

I heard "Birthday," a children's goods specialty store operated by Shimamura, has been criticized for designing a new product launched on July 29, leading to the announcement that it will stop selling it.


Among the cute clothes, socks, and fashion accessories designed with words that looked like the children wrote, such as "Papa mama always thank you," "Kukutta (socks)," and "Mama is good," were descriptions such as "Papa doesn't take care of me at all," "Papa always sleeps," and "Papa always comes home late."


I will not comment on this matter.


But if asked, I can write comments supporting or criticizing this product in reasonable and logical sentences.

なんか、こう書くと、私、かっこよく見えないですか? ―― 見えないか。

When I write this, don't I look cool? -- No way.



Unfortunately, there is, in fact, an origin story to this story.

ジャーナリストの立花 隆(たちばな たかし)さんは、成田闘争(*)の現場で取材を行っている際に、取材対象者からどちらの側の意見を求めているのかを尋ねられた際の回答として「どちらの側のコメントが必要ですか」と返答したことで知られています。

Journalist Takashi Tachibana is known to have responded to an interviewee asking which side of the Narita struggle(*) he wanted to hear from by saying, "Whose side do you want comments?


(*) The Narita Struggle was an incident in which farmers, residents, and activists opposed land expropriation and violently confronted the government and police since the construction plan for the New Tokyo International Airport in Narita City, Chiba Prefecture, in 1966. The opposition included violent clashes, resulting in many arrests and injuries.


Mr. Tachibana was careful not to bias his coverage toward a one-sided viewpoint. He believed that in the Narita struggle, it was important to cover and report both the government's and the opposition's views.


Many people mentioned this episode in Tachibana's books and interviews cited as emblematic of his interview philosophy.



In my case, it is not OK: "Both sides need to be heard and commented on from a neutral standpoint," but the opposite.


Because of his cavalier stance: "I (Ebata) have not heard either side's opinions, and I genuinely believe that 'this kind of talk is of no concern to me.



However, I remember writing somewhere about 'products with comments.'


And then I found this diary.



I wonder if someone tries to make a shirt printed, "I have just come to buy electric parts in Akihabara."


Hi, Maid-san. Please do not close my walking direction.



My company has started a "dress code free" system.

不思議なのは「ドレスコードフリー」に『ドレスコードフリーのルールが詳細に規定されている』ことですが ―― これについて、私はこれ以上言及しません。

What is curious is that 'dress code free' has 'dress code free rules stipulated in detail' -- I will not mention this any further.


I am a businessman (company dog).



Recently, my second daughter seems to be on the verge of finding a job.


During this activity, she told me, 'I have to wear pumps to a job interview,' I drove her to and from the station by car on several occasions.


Naturally, I cooperated with this transportation.


Because I believe that "pumps" are "one of the tools of torture for women" and "a clear symbol of female abuse," and I also believe that "pumps = torture tool" is a common perception of the Ebata family.


However, what makes me laugh is that the interviewing company claims to be "interview dress-free.

「可愛い」「美しい」は"正義"です ―― まあ、私の"正義"ではありませんが。




No matter how loudly companies sing "interview dress code free," it's useless.


Because the interviewee (student) is always vulnerable.


Unsurprisingly, the "dress code free" for students flows in the direction of the safest dress code (suits, ties, suits, pumps).


As a result, students who look like clones and are indistinguishable from each other gather in interview rooms and job fairs.

―― 「ドレスコードフリー」が笑わせる

-- "Dress code free" makes me laugh.


I think that, however, I care about the dress

『顧客の「ドレスコードフリー」を信じた結果、顧客案件を失注した』 ―― などということになったら、悪夢以外の何者でもありません。

It would be nothing short of a nightmare if I lost a client project due to believing in a "dress code free" policy.


My company executives will never say, "You are an idiot for taking a customer's 'dress code free' seriously!" however -- I will be reprimanded for "exactly" that reason.



