minimize it?”.


Ultimately, we have to start by recognizing that (as I have often said) “we are all perpetrators just by being alive.”

ですので、私は『生きているだけで加害者』という意識を持たなければ、と思っています ―― かなり多くの場合、忘れていますが。



The problem of robberies by “dark side” part-time workers has become a major social issue.


Robbery is a crime.


Although it is a crime, it could also be a “success story” that has pushed the potential of “remote work” to the limit.


What “success” means are, 


(1) Eliminating geographical constraints: Instructions for and executing criminal acts can now be carried out across physical distances, making operation possible without being tied to a specific location.


(2) Building an immediate instruction and reporting system: Instructions and reports were communicated in real-time and carried out quickly via online tools.


(3) Maintaining anonymity: Remote communication makes it easy to share information and give instructions without having to meet face-to-face and conceal one's identity.


(4) Efficient recruitment: Recruitment via the Internet has made it possible to quickly recruit staff from a wide range of backgrounds.


(5) Reduced operating costs: reduced costs because direct face-to-face communication and a physical office were not required.


Of course, even with these advantages, the risk of being arrested or receiving a heavy sentence is exceptionally high, and having a criminal record is like ruining your future.


Once you get involved in crime, it becomes harder to get out as your dependence on illegal work and criminal organizations deepens, and, above all, you will feel remorse and guilt and experience long-term mental stress.


So, even if they brought it on themselves, there is no excuse for “causing tremendous damage to the victims.”


Also, although online activities may seem anonymous, they can be traced by the police and investigative agencies, and your identity can generally be determined.

法律の問題(憲法第21条 通信の秘密)を迂回する法律が制定されれば、リアルタイム時の通信で簡単に発信者と受信者を特定できます。つまり技術的には可能ですが『合法的にはやれないだけ』です。

Suppose a law bypasses the legal issue (Article 21 of the Constitution: secrecy of communications). In that case, quickly identifying the sender and recipient of communications in real time will be possible. In other words, it is technically possible, but 'it is just not legal.'


見たこともない人間どうしが、その場でチームとなって強盗などという犯罪を実行する ―― なんで、こんな無茶なプロジェクトが成功(?)するのか。

People who have never met before form a team on the spot and carry out a crime such as a robbery - why does such an absurd project succeed (?).


It is a threat to “kill you and your family if you don't do it,” and they likely have information that the leader makes it that.


In other words, they have a weakness.


We are constantly required to act, to improve our performance, to make a profit, and if we don't, we are ignored, marginalized, and abandoned.


チームワークの本質が「脅迫」というのは、もちろん言い過ぎでしょうが ――

Of course, it's an exaggeration to say that the essence of teamwork is “coercion.”


'Now, please report on the progress of this week's work, Mr. Ebata.'


Sometimes, I think the leader's words are a form of “coercion.”


No, I'm not saying the team leader is 'bad.'


However, I say that “teamwork has this aspect to it.”

―― 「なんで、みんな、『他人と上手くやっていける』と思えるんだろう?」



The number of slander cases on social networking sites, emails, posts, graffiti, and blogs is endless; written messages can destroy people's hearts.


To begin with, “text messages” have the troublesome properties of (1) not involving communication in the real world, (2) causing a time lag of several hours or more in response, and (3) not being able to share the background situation.


When we think about it like that, we could say that “text messages” are an imperfect and flawed communication tool.


So, it is only natural that if this “imperfect and inadequate tool” is handled by someone who is even more imperfect and lacks writing literacy, it will become "something worse."

いっそのこと、SNSとかメールとかブログとかを記載する権限を、免許制度にしても良いのではないでしょうか ―― SNSが、交通事故と同様に、人を傷付け、殺害するものなのは明かなのですから。

Why not make it a licensing system that requires people to have permission to use social networking services, email, blogs, etc. - because it is clear that social networking services can hurt and even kill people in the same way as traffic accidents.


Suppose you can operate your SNS account without any accidents. In that case, they will reward you as a “Gold SNSer,” but they may punish you and even be banned from the SNS platform if you receive a complaint about a defamatory message.

