

先日、北海道で、不要となった大量のスプレー缶の中身を室内に放出して、それがガス給湯器を火種として大爆発を起こした ―― という事故がありました。

The other day, the accident occurred in Hokkaido, that employees in an office tries to put liquid mass of spray pan and the gas exploded hugely with a fire of a gas feed water heater.

―― なるほど、そういうことを予測できない人間がいるのか

"I see. some people cannot make the image of the accident"


I watched the TV news program with thinking deeply.


I have experimented that "I almost crashed my lodging house by the explosion of hydrogen chemical reaction.


However, I predicted the damage by the experiment before (To tell you the truth, the result was beyond my prediction)


To begin with, when I was a child, I created the following accidents,.


- boiling wax, the vaporized wax was exploded and our country house was about to fire.


- firing the liquid mass of spray can and playing with it as "flame gun".


- pitching th incinerator of my father's firm into \100 cigar lighter and measuring the height of flame.


- firing the electric wire by failing the electrolytic process experiment of salt water.


Anyway I repeated the pretty and childish play and made me terrible situations.



Thus, I would make my motto of


"Human being cannot learn anything without failing"


before I was twenty years. At the same time, I made another motto of


"I have to continue failing again and again for learning"





Anyway, everyone who read my diary, have to watch me kindly,

江端が"失敗"をし続けているのは、向学心の表れ ――

"Ebata have a strong interest in learning with continuous failing"