The solution to this problem is simple. "give specific examples of the dress code.


For example, I declared a "dress code free" when holding a memorial service for my father and mother.

■江端一夫・瑤子 納骨供養のご案内


The important thing here is that the host (organizer) "myself" will be there,


"I (Tomoichi) will be there with jeans, sneakers, and prayer beads."


I disclosed my dress code and hosted the event wearing jeans, sneakers, and prayer beads.



It should be sufficient if the company conducting the job interview discloses the interview, whether by photo, illustration, or video (YouTube).


We do not want a "dress code free."


It is the opposite. We want to make companies disclose the dress code's content visibly.

しかし、たったこれだけのことが、日本の企業にはできない ―― なぜなら、このような開示は、企業イメージに直結し、下手を打てばネットで炎上、就職希望者激減というリスクがあるからです。

However, Japanese companies cannot do this much. Such disclosure is directly related to the company's image, and if done poorly, it risks an Internet firestorm and a sharp drop in job applicants.


As a result, many companies "only" declare their "dress code free" (although a few disclose their photos).



The bottom line is 

―― 『ドレスコードフリー』を真面目にやるつもりがあるなら、『ドレスコードフィックス』をして、それを開示すべきである

"If you are serious about being "dress code free," you should have a "dress code fix" and disclose it."


that is, instead, an ironic conclusion.



The United States of America is a "great country.


I'm watching a US drama on NetFlix right now, and I even feel like they are already doing it as it is in the US.


Senator Tim Scott's sudden withdrawal from the campaign, the assassination attempt on former President Trump, former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley's announcement of support for Trump, Vice President Harris' nomination as the Democratic nominee... the list goes on.


It is as if a natural person acted out a scenario written by a Hollywood movie scriptwriter.


とは言え、私は陰謀論には与しません ―― 少なくとも陰謀論は「他人のものを信じる」のではなく、「自分のものをDIYで作ります」

That said, I don't subscribe to conspiracy theories—at least not conspiracy theories that involve " believing other people's stuff" but "making your DIY stuff."


I either make fun of or ignore people who can only quote other people's conspiracy theories and spread them. Still, I will listen to and read people who have constructed conspiracy theories independently with logic and evidence (preferably with numbers).


Whether it is correct or not, I am well aware of the hardship (or, relatively, pain) of constructing "theories (logic)" even for conspiracy theories.


I "like" (believe it or not) those who "sweat it out" more than those who just copy and paste other people's opinions or just paste links.



I am tired of thinking about elections in another country that is similar to Hollywood movies.


One thing is sure, however, that the defeated candidates and their supporters will cry "rigged elections" in this election as well.

―― 後で『後出しジャンケン』みたいなことを言わずに済むように、今のうちに「不正選挙」が発生する可能性を、完全に叩き潰しておけ

"Knock down the possibility of a "rigged election" completely now so that you don't have to say something like "post-election rock-paper-scissors" later."


I will say that.



Although there are many problems with the electoral system in our country, the fact that no one has appeared (or seems to have appeared) to complain about the voting system and cry "rigged election" makes me think, "Japan is a good country.


I hate people who talk about the achievements of individuals and organizations as "Japan's pride." However, I believe that it is "thanks to the presidential election of the United States" that Japan's electoral system can so profoundly move me.




I watch recorded programs during lunch, but no recordings are left lately.


The cause is the "Olympics". This event is eating up regular programming (history, documentaries).


I'll think of it as a 'time-limited infection that occurs once every two years' and wait for this period to pass.


Well, it seems this infection amuses many people, with exceptions like myself, and I do not want to "stop" or "bother" it.


Even if the content is not enjoyable for me, I enjoy and am happy to "see people enjoying" it (it's true. Please believe me).



NHK's "Project-X" has recently resumed, but much remains on my HDD.


I am having trouble motivating myself to watch it.


The cause is the following.



I have many "things I no longer enjoy" due to this spelling-out process.