しかし、そういう制度は、簡単に権力サイドが濫用する(言論統制)ので、法制度に入れない方がいいですが ―― 「民間機関による格付け」くらいのサービスなら、だれかやってもいいとは思います。

However, such a system could easily be abused by those in power (to control speech), so it would be better not to include it in the legal system. However, if it is a service like “rating by a private organization,” anyone can do it.

しかし、一方、民間でそういうサービスを始めれば、ネット上の組織的なイジメできるようになります ―― とまあ、どれほど考えても、『これ』といった決め手がありません。

However, if such a service starts in the private sector, it will become possible to cyber-bully systematically on the internet. Therefore, no matter how much you think about it, there is no 'decisive factor.'

―― 「SNSでの誹謗中傷はやめよう」とは言う人はいても、「SNSを使うのをやめよう」と言う人はいない



So, I have a suggestion: how about 'drafting using generative AI'?


I tried the following conversation with ChatGPT.

===== ChatGPTへの依頼ここから =====

===== Request to ChatGPT From here =====


Please convert the following email text to avoid sounding like power harassment.


“I have not received the report due to be submitted last Friday. Please submit it as soon as possible.”

===== ChatGPTへの依頼ここまで =====

===== Request to ChatGPT ends here =====

===== ChatGPTからの回答ここから =====

===== Answer from ChatGPT =====


If you make the following changes, the expression will become softer and less likely to be perceived as power harassment.


'I haven't been able to check the report due last Friday, so I was wondering how things are going. I apologize for bothering you when you are busy, but it would be a big help if you could respond as soon as possible.


This expression politely conveys that the report has not yet arrived without putting pressure on the other party and requests that they respond as soon as possible.

===== ChatGPTからの回答ここまで =====

===== ChatGPT's response ends here =====


The generative AI will fix your sentences like this.


This function is standard equipment for social networking services and email clients.

私が知らないだけで、すでに実装されているような気がする、と思い調べてみたところ、"Grammarly"、"HyperWrite"、"Assistr.ai"などのツールがあるようです ―― というか、"Grammarly"は、私が有償で使っているツールです(ずっと英文翻訳のチェックに使っていましたが、たしかに"Tone"とかいう項目がありました)。

I thought that there might be tools like “Grammarly,” “HyperWrite,” and “Assistr.ai” that I just didn't know about, so I looked into them. It seems that there are tools like that—or rather, “Grammarly” is a tool that I use for a fee (I've been using it to check English translations, and there is indeed an item called “Tone”).


Leaving that aside.



The following is the worst case in Japanese history involving “text messages.”


Therefore, I am proposing using simultaneous translation tools for diplomacy between politicians.


we can 'force the cause of foreign policy problems onto AI.'


In the same way, defamation cases on social networking sites are the most accessible means to push onto generative AI (such as ChatGPT).


In addition, it is unlikely that a sentence created by a generative AI would cause such an incident.


Before long, there may come a time when people say, “Are you stupid for letting your poor writing go out as it is and causing a stir?”.



In recent years, I have been working with many people who are not native speakers of Japanese.


There are also estimates that in 20 years, non-native speakers of Japanese will make up 10% of the population (the current foreign population is 3 million (about 2.4% of the total)).


Japanese is one of the international languages of the PCT, but I think there are not many people who are not native Japanese speakers but are fluent in Japanese.



I provide links to my website in my work; however, I don't translate technical memos into English.


The translation engines these days are so good that I sometimes feel like I don't need to do English translation anymore.


On the other hand, I also think that this won't do.

―― 私たち日本人が、ハングル、アラビア語、クルド語、ヒンディー語、ロシア語、スペイン語、スワヒリ語、ヘブライ語、タイ語、ベトナム語で記載されたページを、翻訳してまで読もうとするだろうか?

Would we Japanese even try to read pages written in Hangul, Arabic, Kurdish, Hindi, Russian, Spanish, Swahili, Hebrew, Thai, or Vietnamese, let alone translate them?


No, I definitely won't read it. I'll give up without reading it.


