


Lately, every one of the PCs I use has been breaking down, and my laptop keeps malfunctioning.


I have to attend a conference this weekend, and the thought of my PC freezing up the day before or during my presentation is maddening and frightening.

そこで、次女のPCを貸して貰うことになったのですが ―― 昨晩、それも壊しかけました。

I was asked to borrow my second daughter's, and I nearly broke that last night, too.

不要なプロセスが山のように動いていて、動作が遅いので、その幾つかを停止させたら ―― パスワードを受けつけなくなりました。

Many unnecessary processes were running, and the PC was overloaded, so I stopped some of them—and they stopped accepting passwords.


The machine is the fourth Windows PC to have problems since the holidays.


This time, as before, I had to work with the screaming.


If her network password were to be disabled, it could spread to another PC belonging to the second daughter, causing enormous damage to the preparation of her graduation thesis.


From one end of the line, I happened to hit one of the other passwords as I was typing in the other passwords, which helped this time.


But I am a bad guy when I rely on such coincidences.



In the world,


'Han' of God': someone with exceptional skills and abilities who produces miraculous results in their field.


'Green hand': someone good at growing plants and can make any plant grow healthy.


I heard the persons like above, however in my case,


'Devil hand,' 'Destruction hand,' 'Death hand,' 'Curse hand.'


I think I can describe myself as the above.

自分の首さえも、締める" 手" です。

It is a hand that even tightens my neck.



I suspect that the cause of this is the 'Microsoft curse.'

Window10 Antimalware Service Executableの優先度を下げる (マイクロソフト社ってバカなの?)


Please let me know if anyone knows of any religious shrines in the country that celebrate Microsoft Co.


I now dedicate the amount the shrine orders.