For example, the National High School Baseball Tournament is a prime example.


What does it mean that, as a result of such "objective analysis" of one's "subjectivity," something that used to be enjoyable becomes unenjoyable?


It is safe to say it is a fool's work.






今は、WHOおよび各国政府が、感染症に対するマスクの有効性を宣言して、各種の研究や統計結果からも、マスクの有効性はもはや疑う余地はありませんが ―― あの当時は、本当に大変でした。

ダイヤモンド・プリンセス号集団感染という、人類史上例を見ない完全な"コホート"によって、これらの結果が得られたのですが ――






The other day, I discussed the story with my junior daughter (The 6th grade).

―― 「永遠に生きる」、というのはどういうことか

"What does "to live eternally" mean?"


Daughter:" I merely think that it is that we don't die all the time."


Ebata:" I think it means "to remember everything all the time."




Ebata: "The size of our brain decides our amount of memory, so we cannot continue to record what we are doing eternally."


Daughter: "And?"


Ebata: "For example, if we can live eternally and keep our memory only for 100 years, can we live eternally?"


Daughter: "We live only for 100 years, don't we?"


Ebata: "All right. It thinks it does not make much of a difference from the life of the life of 100 years after all."


Daughter: "But I think that life without fear of death is not bad."


Ebata: "Does the value of "living eternally" have a fear of death?"



I sometimes broach the subject of such philosophical aporia for my wife and daughters.


However, I don't pose as the maieutic method of Socrates; I arrange my thoughts by using them.



My father cannot remember the conversation from several minutes ago.


Even if I take my father to a mountain and a river, he will not remember them until night.


Still, his everyday life is not troubled and looks from the side like an ordinary old man's life.


When he kept setting the cooker on fire, my sister and I quickly changed it to an electromagnetic kitchen utensil.



According to my thoughts of yesterday's diary, the conclusion is

―― 覚えていないことは、生きていないこと

"What we do not remember is what we do not live."



Then, it is correct. My father lives in his life only for several minutes.


However, whenever I returned to his house, he said, "You are home, aren't you?"


As far as I know, he lives now.


However, the day that he could not recognize me might come.


He could keep sleeping, having for his daily life.


I ask myself.

Could I say "father lives" then?


I came to often think about such a thing darkly.



There are several books whose story has a theme of losing memory for short term as follows.


"The Formula that the Doctor Has Loved" by Ogawa Youko-san



"Okitegami Kyouko's Memorandum" is a new series by Nishio Ishin-san. Recently,



"Flowers for Algernon" by the late Mr.Daniel Keyes



The above books are wonderful, and I can recommend them.



However, the books are books, even if I read many of the same kinds of books.


How would I feel about daily life if I had to live a life that forced me to eliminate my memory after several minutes?

■家族は、同じ話を何度も繰返しているらしい自分に、うんざりした顔をしている → だから、何か言うのが怖くて、何も言わなくなる。

- My family looks tired of my repeated speaking, so I fear talking and will keep silent.


I will hesitate about any actions in my life like that.


Above all, I think.


- It should be a terrible fear to forget my actions and what others are saying in several minutes.





- How sad that we cannot tell and leave our thoughts to others


That is unimaginable for me.

いずれにしても、自分の気持ちが、誰にも開けることのできないブラックボックスの中で静かに消えて行く ―― ということは、誰も避けられないことです。

Anyway, nobody could be inevitable that my thoughts come to fade away in a closed black box.

それが緩やかに続いていくか、あるいは突然起こることかの違いはあれ ―― いずれ、誰もが「死」というフェーズを迎えることで、私達は同じゴールに到着することになるからです。

Despite the differences between slowness and rapidness, we will arrive at the same goal: "death."

だから ―― 私は自分の考えを修正しなければならないのだろう、と思っています。


So, now I think I have to modify my policy by myself.