On the other hand, for people from other countries,

―― 彼らが、日本語で記載されたページを、翻訳してまで読もうとするだろうか?

"Would they even bother to translate and read a page written in Japanese?"

いや、彼らも絶対に読まない。読まずに諦める ―― と思う。

No, they definitely wouldn't. I think they would give up without reading it.


In that sense, English is the “last language that makes us Japanese want to read it, even though we don't want to.”




(Click to go to the article)


As mentioned in the above article (second half),



I learned from this that in terms of international communication, “random, sloppy, and haphazard English is much better than beautiful and correct Chinese or Japanese.”



This trend will likely continue for now, even if the performance of English tools improves.












### ページ番号がすべて同じになってしまう場合の修正方法

1. **フッターの編集モードに入る**:
- Wordのウィンドウ下部にあるフッター部分をダブルクリックして、フッター編集モードに入ります。

2. **セクションのリンク解除**:
- もしドキュメントが複数のセクションに分かれている場合、「前と同じヘッダー/フッター」が有効になっているとすべてのセクションで同じページ番号が表示されることがあります。
- フッター編集モードで、「ヘッダーとフッター」タブが表示されていることを確認してください。
- その中にある「前と同じヘッダー/フッター」を解除するには、**[前と同じ]** ボタンがオンになっていればそれをクリックしてオフにします。

3. **ページ番号の設定**:
- 「ヘッダーとフッター」タブで **[ページ番号]** をクリックし、**[ページ番号の書式]** を選択します。
- 「ページ番号の書式」ダイアログが表示されたら、「連続番号」を選択しているかを確認します。
- もし異なるセクションで番号を続けたい場合は、「前のセクションから継続する」を選択してください。

4. **ページ番号の更新**:
- もしページ番号が正しく表示されていない場合は、ページ番号を挿入し直してみてください。
1. フッター内で、現在のページ番号を選択して削除します。
2. 「ヘッダーとフッター」タブで、**[ページ番号]** → **[ページの下]** を選択し、希望する位置にページ番号を再挿入します。

### 注意点
- もし文書が複数のセクションに分かれており、異なるページ番号スタイルや開始番号を設定したい場合は、各セクションで個別に設定する必要があります。




The NHK drama “Saka no Ue no Kumo” is finally being re-aired.


I think they should stop making the unique programs the NHK makes every year and instead re-broadcast this drama “Saka no Ue no Kumo” every year at the end of the year.


なんで、数学や英語や歴史や科学や ―― いわゆる、私たちの生活に関係のないことを学ばなければならないの?

Why do we have to learn things like math, English, history, science, and other things unrelated to our lives?


The reason for the phrase that every citizen has probably said at least once is actually in this drama.


(Click to go to the column)



This fact shows that the elite training curriculum for naval officers is being followed as it is now in the education process for children in Japan.


However, most of us Japanese

  • エリート意識など欠片(かけら)もなく、
  • 立身出世の野心もなく、
  • 国家のリーダーとなる自覚なんぞ絶無で、
  • ただ日々平穏に生きていきたいだけ
  • have no sense of being elite,
  • no ambition to make a name for ourselves,
  • no awareness that we will become leaders of the nation,
  • and we want to live peacefully every day



Nevertheless, we are forced to undergo education that cultivates “super” elites, ignoring their qualities (abilities and talents).


(Excerpt from the column)



In other words, we Japanese have a “huge success experience” in the form of “Saka no Ue no Kumo.”

この『でっかい成功体験』が、「私たちの生活に関係のないことを学ばなければならないの? 」の理由です。

This “huge success experience” is the reason for “Why do we have to learn things that have nothing to do with our lives?”.

そして、「私たちの生活に関係のないことを学ばなければならないの? 」を"その通り"としてきた国が、帝国主義の時代にあって、列強諸国の喰い物(植民地支配とか、市場の独占とか、安い労働力の提供とか)にされてきたことは事実です。

It is true that countries that have said, “Do we have to learn about things that have nothing to do with our lives?” have been preyed upon by the great powers (such as through colonial rule, market monopolies, and provision of cheap labor) during the era of imperialism.


