


I am not a politician. I am not a journalist or a judge.


I have no great ambition to right the world's wrongs.


There is not a single millimeter of ambition to reform even the internal (system).


Instead, I now prioritize the feeling of 'hassle' about the various changes.


There is a word that neatly sums up this 'hassle.'






However, when I say 'conservative,' I am not a doctrinaire pragmatist like the Islamic fundamentalists, nor am I a nationalist.


In an absolute sense, I am not a patriot either.


Instead, I would ask, 'What on earth has this country ever done for me?' (although I appreciate that we have kept the Peace Constitution and have not started a war in our country).


When I see a right-wing car with a big sign that says 'Seven Life Reports', I'm moved to say, 'What a little brain's person (x nice person)'.


I have been and will continue to be as cooperative as possible (although we do not lead the way) regarding IT-based system reforms.


I support gender diversity responses and same-sex marriage. 'I have no disadvantage even if I support them.'


The direction is also to accept individual state control using a personal number card. Because of the resignation, ' the phase of talking about individual privacy is already over.'


On the militarisation of Japan, the perception is that 'I have got away with it'. 'The next generation should think of Japan's future, and I am throwing this issue away.

まあ、こういう人間を「保守」と呼べるのかどうかは、正直よく分かりませんが ――

Well, I honestly don't know if you can call me 'conservative' or not--


My basic philosophy is "a 'conservative' who supports a slowly changing society that does not make me feel 'cumbersome.'"




■if you say, "Let's change it!" I think 'too much trouble',


■if you say, "Is this O.K.?" I would ask back, 'Isn't this enough?'


■ For 'for young people', I think it is 'irrelevant to me'.


These minded seniors move to eliminate 'those who just criticize people without achievements' or 'those who deny all previous administrations without showing a concrete vision.'

分かっていますか? 私たちのマインドは、原則として「自分ファースト」なんですよ。

Do you understand? Our mindset is "meism," as a rule.


Only "after" I have secured my bridgehead can I care for others.


As a result, even if such 'meism' decisions make everyone unhappy, including yourself, it is 'O.K. if it makes everyone unhappy.'



The political parties that lost the Tokyo gubernatorial election have published their analysis of the causes of their defeat, but I feel that they are coming to 'strange conclusions.'

協力して貰った政党を敗因にするなんて ―― 人道的かどうかをさておいても ―― 『どうかしている』と思います。

I think it's 'crazy' - humanistic or not - to blame the party cooperating with them for your defeat.


I see the cause of the defeat as 'a lack of logic that ignores quantification'.


For example, 'I think about 40% of the current metropolitan government is doing well. I think I can evaluate them. The problem is the remaining 60%. It is (1) ..... and (2) .... The problem is...'

定量的かつ論理的に情宣をしていれば、ここまで惨敗することはなかったと思うのですが ―― あなたは、私のこの分析をどう思いますか?

I don't think she would have lost so miserably if she had made a quantitative and logical statement of her sentiments. What do you think of my analysis of the cause of her and her party's defeat?