Everybody can admit that even if we had enormous music and video files in storage, or even if we had a collection of books as a floor fell out, they are worthless.


Though the recorded content accessed freely anytime is convenient, it is far from the value of the momentary time and space where we play content.


We, who listen to music, watch videos, and read books, never lose our memories.

ならば、 ――


「忘却してしまう人生は、生きていることにならない」とか、「死に行く人生には、価値がない」ということには ―― ならない。

"The life that we forget is not our life" and "the life that leads to death is worthless" is nonsense.


For example,

新緑に萌える山や、川面に揺れる光を、眩しそうに眺める父が、それを心地良いと思えるのであれば ―― 仮にそう思えなくとしても ―― その瞬間、父は父の人生を確かに生きているのであるし、

If my father, who seems to be dazzling mountains to sprout in the fresh green and light to shake in the surface of a river, could feel "good" or "not good", at the moment, he surely lives in the life of him.


Even if he forgets all the memories of the day at home, it should be wrong logic that the memories become worthless.


We don't have to lead the funny eggheads that "I could keep the memories if my father forget them".


My father's living  itself is really "my father's living," and,


It is worth deserving the life for not anyone but father oneself.

―― と、ようやく、私は思えるようになったのです。









I have written here,


Logical or not, we have only two choices at the end of our lives: (1) die without dementia, or (2) die with dementia.

―― どうせ、いずれ自分が罵しられることになるなら、今、他人を罵しっておいた方がおトクかな


And, well, soon, I will be entering the dementia phase.



Many people fear the "cognitive impairment" in dementia, but even beyond that, dementia raises the "mortality" rate.


The opposite?


Aging, underlying diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease, as well as infections, malnutrition, and poor physical function, can also trigger dementia.


In any case, the benefits of good health are significant.

自分にとっても、他人(社会)にとってもです ―― 今更、何を、という感じですが。

Both for myself and others (society) --- Even if you think what Ebata is talking 



My father, who never drank or smoked, became cognitively impaired but still did not become "bedridden" for the rest of his life. (He stopped smoking after he started his own business.)


My mother also never drank or smoked, but she fell in a factory and almost became critically ill, and as far as I can remember, she had two car accidents. I believe this is what caused her to be 'bedridden' in her later years.


Comparing the two, our caregiving load was “quantitatively obvious”.


For us sisters and brothers who have cared for our parents, our father's health has been a real, tangible help.


I have confirmed that if we had both become 'bedridden,' our sister and brother care team would have failed.



The main reason I currently do not drink, smoke, or overeat and continue to do pull-ups, sit-ups, and step-ups is because of my father in his later years.


My father is my learning persona.


More than the millions or even millions of dollars in inheritance, my father's good health helped my siblings and me.


In addition, my father and mother left me a legacy that I am grateful to use, although it is only for my (adult) college tuition.

―― 今の私の選択を、一番喜んでくれているのは、父と母のような気がする


ちなみに、晩年の父は、介護施設内で人気者だったようです ―― 認知障害で、まともな会話もできていなかったのに、端的に言えば「モテていた」のです。施設の高齢者だけでなく、施設の介護支援の方からも、です。

Incidentally, in his later years, my father was a famous person in the nursing home -- he was "popular," to put it simply, even though he was cognitively impaired and could not speak properly not only from older people in the facility but also from the care support staff.


The father figure overlaps with "Charlie returning to the institution" in the last chapter of "Flowers for Algernon."


There is indeed a way to live a life that people continue to love, even when you have dementia and are no longer able to contribute to society, only to be taken care of by people.


I have confirmed that.







