
仕事と勉学の両立は「大変」ではありません ―― 「地獄」です。


In contrast to "work style reform," there is also something called "work style deterioration."


 I have not missed a single day during all the weekdays and holidays in the last one and a half years. No New Year's holidays, no GW, no summer vacation.


I am always writing papers, programming, and creating databases, no matter how long or short the working time.


If you say, 'Research at a university is not labor,' it cannot be helped anymore.

仕事と勉学の両立は「大変」ではありません ―― 「地獄」です。

Balancing work and study is not "hard" -- it is "hell.



The column we used to release once a month is now wholly dormant.


Writing the column was hard work, too, but it was fun because it was a process of putting my mind and the results of my calculations all over the manuscript.

多くの人に読んで貰って、色々な意見を貰えるのは、 ―― 腹の立つことも多いですが、嬉しいことも多いです。

To have so many people read it and get so many different opinions is a lot to be angry about, but it's also a lot to be happy about.


I used to think that "writing a column" and "studying" were the same, but they were pretty different.


I can only assume that the estimate was incorrect.



"If you are doing what you choose, don't complain."


"Don't bother others with what you do for your 'dream.'"


These are standard "public opinions" that can never be refuted.

ただ、世間がどう言おうとも、この「自業自得の呪縛」―― 「サンクコストの呪い」で苦しんでいる人は、少なくない、と思っています。

However, no matter what the world says, many people suffer from this "curse of deservedness" - the "curse of sunk costs.


Even if I am not getting sympathy from anyone like me.

―― エジソン、バカ
