
―― 出席はしたいが、欠席したい


Recently, farewell and welcome parties have been planned.


Recently, I have been having trouble using the excuse of 'corona disaster.'


However, quite a few people around me (at home and work) are literally 'rolling over and suffering' from coronas and flu.


With this in mind, I would like to limit my participation in "drinking parties" to remote environments only.



However, the organizer of a drinking party tells me, 'Make your attendance flag clear.


In no small part, I know what it is like because I, too, have been asked to be the organizer of such an event,

―― 出席はしたいが、欠席したい

"I would like to attend, but I would like to be absent."


The subtle subtleties of the heart are not taken into account.


Is it impossible if it would be possible to interpret "not replying" as meaning "regrettably absent.


土壇場で出席したり、欠席したりするバカに、これまで私がどれだけ腹を立ててきたか ―― それを考えると、「出欠の旗幟(きし)を明かにせよ」という指示は、支持できます。

Considering how often I have felt angry by idiots who attend or miss a meeting at the last minute. Therefore, I can support the instruction to "clarify your attendance."


However, from now on, I strongly hope that you will resolve this issue by adding, "Those who have not responded will be confirmed as absent as of midnight today. We hope this will be determined by adding, "If you have not responded, please refrain from making any further changes.



Well, I am aware that I am being very selfish.


