―― 太宰や芥川の文庫本を、読みかけのようにして、リビングの床に落しておくだけ
Yesterday, I found "Shirobanba" by the late Yasushi Inoue on the shelves of the city library.
"Shirobanba," "Natsukaso Fuyutoto," and "Kita no Umi" are autobiographical novels about the author's teenage years
When I was in junior high school, I loved to read these books when classes ended on Saturday mornings, buy ingredients for my cooking at the market, cook my favorite dishes, and eat them while I read the book.
Thinking back, I feel like I lived my teen years as if I were superimposing on the main character.
I think this book made me think, "Studying may be good," "School dormitory may be good," and "If I go on to higher education, I may have fun.
I picked up "Shirobanba" and re-read the paraphrase and was surprised at its "readability.
フレーズの長さ、改行の入れかた、物語の登場人物の台詞の内容 ―― いわゆる「ラノベ」と言われているものの基本的技巧が満載で、驚きました。
The length of phrases, the way line breaks are inserted, and the content of the character's dialogue in the story -- I was surprised to find that the book is full of the basic techniques of what is called "Ranobe" (Light Novel).
I also like that the books by the late Yasushi Inoue are "non-preachy."
The stories are developed without 'ups and downs' or 'shades of gray' and are easy to read.
By the way, I recently wrote about "Mark's Mountain".
I have only one experience, a 5-day traverse of the Kita-Hotaka-Yari route, and then one experience of climbing Mt.Fuji.
Even so, I feel that the reason I decided to attempt mountaineering was that I was influenced by the late Yasushi Inoue's "Hokuheki(North Cliff)."
読書は、単なる娯楽として楽しめば十分なのですが、ティーンの頃に読んだ本は、その後の人生にも影響を与えやすい ―― のかもしれません。
It is enough to enjoy reading as a mere pastime, but the books you read as a teen are likely to impact the rest of your life -- maybe.
So, teenagers.
Perhaps teachers and parents have had the same experience I have had. Hence, they might loudly repeat, 'Read a book.'
I know it sounds annoying, but "adults are 'creatures that feel comfortable just watching a child read a book.'"
―― 太宰や芥川の文庫本を、読みかけのようにして、リビングの床に落しておくだけ
"Drop a paperback book by Dazai or Akutagawa on the living room floor as if you were to continue to read it."
で、多分、皆さんのご両親は、ご機嫌になります ―― 多分。
If so, your parents will be in a good mood -- maybe.