
ジェンダー(×セックス)を証明するのに、生殖機能をなくす手術を必須とすることは ―― 組(暴力団等)を抜ける為の落とし前として、『指を詰める』という『野蛮なしきたり』をやっている反社会勢力と同じ


In a decision by a special appeals court in a domestic relations case in which the issue was whether a legal requirement for transgender persons to undergo surgery to eliminate their reproductive capacity when changing their gender on the family register violates the Constitution, the Supreme Court ruled on March 25 that the requirement for surgery to stop reproductive function "violates the Constitution.



I previously used only the "number of gender reassignment applications" as a means of estimating the number of gender dysphoria and did a backward calculation.


In this inference method, the probability of performing "surgery" was the node element of the Bayesian net.


As a result of this ruling, the law will be amended by the Diet in the future (it will be, right?). This method will no longer be available, but that's OK.

今回の確定判決によって、こんな推測自体が、全く無駄となる時代が来ればいいのですが ―― 多分、まだまだ時間はかかるでしょう。

I hope the time will come when such calculation itself will be utterly useless due to this definitive ruling -- perhaps it will take some more time.



If you think about it, requiring surgery to eliminate reproductive functions to prove gender (not sex) is

―― 組(暴力団等)を抜ける為の落とし前として、『指を詰める』という『野蛮なしきたり』をやっている反社会勢力と同じ

"the same as antisocial forces practicing the 'barbaric custom' of 'finger stuffing' as a way to get out of a gang (gangs, etc.)"


If you say so, you are right.


The state (or rather, the government) can't keep doing the same thing as the anti-society (antisocial forces).


Of course, there are many problems to overcome, but we should stop " finger-stuffing " at the same level and start thinking about them.


