


I have previously described why parents feel comfortable when their children are reading.

―― 太宰や芥川の文庫本を、読みかけのようにして、リビングの床に落しておくだけ


I am one of those mediocre parents.


The reason why I think that way is because of my own experience that 'reading is painful.


Since it is painful, the illusion arises that 'people who read a lot of books are hardworking and respectable.'


And I think that illusion is entirely flooding the world quite a bit.


In fact, "reading" is a rather conveniently used measure of a person.



What books have you read lately?" Who is your favorite author? And what's the story behind the book? These are simple profiling techniques that we, ordinary people, can use.


We don't use this technique among friends or colleagues but often at first meetings, such as school or college interviews or blind dates. Because it is convenient and easy.


And, well, we adults who know such things empirically want our children to be able to give "nice and witty answers" to such questions at any time.


It is a kind of "risk management."

こういう質問に対してサラッと答えられる人を「カッコイイ」とか「安心できる」と思う人は ―― まあ、分かりませんが、少なくとも世界に一人はいます。

People who think that a person who can answer these questions smoothly is "cool" or "secure" -- well, I don't know, but there is at least one person in the world.



And one of the victims was my daughter.


The other day, my daughter told me,


"A fundamental problem exists with a father recommending "Bakemonogatari" to his elementary school daughter."



I have talked about Ishin Nishio's book several times.


I can say many things about it, such as "excessive wordplay and unique style" and "complex plot and characterization," but I like it.

「でも阿良々木君、目の前の女の子は救った方が良い」」」 ← この3つの括弧を書き込みたくて、仕方がないのです。

『世間の常識(良識)を疑い、人間の善性や悪性を、ある時は肯定し、ある時は否定する』―― そのロジックが楽しい。

I enjoy the book's logic, which "doubts the common sense of the world, affirming at times the goodness and malignancy of human nature, and at other times denying it."


The father who recommended "Bakemonogatari" to his elementary school daughter may have had a fundamental problem, but I think my daughter has developed a normal reading habit.


However, my daughter's reading field(*) has not expanded as much as I had hoped, but I think that's OK.


(*)Literature, history, non-fiction, philosophy, politics, economics, etc.
