

ロシアは酷い国だ、中国は酷い国だ、韓国は酷い国だ、北朝鮮は酷い国だ ―― と、ニュースを見るたびに、私たちは思います。

Russia is a terrible country; China is a terrible country; South Korea is a terrible country; North Korea is a terrible country -- every time we watch the news.


But to the same extent that we think, the people of foreign countries must believe that Japan is a terrible country.


There is no such thing as "only Japan is a clean country.


I wonder if someone could do a "special "Japan is a terrible country" news program of overseas.

視聴率は取れないだろうし、炎上の嵐になることは確実なのですが ―― でも、見たい。

I know they won't get any ratings, and it's sure to be a firestorm -- but I'd like to watch it.



When I talked to my wife about this,


'Do we have to worry about public opinion outside the country?'


She said.


Japanese people living in Japan should be okay with that, as long as we think 'only Japan is a clean country.'

―― 実に清々しい

"How bracing!"


I was moved to her.
