


'Work can easily lead to (1) power harassment if you are the person doing the following”, and (2) depression if you are The person being followed.


I have examined the above hypothesis (it is a thought experiment).


1. フォローする側に立った場合のパワハラ発生リスク

1. Risk of power harassment occurring when you are the person doing the following


Due to the weight of their responsibilities, managers, and leaders tend to give their subordinates more instructions, and the risk of power harassment increases due to the following factors.


(a) Accumulation of stress: It can quickly develop into harsh words and actions due to pressure.


(b) Abuse of hierarchical relationships: excessive monitoring and orders can be a form of pressure.


(c) Excessive projection of expectations: Unreasonable demands deprive people of their mental space and are considered power harassment.

2. フォローされる側のうつ発症リスク

2. Risk of depression when you are The person being followed.


Subordinates and junior staff are in a position to receive guidance, and the risk of depression increases due to the following factors.


(a) Decrease in self-efficacy: one's intentions and judgments are not respected, which can be mentally draining.


(b) Fear of failure: Excessive anxiety due to fear of failure.


(c) Decrease in self-evaluation: Feeling like “someone who needs support,” you fall into a state of helplessness.



In other words, work is simultaneously a “power harassment generator” and a “depression generator.”

何が悪いのか ―― 全て『仕事』が悪い

What's wrong? - It's all "works" that's wrong.


However, this conclusion is too simplistic.



I'll think about it a little more deeply.


We all are “The person being followed” and ”the person doing the following.”


For example, I am both “someone who is made to work until they become depressed as a worker” and “someone who commits power harassment as a guardian who educates their child.”


In other words, rather than “work” being the cause, “we” are the “power harassment generator” and, at the same time, the “depression generator”.


And many people are not aware that they have these two personas. In particular, they are surprisingly unaware that they have the “power harassment” persona.




When I asked ChatGPT for advice, it said the following.


'To be aware of whether you are “committing power harassment” or “suffering from depression,” it is essential to monitor your emotions and stress, to accept feedback, and to seek support from professionals. You need to be constantly aware of the impact of your actions on those around you and make a conscious effort to notice any problems at an early stage.


Yes, it means 'work hard on your own'. I know very well that this is not good.


To begin with, power harassment is carried out without awareness, and depression is a typical “disease of denial(*).”


(*) “Never admit that you have depression.”


So next, I pointed out to ChatGPT that “your suggestions are completely ineffective against unconscious power harassment and depression that is denied,” and the following response came back.


'Because power harassment and depression are issues of self-awareness and denial, measures that rely solely on the individual's self-awareness are insufficient. Systematized feedback and evaluation throughout the organization, third-party intervention, early intervention programs, and improvements to the workplace environment are realistic and practical approaches to dealing with these issues.


I see.


When I pushed ChatGPT logically, I was a little weirdly impressed that ChatGPT also used the wording you would expect from a politician.
