
―― "北爆"と"北伐'"って、一緒じゃね?


I am not a fan of the Three Kingdoms.


Instead, I wouldn't say I like some of the fans of Three Kingdoms.


私の場合、吉川英二先生、横山光輝さん、王欣太さん、李學仁さん、酒見賢一さんのご著書、そして、Three Kingdomsの知見しかありません。

In my case, my knowledge of the Three Kingdoms is limited to the books of Dr. Eiji Yoshikawa, Mitsuki Yokoyama, Xinta Wang, Gakujin Li, and Kenichi Sakami, and the knowledge of the video of 'Three Kingdoms.'


It is no exaggeration to say that the Three Kingdoms is a story of a violent group (the so-called yakuza) with a thorough disregard for the people, although it is a heroic lineage.

―― 落鳳坡で 劉備のフリををしたホウ統(士元)が、計算の上で命を落とすのは覚悟の上だろうけど、その部下は、訳も分からず巻き添え喰らって殺されたんだよなぁ


Of course, it is a very cynical view.


If we were to say that, a yakuza film would cease to be entertaining.



Recently, NHK seems to have released a series of content related to the 60- and 70-year security struggles.

「東大安田講堂事件 あのとき学生は何と闘ったのか」

‘The Yasuda Auditorium Incident at the University of Tokyo: what did the students fight against at that time?’

「映像の世紀バタフライエフェクト 安保闘争燃え盛った政治の季節」

‘A Century of Images, The Butterfly Effect, The Security Struggle, The Burning Political Season.’


(I think there was one more, but I lost it).


And the security struggle and the Vietnam War are inseparable.


And I thought when I was watching the program,

―― "北爆"と"北伐'"って、一緒じゃね?

‘Northern bombing’ and ‘Northern Expedition’ are the same, aren't they?'




The North bombing is a direct aerial bombing of the North Vietnamese mainland by the US Air Force during the Vietnam War.


The Northern Expedition was a military campaign conducted by Zhuge Liang of Shu during the Three Kingdoms period, in which he led the campaign against the Wei on five separate occasions.


In my opinion, both are still ‘wars of aggression against other countries’.


If a fan of Zhuge Liang heard this, they might be outraged and come to kill me in the back, though it might be a rant.



Wars against other countries are always conducted under the pretext of ‘protecting their people in other countries’ and ‘guaranteeing their security’ (at the moment, Russia and Israel are doing just that).


At the time, the US had tried and failed to reach out to various countries, not just Vietnam, on the grounds of ‘preventing the expansion of the communist bloc.’


In the Three Kingdoms period, Shu also challenged the Wei to fight five times (all unsuccessfully) on the grounds of ‘preservation of its territory.’


Today's diary states that I thought the words ‘Northern Mombing’ and ‘Northern Expedition' were similar in Japanese, and I have no further intention.