"for i, agent := range agents {" は表示するだけなら問題はないが、書き込みはできず、

" for i := range agents {
          agent := &agents[i] // この1行が滅茶苦茶重要"



i := 1000
	if i < len(agents) {  // これは構造体の数を越えていないかをチェックする
		agent := &agents[i]
		fmt.Printf("hh_id:%d idv_id:%d\n", agent.hh_id, agent.idv_id)
		fmt.Printf("Agent %d: q1=%d, q2t=%d, q31=%d, q32=%d, q33=%d, q34=%d, q41a=%d, q42a=%d, q43a=%d, q44a=%d, q45a=%d, q46a=%d, q47a=%d, q41e=%d, q42e=%d, q43e=%d, q44e=%d, q45e=%d, q46e=%d, q47e=%d, q10=%d, q13=%d, q14=%d, no_answer=%d\n",
			i, agent.q1, agent.q2t, agent.q31, agent.q32, agent.q33, agent.q34,
			agent.q41a, agent.q42a, agent.q43a, agent.q44a, agent.q45a, agent.q46a, agent.q47a,
			agent.q41e, agent.q42e, agent.q43e, agent.q44e, agent.q45e, agent.q46e, agent.q47e,
			agent.q10, agent.q13, agent.q14, agent.no_answer)

		for _, trip := range agent.trip {
			fmt.Printf("trip: {id:%d act_id:%d trip_id:%d day:%d origin:%s destination:%s ox:%.6f oy:%.6f dx:%.6f dy:%.6f m_ox:%.6f m_oy:%.6f m_dx:%.6f m_dy:%.6f dep_area:%s arr_area:%s dep_time:%s m_dep_time:%s arr_time:%s m_arr_time:%s stay_time:%.2f traffic:%s next_id:%d category:%d}\n",
				trip.id, trip.act_id, trip.trip_id, trip.day, trip.origin, trip.destination, trip.ox, trip.oy, trip.dx, trip.dy, trip.m_ox, trip.m_oy, trip.m_dx, trip.m_dy,
				trip.dep_area, trip.arr_area, trip.dep_time.Format("15:04:05"), trip.m_dep_time.Format("15:04:05"), trip.arr_time.Format("15:04:05"), trip.m_arr_time.Format("15:04:05"), trip.stay_time.Hours(), trip.traffic, trip.next_id, trip.category)




// G:\home\ebata\tomioka3B\src\others\main85.go

package main

import (

// Trip構造体の定義
type Trip struct {
	id      int
	act_id  int
	trip_id int
	day     int

// Agent構造体の定義
type Agent struct {
	hh_id     int
	idv_id    int
	trip      []Trip
	sex       int
	no_answer int

// getGenderメソッドの定義
func (a Agent) getGender() (string, error) {
	switch a.sex {
	case 1:
		return "女性", nil
	case 2:
		return "男性", nil
	case 3:
		return "その他(未回答)", nil
		return "", errors.New("invalid sex value")

func main() {
	// エージェントを5個生成
	agents := make([]Agent, 5)
	for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
		agents[i] = Agent{
			hh_id:  i + 1,
			idv_id: i + 1,
			sex:    (i % 3) + 1, // 1, 2, 3をループ
			trip: []Trip{
				{id: 1, act_id: 10, trip_id: 100 + i, day: 1},
				{id: 2, act_id: 20, trip_id: 200 + i, day: 2},

	// 各エージェントの性別とTrip情報を表示
	for i, agent := range agents {
		gender, err := agent.getGender()
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("Agent %d: Error: %v\n", i+1, err)
		} else {
			fmt.Printf("Agent %d: Gender: %s\n", i+1, gender)
		for _, trip := range agent.trip {
			fmt.Printf("\tTrip ID: %d, Act ID: %d, Trip ID: %d, Day: %d\n", trip.id, trip.act_id, trip.trip_id, trip.day)

