


Even if it is not a Japan-wide bank transfer system, a "system failure" is still a bloody good thing.


I was blue-cold just now when the domain name system on my main PC stopped working.


As a last resort, I implemented a "router reboot," which was one of the longest 40 seconds of my life.

『不調になった機械が、再起動で完全に動かなくなる』 ―― これまで、こんな修羅場に何度立ち会ってきたことか。

I can't tell you how many times I've been in the situation of "a machine that malfunctions and then completely stops working after a reboot.



This is why I try to make morbid backups, but this "backup" is also unreliable.


This is because even if the entire OS is image-copied, hardware specifications change ever-evolvingly.


My feeling is that the maximum "backup" lifetime is six months. After that, they become mere complex disk-consuming files.



What is still incomprehensible to me is the mind of the OSS developers who change the configuration of system files that have been working without problems every time they upgrade the OS version.

- /etc/resolve.confを、dhcpの設定ファイルの方に寄せる必要って何?

- What is the need to move /etc/resolve.conf to the DHCP configuration file?

- GUIで提供するなら、全部一括できるようにデザインしておいて欲しい

- If you're going to provide it as a GUI, I'd like to see it designed so that it can all be done at once.

- というか、レガシーな設定を、OSのバージョンアップする度に変更していくバカは、一体どこの誰?

Who in the world is stupid enough to change legacy settings every time the OS is upgraded?

- DockerがマルチOS対応というのは結構ウソです(使ってみれば分かります)し、OSのバージョンによっては全く動かないし。

- It's pretty much a lie that Docker is multi-OS compatible (you'll see if you try it), and some OS versions don't work at all.

- ラズパイはチップを変更されただけで、問題がボロボロ出てくるし。

- And the Raspberry PI is just a chip that's been changed, and the problems are ragged out.



I can confidently say that the threat to the system is more of a "system replacement" than a "cyber attack."


When a system is "replaced," there is a high probability that the system will fail.

あなたが、どれだけ怒号を撒き散らそうとも、動かんものは、動かん ―― コンピュータシステムとはそういうものです。

No matter how much you throw a tantrum, what doesn't work doesn't work -- that's how computer systems work.


The banking system will continue to shut down, airplanes will stop flying, concert tickets will not be available, and your medical records will disappear.


This is what a "digitalized society" is all about, and we must be prepared to live in such a society based on the premise that the system will stop working.



I live daily thinking, 'The system stops just before the deadline' and 'The system always fails after a long vacation.


This level of detail is elementary to digital systems.


Until now, it was natural disasters such as "earthquakes," "fires," "typhoons," and "floods" that dealt a blow to social infrastructure, but now the threat of "cyberattacks" and "system replacements" have been added to this list.


First, I think this must be taught in compulsory education.

あるいは、やれることはやって、それでも壊れる時には壊れるという『諦観』をするしかない、とも言えます ―― システム障害も自然災害も。
