
「地球から240億キロ、ボイジャー1号システム復旧に成功 5カ月ぶりに解読可能データ受信」

「地球から240億キロ、ボイジャー1号システム復旧に成功 5カ月ぶりに解読可能データ受信」

"24 Billion Kilometers from Earth, Voyager 1 System Recovery Successful, Receives First Decipherable Data in Five Months."


Not many people may be moved to tears when they read an article called


However, I almost cried.

『9日間の忍耐』ができるエンジニア ―― これが、SLIMプロジェクトのエンジニアの皆さんと、私の決定的な差です。


"ボイジャー" ―― この一語だけで、私は、もう、思考停止してしまうのです。

"Voyager" -- this one word is enough to make me stop thinking.


■"VOYAGER - Tombstone without Date" used in "Farewell Jupiter"



■A chance encounter with the protagonist of "Cosmonaut" in "5 Centimeters per Second".


"It really must be an unimaginably lonely journey."


"Just to go on and on through the real darkness, rarely encountering even a single hydrogen atom, just with the single desire to get closer to the secrets of the world that I believe must lie in the abyss."



The response time for a "ping" to the remote host on the network is less than one second at most.


In comparison, the response time to Voyager 1 is 45 hours (162,000 seconds).


'Since there was no way to repair this chip, the team moved the stored codes to another location in the system's memory. Although they could not find a compartment to store all the codes, they could break them into sections and store each in a separate location in the flight data system.'

―― マジか!



This operation is unimaginable to bypass the capillaries of a patient's brain, 24 billion kilometers away, with his eyes closed, checking each one of its conditions every 45 hours.


Moreover, the operation was in an extreme environment with the highest level of risk. If they mistakenly cut the communication link by a few bits per second, the communication with Voyager 1 would be lost forever.

この"もの凄さ"を、どうやったら説明できるだろうか ―― 私には、到底表現しきれない"偉業"で、そして"奇跡"です。

How can I describe the "greatness" of this "feat" and "miracle" that I cannot even begin to describe?



Since I can't express in words the 'awesomeness' of these technicians, I'll hit others.


Who writes books like "How to Call UFOs," who believes in them, and who tries them?


What you believe is, of course, up to you.


But for the mind-boggling efforts and accomplishments of the engineers who managed to 'move the code in memory' and 'reboot it' in '45 hours of response time' to 'space exploration 4.5 billion kilometers away', I would like to say a few words,


"What can you tell them about what you do?"