$ go run main85.go
Agent 1: Gender: 女性
Trip ID: 1, Act ID: 10, Trip ID: 100, Day: 1
Trip ID: 2, Act ID: 20, Trip ID: 200, Day: 2
Agent 2: Gender: 男性
Trip ID: 1, Act ID: 10, Trip ID: 101, Day: 1
Trip ID: 2, Act ID: 20, Trip ID: 201, Day: 2
Agent 3: Gender: その他(未回答)
Trip ID: 1, Act ID: 10, Trip ID: 102, Day: 1
Trip ID: 2, Act ID: 20, Trip ID: 202, Day: 2
Agent 4: Gender: 女性
Trip ID: 1, Act ID: 10, Trip ID: 103, Day: 1
Trip ID: 2, Act ID: 20, Trip ID: 203, Day: 2
Agent 5: Gender: 男性
Trip ID: 1, Act ID: 10, Trip ID: 104, Day: 1
Trip ID: 2, Act ID: 20, Trip ID: 204, Day: 2

このプログラムの後ろに、Agent 4を変更するプログラムを追加したい、とする。

Agent 4は
(1)hh_idを1000, idv_idを1001, sexを2、no_answerを1
Trip ID: 123, Act ID: 456, Trip ID: 789, Day: 1
Trip ID: 321, Act ID: 654, Trip ID: 987, Day: 2


package main

import (

// Trip構造体の定義
type Trip struct {
	id      int
	act_id  int
	trip_id int
	day     int

// Agent構造体の定義
type Agent struct {
	hh_id     int
	idv_id    int
	trip      []Trip
	sex       int
	no_answer int

// getGenderメソッドの定義
func (a Agent) getGender() (string, error) {
	switch a.sex {
	case 1:
		return "女性", nil
	case 2:
		return "男性", nil
	case 3:
		return "その他(未回答)", nil
		return "", errors.New("invalid sex value")

func main() {
	// エージェントを5個生成
	agents := make([]Agent, 5)
	for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
		agents[i] = Agent{
			hh_id:  i + 1,
			idv_id: i + 1,
			sex:    (i % 3) + 1, // 1, 2, 3をループ
			trip: []Trip{
				{id: 1, act_id: 10, trip_id: 100 + i, day: 1},
				{id: 2, act_id: 20, trip_id: 200 + i, day: 2},

	// 各エージェントの性別とTrip情報を表示
	for i, agent := range agents {
		gender, err := agent.getGender()
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("Agent %d: Error: %v\n", i+1, err)
		} else {
			fmt.Printf("Agent %d: Gender: %s\n", i+1, gender)
		for _, trip := range agent.trip {
			fmt.Printf("\tTrip ID: %d, Act ID: %d, Trip ID: %d, Day: %d\n", trip.id, trip.act_id, trip.trip_id, trip.day)

	// Agent 4を変更
	agentIndex := 3
	if agentIndex < len(agents) {
		agents[agentIndex] = Agent{ // for i, agent := range agents のagentに上書きしても反映されない
			hh_id:     1000,
			idv_id:    1001,
			sex:       2,
			no_answer: 1,
			trip: []Trip{
				{id: 123, act_id: 456, trip_id: 789, day: 1},
				{id: 321, act_id: 654, trip_id: 987, day: 2},

	// 変更後のエージェント情報を表示
	fmt.Println("\nAfter modification:")
	for i, agent := range agents {
		gender, err := agent.getGender()
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("Agent %d: Error: %v\n", i+1, err)
		} else {
			fmt.Printf("Agent %d: Gender: %s\n", i+1, gender)
		fmt.Printf("Agent %d: hh_id:%d, idv_id:%d, no_answer:%d\n", i+1, agent.hh_id, agent.idv_id, agent.no_answer)
		for _, trip := range agent.trip {
			fmt.Printf("\tTrip ID: %d, Act ID: %d, Trip ID: %d, Day: %d\n", trip.id, trip.act_id, trip.trip_id, trip.day)

