I had a colleague who was a terrific engineer who would mumble, 'I wish I had something like this,' and two weeks later, he would make it and bring it to me.
(I'm sure I've told this story many times, but I couldn't find it again in my past diaries this time.)
He is one of Ebata's certified "geniuses" who always can say, "I've done it," and then show it to me.
提案し、上司に相談し、チームメンバを選出し、予算を申請し、スケジュールを立て、進捗管理して、完成して、テストして、そして、その期間の間に、膨大な金と時間が費されて、そして ―― 自分の最初の提案時の「想い」が、すっかり消えて失くなる。
I make a proposal, consult with my boss, select team members, apply for a budget, set a schedule, manage progress, complete, and test, and during that period, a great deal of money and time is spent. Then -- the "ideal" of my initial proposal is gone and lost.
I have seen many processes since I was a business person.
Still, I know how amazing "I've done it" is from the bottom of my heart.
(彼の成果を、会社の幹部殿が社外に発表を見ている姿を見て、失笑 ――というか嘲笑していましたが)。
I laughed as the executives presented his result to the public as if their results were.
What I learned from the genius is
"What I learned from the genius: "If you have time to make proposal material, do it yourself without saying."
In other words, that is that.
"If you can't make it alone, you should prepare for half of your failure."
I have insisted on "private technical skills" and spent my weekend and long holidays making things myself.
However, there are some things that cannot be done by "individual power," but I think that is something to think ribosome things cannot help where I can do it by "individual power".
That's aside.
我が国の経済状況をロジカルに考えて、結婚は難しいし、出産育児は絶望的に難しい ―― ということについては、よく理解しているつもりです。
From the viewpoint of our nation's economy, marriages are complex, and childbirth and childcare are hopeless. I know it well.
―― もはや、ロジックでは、結婚はできない
"Nobody can get married logically."
The result was my final answer from static data and numbers.
If there is something beyond the logic, it might be,
"I've done."
The ultimate weapon of "I've done" might be the last straw to make society, relatives, and the couple accept the marriage.
What kicks our back against the sense of stagnation of society or individuals is just "I've done," I think.
My wife and I have already shared the recognition of the thought.
Therefore, if my daughter says,
"I've done."
I will reply to her
"Well done!"
I have already prepared for the time.