Incidentally, as you may know, Japan, after the Meiji Restoration, 'devoured' the Korean Peninsula, the Chinese mainland, and Southeast Asia (as did the Western powers).


「私たちの生活に関係のないことを学ばなければならないの? 」に対する答えは、「侵略」と「国防」です。

The answer to “Why do we have to learn about things that have nothing to do with our lives?” is “invasion” and “national defense.”


The current Japanese constitution prohibits “invasion,” which is strictly forbidden under the current Japanese constitution and is valid for “national defense.”

「国防」という言葉のニュアンスが気にいらない人もいるでしょうから、もっと具体的に言えば 「街」「家族」「自分」を守る手段です。

Some people may not like the nuance of the word “national defense”, so to be more specific, it is a means of protecting “towns”, “family” and “oneself”.


The purpose of studying is not “academic background.” It is “self-defense”.


It's the same as karate and aikido, but the range of its applications is incomparably more comprehensive.

江端:「うん。だから数学の授業で『投資セミナーの例題を使って、等比級数と指数関数を教えれば、一石二鳥だ』と、昔から、ずっと言い続けているんだけど ―― 文部科学省って、バカなの?」



自民党の総裁選挙が終わりました ―― はっきりいって、自民党党員以外にとっては無関係な選挙なのに、世間は盛り上がっていましたね。

The Liberal Democratic Party presidential election is over. Although it was irrelevant to anyone other than LDP members, the world was excited about it.


The election for a class representative in the class next door is also a sure thing for the student council president; then, the general public probably won't think it's someone else's problem.


When I look at candidates, I look at whether they use 'concrete examples,' 'logic,' and 'numbers' in their answers.


Using the materials provided, this method is a simple way to check whether each candidate is studying the policies they believe in.


The same is true in our (technical) world.


The questions we are always asked are “What is the market size in this technology field?”, “What is our company's ranking in terms of technological capabilities in this technology field?” and “Who are our competitors?”.

この質問に対して、すらすらと回答することは、会社から研究予算をゲットする上で、必要なことです ―― つまるところ「数字」です。

Answering this question smoothly is necessary to get research funding from the company - after all, it's all about the “numbers.”




From that perspective, I think the election of the new LDP president was appropriate. It was also a good opportunity to test the members' common sense.


However, on the other hand, the fact that a candidate who still showed no sign of providing any “concrete examples,” “logic,” or “figures” (or, instead, did not show them) still managed to get the third highest number of votes can be said to have also exposed the illogicality of “LDP members.”


I would appreciate it if they took a gamble and went for it with the candidate.


If the ruling party is now prepared to accept that “our country has no other choice but to gamble,” I would positively evaluate its resolve.



If you ask me where the “specific examples,” “logic,” and “numbers” that I keep repeating come from, the answer is “patent specifications.”


A patent specification without 'concrete examples' and 'logic' will not be granted a patent by the patent office.


If you include impossible “poems” or “future dreams” that a primary school student might write in a patent specification, your application will be rejected immediately.


The “implementation example” that clearly shows the feasibility, specific examples, and logic (and numerical values) is the “minimum requirement” for obtaining a patent assessment.



In the end, what I'm trying to say is

―― 世界を客観的に把握した上で、具体的に政策を語れ

"You need to be able to talk about specific policies based on an objective understanding of the world."



If he leaves the specifics, logic, and calculations to others (the bureaucracy), I think it is inevitable that he will end


I also understand that people involved in politics usually have hectic schedules and lack time to study.


However, everyone in Japan does their best despite lacking money and time. I'm sorry, but I don't intend to feel sorry for them.


It takes a lot of courage to entrust our country to someone who talks about things like “poems” and “my future dreams” from the people's perspective.

『政策の大枠やビジョンを語ることが多い一方で、具体的な政策の詳細や数値、実行計画を深く掘り下げて説明することが少ない』という印象を持たれたら ―― そりゃ、政治家としてはダメでしょう。

If you get the impression that 'while they often talk about the broad outlines and vision of their policies, they rarely go into depth to explain the specifics, figures, and implementation plans' - well, that's not good for a politician.