tomoi@DESKTOP-1QS7OI7 MSYS /g/home/ebata/tomioka3B/src/others
$ go run main85.go
Agent 1: Gender: 女性
Trip ID: 1, Act ID: 10, Trip ID: 100, Day: 1
Trip ID: 2, Act ID: 20, Trip ID: 200, Day: 2
Agent 2: Gender: 男性
Trip ID: 1, Act ID: 10, Trip ID: 101, Day: 1
Trip ID: 2, Act ID: 20, Trip ID: 201, Day: 2
Agent 3: Gender: その他(未回答)
Trip ID: 1, Act ID: 10, Trip ID: 102, Day: 1
Trip ID: 2, Act ID: 20, Trip ID: 202, Day: 2
Agent 4: Gender: 女性
Trip ID: 1, Act ID: 10, Trip ID: 103, Day: 1
Trip ID: 2, Act ID: 20, Trip ID: 203, Day: 2
Agent 5: Gender: 男性
Trip ID: 1, Act ID: 10, Trip ID: 104, Day: 1
Trip ID: 2, Act ID: 20, Trip ID: 204, Day: 2

After modification:
Agent 1: Gender: 女性
Agent 1: hh_id:1, idv_id:1, no_answer:0
Trip ID: 1, Act ID: 10, Trip ID: 100, Day: 1
Trip ID: 2, Act ID: 20, Trip ID: 200, Day: 2
Agent 2: Gender: 男性
Agent 2: hh_id:2, idv_id:2, no_answer:0
Trip ID: 1, Act ID: 10, Trip ID: 101, Day: 1
Trip ID: 2, Act ID: 20, Trip ID: 201, Day: 2
Agent 3: Gender: その他(未回答)
Agent 3: hh_id:3, idv_id:3, no_answer:0
Trip ID: 1, Act ID: 10, Trip ID: 102, Day: 1
Trip ID: 2, Act ID: 20, Trip ID: 202, Day: 2
Agent 4: Gender: 男性
Agent 4: hh_id:1000, idv_id:1001, no_answer:1
Trip ID: 123, Act ID: 456, Trip ID: 789, Day: 1
Trip ID: 321, Act ID: 654, Trip ID: 987, Day: 2
Agent 5: Gender: 男性
Agent 5: hh_id:5, idv_id:5, no_answer:0
Trip ID: 1, Act ID: 10, Trip ID: 104, Day: 1
Trip ID: 2, Act ID: 20, Trip ID: 204, Day: 2



The other day, I wrote in my diary here



"What books have you read lately?" Who is your favorite author? And what's the story behind the book? These are simple profiling techniques that we, the general public, can use.



But, honestly, some people may say, "I don't want to go through the hassle of reading.


So, by reading just one book,


(1) "Someone will get a good impression that you might be a nice person" and


(2) "You will be seen (misunderstood) as an intelligent person.


(3) "You are seen as a well-read person (misunderstood)."


(4) "The book is a world-famous book (that can be used in foreign countries)."


(5) "It is interesting (and painless) to read by yourself.



And as one that meets all of these criteria


"Flowers for Algernon"


As the one that fulfilled all these conditions.


I don't know anyone who would call this book a 'bad book,' and if there were, you would ignore them.



Flowers for Algernon" is the story of Charlie, a mentally disabled young man who undergoes an operation to increase his intelligence and becomes a genius.


As Charlie's intelligence improves, so do his relationships and self-understanding, but eventually, he reverts to his original intelligence.


The book will illustrate questions about knowledge, emotion, and human dignity throughout this process.


If you have not read the book, please read it.

ちなみに、この本の原作の題名"Flowers for Algernon"は、私が知っている英語の中で、もっとも好きなフレーズです。

Incidentally, the book's original title, "Flowers for Algernon," is the most beautiful phrase I know in English.



I had given this book as a gift to women I dated in my younger years.


Of course, the book is good, but I also had a prickly ulterior motive: to sell. "I have the sense to give away this book.


Now, I don't know if this sales pitch was successful or not.



Some of you may have noticed that I have been doing "strange" things lately.



This formulation has been something I have wanted to try since I first read the book.


With the help of ChatGPT, I was finally able to clear things up this time.