
まあ、つまるところ、大人も子どもも、どっちもロクなものではない ―― と、この程度の気持ちを持っていることが肝要かと思います。


I'm not trying to scare teenagers, but when you become a working adult, your life will be like, 'There are mid-term and final exams every week or every three days.'


Well, you get used to it, but what I want you to understand here is that

―― 大人が子どもを「舐める」には、それなりに理由がある

there are good reasons why adults “Look down on” children




Children's idea of being busy is something that adults would laugh at.


The word “busy” for adults does not mean “being too busy to eat”, but rather “being too busy to remember to eat”.


An “all-nighter” for adults is not one where you can sleep during the day after it, but rather one where you “can't sleep at all until the night after the all-nighter.”


In addition, some things are troublesome for adults, such as


“having to act like you're motivated even though you're not motivated by even one millimeter, “


“having to do things even though it's obvious that you'll fail (for you),” and


“having to pretend to have respect for people you hate.”



What's even more unpleasant is that quite often, “the decision I made at the time was wrong, and the fact that someone who I dislike point me, in the end, the ‘right answer’” (about 50%).



When I talk about things like this, many teenagers might think, “I don't want to grow up,” but

――― あの“クラス”かいう、楽しくもなく、仲のよいフリをさせられ、『和』だの『仲間』だのという言葉で虚飾された閉鎖空間の日々に比べれば、

compared to the days of that “classroom,” where you had to pretend to be close friends and where the words “harmony” and “friendship” were used to cover up the closed-off space where there was no fun,


I can say with certainty that “the adult world is paradise.”

―― 大人は自由だ。大人は楽しい。大人はパラダイスだ


Also, the final trump card for adults is that they can escape.


Children can also “escape” but don't know how because adults don't teach them how to escape.



Adults “look down on” children, but they also “forget the hell” of their childhood.


I hate “adults who look down on children,” and I also hate children who shout out obvious things like “adults don't understand.”

まあ、つまるところ、大人も子どもも、どっちもロクなものではない ―― と、この程度の気持ちを持っていることが肝要かと思います。

Ultimately, I think it's essential to have a feeling like this: adults and children are no good.
