
化け物とか幽霊とかUFOとか見えることを、科学的に客観的に実証する手法や、国家認定試験みたいものがあればいいんですが ――


Unfortunately, I can't see monsters, ghosts, or UFOs.


In other words, I “lack the ability”.


Conversely, people who see monsters, ghosts, and UFOs have “abilities.”

頭の悪いカルト宗教の教祖(特に、その人物の背後霊にインタビューするとか言っていたバカ)や、その教団の教祖の言っていることを信じる低能な信徒はさておき ―― そういうものが「見える」全ての人が、「嘘吐き」と考えるのはちょっと難しいかな、と。

Leaving aside the stupid cult leaders (especially the idiot who said he was going to interview the spirits behind them) and the low-IQ followers who believe what the cult leaders say -- it's a bit difficult to think that all people who “see” such things are “liars.”


I have also experienced things that physical phenomena cannot explain, although it was only twice. In other words, the fact that it happened twice may have occurred more than twice.


This “two times” may have been when Ebata's brain was exhausted, so it's also a bit suspicious.



I don't reject people who say they can see monsters, ghosts, or UFOs because I can't see any merit in their claims and because, whether monsters, ghosts, and UFOs exist or not, I have no particular interest in them.


In addition, there is also the incidental reason that 'it's more fun to think that monsters, ghosts and UFOs exist than to think that they don't exist'.

ただ、ロジック、物理方程式、数学優先で、過去の「オカルト(詐欺)事件」「カルト宗教団体テロ事件」を山ほど知っている私は ―― この「楽しい」に至るのが難しいのです。

However, I know a lot about past “occult (fraud) cases” and “terrorist incidents by cult religious groups” because I prioritize logic, physical equations, and mathematics, so it's difficult for me to get to this “fun” part.



We should not overlook when someone with the ability is called a liar.

化け物とか幽霊とかUFOとか見えることを、科学的に客観的に実証する手法や、国家認定試験みたいものがあればいいんですが ――

I wish there were a way to scientifically and objectively prove things like seeing monsters, ghosts, UFOs, or a national certification exam.


I considered this while watching Natsume's Book of Friends and Fullmetal Alchemist.
