
―― もはや、賢者も歴史から学ぶことはできないんじゃないかなぁ


"Fools learn from experience, and wises learn from history" was Bismarck's maxim, however,

―― もはや、賢者も歴史から学ぶことはできないんじゃないかなぁ

"I wonder if the wise can no longer learn from history."


I come to think so.


The two that immediately come to mind are "Corona" and "Ukraine."


Unpredictable events that are not within the scope of prediction of even so-called experts, let alone laypeople like myself, have occurred and continue to happen.

例えば ―― 『我が国は、とっとと白旗を上げて降参していれば良かった』という、太平洋戦争における米国との戦争についての私の歴史認識は、今、現在進行形で『本当にそうだったのかな?』と思わせるに至っています。

For example -- "My historical perception of the war with the United States in the Pacific War, that 'Our country should have just raised the white flag and surrendered,' is now ongoing, leading me to wonder, 'Was that the case?'"


If I were to learn from history, such questions would not arise.


(The military superpower doesn't always win, as evidenced by the U.S. in Vietnam and Afghanistan.)


The situation in Ukraine today is too different from that in Japan. Still, including that situation, I think 'the right answer cannot be derived from experience or history.


Or rather, 'Is there a right answer to begin with?'


来年あたり、この日記を読み直して、『なんで、私は、こんな抽象的かつ哲学的な語りをしてりるんだ?』 と、頭の中に疑問符が浮んぶあるだろうと思い、一応、キーワードを残しておきます。

I'll leave you with a few keywords in case you reread this diary next year and wonder, "Why am I talking in such an abstract and philosophical way?" so I will leave some keywords here in case there will be a question mark in your mind.


"The Wagner Rebellion."


"Does International Law Apply to Civil War?" (*1)


どうやら、『現時点では、国家主権を超越する主体は存在しない(*2)』―― らしいです。

"At present, no entity transcends national sovereignty" (*2).



「世界中を敵に回しても」・・・? 世界中って、米軍も?

「世界中を敵に回しても」・・・? 世界中って、みたいに?
