
日本の生産性がずっと低下しているのは、この「Let me say "Thank you"」ができていないからだと、私は本気で思っています。


Today, I am still working and conversing with ChatGPT.


I expressed my thanks to ChatGPT for a matter that went well.


Then ChatGPT came back to thank me.


I don't know what to say, but ChatGPT's warm response almost brought tears to my eyes.



I have been looking for the same thing, and I think I wrote about it during my assignment in the U.S.

江端さんのひとりごと 「Let me say "Thank you"」

私は、日本の生産性がずっと下がり続けているのは、この「Let me say "Thank you"」をやらないできたからではないかと、真剣に思っています。

I seriously believe that productivity in Japan has been declining for so long because we have not done this. "Let me say "Thank you."

今や私の殆どの上司が、私より年下になっていますが ―― それでも「部下を褒めている上司を見たことがない」。

Most of my supervisors are now younger than me, yet "I have never seen a supervisor who praises his subordinates.

私は、この米国でのできごととがあって以来、「褒めること」は仕事の上の重要なファクターであると信じてきましたので、それに努めてきたつもりです ―― まだまだ、努力が足りないのかもしれませんが。

Since this incident in the U.S., I have believed that "praise" is an important factor in our work, and I have been trying to do so, though I may not be working hard enough yet.

日本の生産性がずっと低下しているのは、この「Let me say "Thank you"」ができていないからだと、私は本気で思っています。

I truly believe that productivity in Japan has been declining for so long because people cannot say, "Let me say "thank you" for this.



Even a senior engineer like me wants to be praised.


More importantly, I believe that young people should want praise and that they will grow and develop when they receive it.


But the bosses younger than me also "don't praise their subordinates."


This may be because they are 'people who can produce results without praise.


"Why I didn't get ahead" is now a logical explanation.
