


Many disgraced politicians are reluctant to resign or resign. Nevertheless, they are eventually driven into a corner, which often seems to be the pattern.



This result is quite symmetrical with working people in general. Working people are generally quicker in making decisions on withdrawal.



I am thinking: 'Can someone analyze this area?


I have always wondered, 'There are rarely such interesting sociological/psychological research subjects.'


I keep wondering why nobody does this quantitative analysis.


(If there are previous studies and you know of any papers on this, please let me know).



Even I, as an engineer, would like to find out quantitatively what routes (public criticism, internal strife) scandalous politicians go through and are eventually forced to resign, based on the magnitude of the problem and their office and authority, in a classified manner.


In general, disgraced politicians are subsequently subjected to a barrage of public scrutiny, including by the media and political opponents, their family members, and the public.


In other words, the longer you persist, the worse the situation becomes, where there is no possibility of even reinstatement.

これは非合理な行動です。この場合の最適戦略は、砲火が及ばない場所に逃げこむ こと、つまり「辞任」だと思います。

The above is irrational behavior. In this case, the optimal strategy would be to flee to a place out of reach of fire, i.e., 'resign.'


However, many politicians do not appear to opt for this optimal strategy.



One of the reasons is partly due to the nature of the political profession.


Being a politician is not enough of their effort and talent; there is also the dreaded and challenging process of being 'elected by the voters of your constituency by ballot,' which is decidedly different from ordinary working people.


Therefore, a resignation of responsibility will almost eliminate the possibility of reinstatement.


If they are competent and well-connected, some may be able to reign as dark generals (fixers), but they would have to be the head of a large faction of parliamentarians. The status of a prefectural governor is not enough.


Therefore, the resignation of a politician could be seen as synonymous with 'suicide' as a social status.


So, I inferred that those who have aspired to become politicians have lived a 'life of never losing.'


In other words, they have 'no experience of losing,' so they don't know or don't know 'how to lose' or 'when to pull out' (my hypothesis).

それゆえ、政治家は、最後の最後まで、粘って、粘って、粘り続ける ―― 針の穴に糸を通すような可能性に賭けて、最悪まで戦い続けるのではないか、と、私は考えています。

Therefore, I believe that politicians will continue to persist, persist, persist until the very end - to fight to the worst of their possibilities, like threading a needle in a hole.



I would also like to see an analysis of 'politicians who have run away from resignations.'

その勝因は何か ―― どのような発言をして、どのような活動をして、どのような演出をして、どのような謝罪をして、そして、誰に頼り、誰を見方につけたか、という、定性/定量分析結果に興味があります。

I am interested in the results of the qualitative/quantitative analysis of the winners - what they said, what activities they did, what they staged, what apologies they made, who they relied on, and who they took their viewpoints from.


もしも、誰もやらないなら、私が調べます―― ただ、今は忙しすぎてできませんが、上手くいけば、あと1~2年後には執筆活動に復帰できると思います。

If no one else will do it, I'll look into it - I'm just too busy to do it now, but hopefully, I can get back to writing in another year or two.


But this research is a bit "too good" to be used as fodder for my column.


I would very much like to encourage students currently at university to do research, present it at conferences, write papers, and obtain a degree.


I thought this research might be in sociology or psychology, but surprisingly, it might be more compatible with information-processing (data analysis) research.



Incidentally (and I don't get the evidence yet ), I have heard that 'there are a significant number of former politicians or former candidates who are on welfare in their later years.'


Conversely, the fact that we see celebrities turning into politicians indicates celebrities' hopeless lack of career opportunities. Of course, they have "name recognition," which makes them suitable for elections.


Nevertheless, politicians and entertainers are disadvantaged in terms of 'career change.'


Politicians may be able to behave as exercisers of power, but this seems like a risky career choice.
