
『「三体」というSFが凄い』という評判を聞いて、以前、図書館から借りて読んだことがあるのですが ―― さっぱり分かりませんでした。

『「三体」というSFが凄い』という評判を聞いて、以前、図書館から借りて読んだことがあるのですが ―― さっぱり分かりませんでした。

I had heard that the science fiction book " Three Bodies " had an excellent reputation, so I borrowed it from the library and read it before - but I had no idea what it was about.


As a first principle, I am aware of the fact that my reading comprehension is weak. I am also mindful that I am a typical sample of 'the fact that the amount of reading is not proportional to reading comprehension.'


Secondly, my reading comprehension of foreign-translated books is even weaker. One of the significant factors is a critical weakness: the names of people do not enter the mind.

例えば、ヴェラ・クレイソーン(Vera Claythorne)、フィリップ・ロンバード(Philip Lombard)(クリスティの「そして誰もいなくなった」)など、名称が人物と一致せず、何度も読み直さなければなりませんでした。これは結構な苦痛です。

Names did not match people, for example, Vera Claythorne and Philip Lombard (Christie's "And Then There Were None"), and had to be re-read many times. It was "quite a pain".


And when it came to Ye Wenjie, Wang Miao, and Luo Jie in The Three Bodies, I could not fully identify the characters and could only picture them as 'they are Chinese.'


However, I could only get an image of these 'three bodies' being called 'awesome' by many people.


The author emphasizes theories based on physics and astronomy. In particular, I am ashamed to say that I knew nothing about the 'three-body problem' (the problem of predicting the motion of three celestial bodies) in physics.

文明の存続、宇宙における生命の意義、技術と倫理などの深遠な哲学的テーマが取り扱われて、数十年から数百万年に渡る時間軸で展開される壮大なスケール ―― ということは、理解できましたが、それだけです。

I could understand that profound philosophical themes such as the survival of civilization, the significance of life in the universe, technology, and ethics are dealt with on a grand scale, unfolding over decades to millions of years—but that's all.

"読んでいて、楽しくなく、むしろ苦痛" ―― 判っています。この問題は、100%私の読解力というリテラシーに依拠します。私には、作品を批判できる資格すらないのです。

"I don't enjoy reading it, it's rather painful" - I know. This problem relies 100% on my reading literacy. I am not even qualified to criticize the work.



The NetFlix original Three Bodies is now showing.


I finally have a fuller picture of this science fiction with this film adaptation.


Well, this is 'great'. I understand that this is science fiction that the world admires.


It is surprising how easy it is to understand the characters simply by identifying them through visualization.


Visualization is the most effective way for people with low reading comprehension skills to understand complex content.


So, if you are a 'Three Bodies' failure like me, why not try paying for NetFlix for a month just to watch 'Three Bodies'? The cheapest menu (with ads) is enough.

私、映像にも本当に感動しています ―― 正直、"NetFlix映画館"なるものができたら、そっちに出かけても良い、と思えるくらい、高品質なコンテンツです。

I'm also really impressed with the visuals - honestly, the content is of such high quality that if there were a "NetFlix cinema," I'd be happy to go there.


Some people also criticize this NetFlix content due to the issue of altering the original story. Still, I was lucky this time that I 'was a low-level reader who didn't understand the original story.'



The images of the Chinese Cultural Revolution that appear at the beginning of the first episode are the most faithful recreations of the 'Cultural Revolution' that I have seen and heard so much about.


I wonder if this is being broadcast (or censored) in mainland China.


I recommend that you watch it.


今調べたら、別の「三体」のコンテンツがAmazon Primeでも出ていました。

I have just checked and found that another 'three bodies' of content is also available on Amazon Prime.


In many ways, I am under-researched.


