
―― 有無を言わせないほどの圧倒的多数で、勝敗が決して欲しい

「沈黙する人工知能 ~なぜAIは米大統領選の予測に使われなかったのか」

"Silent Artificial Intelligence - Why was not AI used to predict US presidential election ?"


I'm rereading it.

―― あれから4年かぁ・・・

"It's been four years since then"


I am impressed by the speed of time, "fast".



By the way, I don't think anyone has pointed this out yet. However, I'm worried about

―― アメリカ合衆国の内戦

"Civil War in the United States"




Here's an example of a scenario.

(Step 1) 直接投票ではトランプ候補が勝利するものの、その後の郵便投票の結果でバイデン候補が逆転する。

(Step 1) Candidate Trump wins the direct ballot, but the results of the subsequent mail-in ballot upset candidate Biden.

(Step 2) トランプ候補が、大統領令で郵便投票の無効を宣言し、一方的に勝利宣言を発表。

(Step 2) Candidate Trump declares the mail-in ballot invalid by presidential decree and unilaterally issues a victory declaration.

(Step 3)最初にカリフォルニア州(民主党勢力)が独立を宣言、それを受けてテキサス州(共和党勢力)も独立を宣言。

(Step 3) California (the Democratic state) is the first to declare its independence, and Texas (the Republican state) follows suit.

(Step 4)各州が、州兵を州境に配置。各州知事が、カリフォルニア国、テキサス国への参入を表明

(Step 4) Each state places the National Guard on the border. Each state governor announces entry into the State of California or the State of Texas.

(Step 5)トランプ候補が合衆国内で国内で限定核(威力を限定的(?)にした核兵器)の使用を言及し、最悪、使用してしまう

(Step 5) Candidate Trump mentions the use of limited nuclear weapons (nuclear weapons with limited power (?)) in the United States, and in the worst case, he uses it.


So, if China and Russia back up the above two major states, it will absolutely be the last world war for humankind.



Four years ago, I couldn't even think like this.



My wish now is that I don't care who wins the presidential election, however,

―― 有無を言わせないほどの圧倒的多数で、勝敗が決して欲しい

"I'd like to see an overwhelming majority to win or lose."


That's just it.
